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has your SO?

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    has your SO?

    Has your So met your parents? If so how'd it go he meets mine tomorrow and I'm extremely nervous... :/

    He hasn't met them yet, but I'm sure he will soon.

    Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure it'll go over just fine!


      My SO stayed with us for 3 months. I picked him up from the airport and brought him home. Mom, Dad this is Steve. Steve this is my mom and Dad. My SO is a very friendly person and he chit chatted away. They loved him! Which was a relief since he was staying with us so long. I was more worried about my Dad making a bad impression, he can stay really stupid stuff at times. I gave him a whole list of things he wasn't allowed to bring up.

      When I met my SOs parents it was when I wasn't sure if we were even official yet. He invited me for dinner with them. I was so nervous but they were very nice to me and that helped. His mom was a little tipsy when we said goodbye and gave me a great big hug which was a nice surprise.


        Thank you woo I sure hope so scared they wont like him Not that it would be a difference if they didnt i'd still be with him and love him would just make travel arrangements harder...


          My SO met my mom long before we started our relationship.... 14 years before we started our relationship! My mom and his mom are best friends. So, this makes it sort of awkward at times, but at the same time really cool because we never had to go through the whole uncomfortable meeting of the parents since we had known the parents all along.

          I am sure if your SO makes you happy and is respectful towards your family, your parents will see that and they will enjoy him just because you enjoy him so much.


            :winces: He's not going to be doing that for a LONG time. @_@ (For all those who read the thread about my slightly crazy old fashioned parents, you know what I mean)


              My boyfriend met her the first time he met me in person :P. My mom loved him and instantly accepted him xD. I met his grandma 3 months later. She's always there for me and I always joke she loves me more because she feeds me before she feeds him (in reality, he eats more, so my food is done first :P). I know she can tell there's something off about me though >.>...<.<...>.>... His dad loves me, his mom is also wary xD.

              Just remind him your parents aren't (probably) evil. I mean, they raised you. Tell him to thank them for that :P. Just tell him to be cute xD.


                As of right now no we have not met each others parents but in my defense we do live 900+ miles away from each other. He will probably met my mother first because of his job. He is a truck driver and drives through there ever so often. I will say that they have talked on the phone and it went well and she said that she likes him so that is a plus. Good Luck and don't worry about it. If it is meant to happen and go well it will.


                  He met my mom and steodad the night he asked me to be his gf. My mom sat him down and had a talk about how he needs to watch over me and be good to me..typical parent stuff. My stepdad was ok but he still doesn't like him. Idk why. He met my dad and stepmom like a month later. My dad really likes him and always asks about him. My stepmom likes him but she seems kinda iffy sometimes. Idk. Just depends what your parents expect. Just don't show too much pda..makes parents uncomfortable if they don't know him well yet.


                    He met my mom in october, when she visited me in germany. she and my brother. she really liked him, he was a little nervous, but i wanst. i wasnt nervous before meeting his mom either, it all seemed
                    'just right" you know? he caused a good impression and my mom adores him! but we did have some problems with my father almost hitting me in front of my so when he finally got to meet him in person when he went to brazil for 2 weeks to stay with me while i was there.

                    i am bipolar. i was in a crises. crying. my father said i was faking it and just wanted to make a huge show. i got even more hurt and cried even more so i ran to my car to hide. my so went with me. my father went running after me to the car with an insane look on his face like he would punch the living daylights out of my face. i panicked and could not lock the car. he forced the door open while i tried to keep it close, really scared. he made me loose almost a whole fingernail with that. i looked at the fingernail hanging on my finger, and the blood, and i passed out, and hit my head on the floor. when i came back to my senses, i was out of control, shaking and crying. my so drove me back to my house (my mom and dad are divorced, we had settled this "family lunch" and it ended up going like that.
                    I havent talked to my father since. he is sick and can die anytime. but if he doesnt ask for me to forgive him, i will never talk to him again. and i dont think he will ask. the b@astard still thinks i was the wrong one in the situation...

                    well, he doesnt give me one cent, my mom is the one that gives me money. he is the man that didnt get to send me a card and give to my mom to give to me, when she knew she would get in germany on the day of my birthday last year. wouldnt need to send by the post, just give to her! and i sent his card weeks before his birthday to be sure it would get there in time! and called on the day of the birthday! he neither called nor wrote anything, not even in a napkin.

                    but if you dont have a lunatic for a father like i do, i think everything will be ok. and my mom still loves my so. and he didnt judge me for my insane father. instead, he took care of me and helped me. <3
                    our story.


                    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                      Mine actually met my mom first when him and I met face to face to pick him up at the Airport...I was a wreck because I was so worried about how it would go. But my dad and step mom talked to him on the phone a couple times before he came up to see me for the first time and liked him then. But my mom liked him then and still likes him now. My dad and step mom met him the next day. My parents are divorced so that explains that issue there. But my parents love him thank goodness so there is no drama dealing with that. I'm so thankful for that! But try to not worry too much about it I'm sure it'll be okay. If he has manners and shows a lot respect towards them that should definitely help. Some men don't unfortunately this day and age.


                        he hasn't met my parents yet but they talked on the phone. as a matter of fact, he calls them more often than he calls me... my SO is a friendly witty chatter and he clicked with my dad who is also a good conversationalist. it's nice when parents and our SO's are fine with each other.

                        i am sure your SO's meeting with your parents would be awesome.


                          He's met my parents and godparents over skype. My dad likes him and seems to trust him enough. My mum will only talk to him if she absolutely has to and even then, doesn't have much to say to him anyway. She and I don't have the greatest relationship. My godpa will get more comfortable with him after a few more rounds of interrogation (he's had one so far).

                          I met his parents when I visited him last December. I was very nervous then, but everything turned out to be okay and they were very very sweet to me. (:

                          All the best for tomorrow!


                            I don't live with my parents any more and I'm actually seeing them a lot less than I see my boyfriend. So it wasn't practical and I didn't see the need for them to meet for quite a long time. They finally met in February this year, for my grandpa's birthday.
                            And not only did my boyfriend meet my mum, but our mums also met. They were around only for two days and I was sort of nervous because between our families there's not only the cultural differences but also a massive language barrier. I was scared that it'd get awkward because no one would be able to understand what the other one's trying to say, but it went really smoothly.
                            We had a lot of fun together (my mum, his mum and us) and even though there were a lot of "tell her that"'s and "ask her if"s, communication wasn't half as difficult as I had expected. I had totally underestimated our mums' flexibility.[COLOR="Silver"]
                            Last edited by Dziubka; May 27, 2011, 05:45 AM. Reason: typo

                            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                              My SO met my mum the first time he visited. Due to the language difference, they unfortunately can't really get to know each other, but my mum likes him, because she can see he makes me happy.
                              My father met my SO after we've been dating for a few months. My father is okay with him, but still seems disappointed that I'm dating a Japanese guy and not a Danish guy, but I don't have much contact with my father anyway, so it's okay.

                              ---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

                              My SO met my mum the first time he visited. Due to the language difference, they unfortunately can't really get to know each other, but my mum likes him, because she can see he makes me happy.
                              My father met my SO after we've been dating for a few months. My father is okay with him, but still seems disappointed that I'm dating a Japanese guy and not a Danish guy, but I don't have much contact with my father anyway, so it's okay.

