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I know your not a doctor but...

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    I know your not a doctor but...

    I need some opinions...

    Ok, so starting yesterday afternoon, I started getting a weird pain in the lower of my middle stomach. The pain lasts for like a few seconds (very fast) and it comes every 15 or 20 minutes. What could it be? Its not constipation. Its not gas. Im on birthcontrol and my period is due April 13th. I just had my period.

    appendix? Press in slightly and then let go, if it hurts more when you press in then it might be that. Usually those pains progress from your right side to right below your belly button, though. Is it more on the right or on the left?


      It is in the middle of my stomach, tad bit to the left. Near my pubic area.


        okay, I'm really not sure then. =/ sorry.


          I know you don't think it is gas, but it still could be... you don't have to be bloated to have gas pains. You could also have hard stool trying to get around a corner down there. You said the pain last for just a short while, but how else would you describe it? Is it sharp? Dull? Burning? Throbbing? etc...

          Also, does it hurt when you press there?

          I don't think it is your appendix because the pain is located too low near your pubic area. Edit... actually I just reread your post and it actually can't be appendicitis because the pain would be located on the right side not the left anyway.

          Ovarian cysts may also cause pain in that area.

          I am a registered nurse, so I do have some medical knowledge.
          Last edited by Michelle; March 26, 2010, 09:35 PM.
          Read my LDR story!


            I was going to say that it could be an ovarian cyst also. Maybe a hernia? A hernia pain is usually around your belly could also maybe be a kidney or bladder infection?! Does it burn or hurt when you go pee? that would be a sign of kidney or bladder infection


              I would take a pregnancy test anyway, just to push that possibility out of the way, even though it would be an exceedingly small chance. My friend had pain like that when she got pregnant and she had periods right through her pregnancy :S


                I'd go UTI...then cysts of the opinions offered here. Either way... unless its burning when you pee, you need to see a dr to be sure. will need a dr anyways, since the quick and easy way to get rid of a UTI is antibiotics. Call your doctor ASAP. your health is nothing to put off (and I HATE going to a dr...!)
                Hope you feel better soon.


                  I had an ovarian cyst once. It was years and years ago and since then I have never experienced pain like that everrr!!! Whatever it is I hope you feel better SOOOOON!!


                    The pain is sharp. It doesn't burn when I pee. How could it be gas if I had a bowel movement earlier? Sorry if I'm giving out too much info!


                      Gas is always present in your intestines. Gas pains are very sharp and from working in the hospital I can confidently say that gas pains can be very very painful and are one of the worst pains.

                      But anyway, that may not be what is causing your pain.

                      I don't think it is a UTI because of where it is located. Also, your urine would be cloudy and have a bad odor.

                      Press down on the area where you have been feeling pain and feel around. Does it hurt when you do that? That may indicate hard stool in your intestine working it's way down.

                      I agree that a hernia may be the cause. There are just so many causes for abdominal pain that you can never know. If it doesn't go away in a day or so or gets worse, I would make a trip to the dr.
                      Last edited by Michelle; March 26, 2010, 11:40 PM.
                      Read my LDR story!


                        Sometimes the GI system can be tricky, you should check it out!

