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What Are the Little Things That Matter the Most To You In Your LDR?

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    What Are the Little Things That Matter the Most To You In Your LDR?

    I was just wondering what things mean the most to you in your LDR.

    For me, it's saying good night to each other. Even on nights when he doesn't get home until after I'm asleep he sends me a good night message with a good night kiss. I love this. It's even better when (most of the time except for one night a week) we get to spend a few minutes talking before we both go to bed. It really makes me feel closer to each other.

    We also have 'date nights' where we watch a TV show together on demand, or one that is on in both of our time zones. I imagine him laying there with me while we talk about what we're watching. I love it.

    I know some of you guys send monthly love letters, which I would love to do but I don't feel like my relationship is quite there yet, so I'm wondering what are the little things that give you guys the strength to keep going down this road and mean the most to you?

    Saying good night is a big one for me too. Usually we do a phone call, but even if we can't the first person to go to bed always texts the other to say good night.

    It means a lot to me (and I think to him as well) that we occasionally send a text purely to say we were thinking of them.

    Weekly skype calls are also important, because it's a HUGE lift for our spirits to see the other person's face. When one of his misses a scheduled skype call by accident, the other person is PISSED.

    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
    -- Anonymous


      every time he says he loves me, sometimes its just quick and i tell him i love him too, and we tell each other every time we talk and so it may not seem like i see it as a huge thing but i so do, those 3 little words mean so much to me. Being there for all the important dates, like birthdays and anniversaries and valentines day those are important to me, i just like that he always fits time even with our time dif and everything he's never missed a date. thats means alot. I just love him just being there, i wish he was in better reach, that i could have and talk to him whenever i want but im grateful that i get any of him.
      I love you Nathan <3
      5/25/09 <3


        Saying goodmorning and goodnight has always been something we've done even before going long distance, but lately it has dwindled with the onset of the 6 hour time difference and's hard not being able to talk as much. Communication in general is the most important thing to our relationship, and a lack of it is testing my patience and straining my nerves. I've always loved my nicknames as well, but recently I've seen less of them come across the screen. He used to do so many little things- notes, CDs, thoughtful I think we're just comfortable with each other, possibly even into the "tolerant" phase. :/ Keep up the little things...if they came back now I'd be overjoyed.


          Love letters- I think it;s around 2 every month, though we haven't exchanged any recently as I am visiting in just over a week. we always say goodnight and good morning, even if we can't skype, we'll send a pm on facebook to each other. I love waking up and logging in and seeing I have a message from him Also, the days were we just sit on skype, not talking, but doing our own thing, we used to do that when we were CD, it's nice we can still do that and be comfortable just "being". I will look up and catch his eye for a second and he'll give me a cute smile, then we go back to what we were doing

          <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
          <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
          The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
          <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
          <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
          Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
          Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


            defiantly saying good night every night, it doesnt feel right if we dont do that every night because its like going to bed with one another and saying your good nights communication being able to talk to each other everyday, little notes on facebook walls, ect


              XD i think its cute that he messages me during lectures (slacker lmao)
              and i love how he always gives me an escape root from conversation, and he thinks of me enough to send nice messages at random; i love how he's always there to help me get over myself, and just that he'll take the time to sit there and joke with such a lame, prudish, emo-at-heart kind of girl when he has a life he could be enjoying makes me so happy he makes me smile, effortlessly, flawlessly, guaranteed
              he's such a sweetheart


                Love letters, Skype talks and mushy comments on Facebook. I really like those things.

