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why cant i catch a break?!?

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    why cant i catch a break?!?

    unfucking believable!!!!!

    im sure everyone must be sick of my posts.. but i feel that drama never leaves my side!! i just want to be left alone to live my life without this landmines in my way.
    Im finally getting over the face that my mother wants to skype my SO for somereason.. ive decided to let it be. she must be concerened, i know she is actually. her baby is moving on with her life and taking on Japan too. Today I quit my job. this was really tough because my father is a partner here at the firm. he knows i want to leave.. and actually telling them my decision wasnt so difficult because we both knew what the answer was.

    NOW the drama resumes.... my BEST friend calls me ( she happens to be engaged to my SO's brother) and tells me she needs to tell me someothing important now that she knew my decsision to leave. she says that people have been telling her that my SO may not want me to go down there. and that he needs his own space. OK heres the thing.. the "people" are his coniving mother & sister. Two of the most twisted woman out there. His sister is not only trying to fuck up our relationship but has tried to ruin my best friends relationsjhip in the past also. SO the things his sister said were 'i know my brother and i know he needs to spend time alone and they need to be apart. shes a good perosn but he needs to be on his own for a while." this did not come fromhis mouth apparently.. just hers.

    so heres the thing.. i talk to my SO every single day. infact twice a day, since hes been gone. i know for a fact he speaks to me more than anyone. he knows i want to come down and knows the risks im taking to do it. i have had nothing but tough love and support from him. he wants me to be 100% about this. everyday he tells me how much hes so in love with me and cant wait for me to be there. hes even trying to find me jobs. Once ive asked him if going down there would be reigning on his parade. He said that was impossible because he would still do the things he needs to do and want to do whether im there or not. being there would be the greatest thing in the world to him. to be in a country he loves and to be with the woman he loves.

    i dont know how to feel. i feel fucking angry about hearing this.. im angry that people would say this. Could this be true? could he really feel this way and not have the heart to tell me? I am putting my entire life on the line to go there. money, my job, my life and he knows this.. and would be to afraid to admit not wanting me there?? i dont think so i.. i truthfully dont think so.. i think this is work of his evil mother and sister..

    please... LFAD'ers.. please tell me what you feel because my brain needs a god damn break.

    ouchhhh.....i so much hate the sister and the mother thing,,,,same went on my side too,cz his sis used 2 always tell him dats its nt the time yet and he listened,,and at last my SO took a step back after 3 f**** years,,,,but dats only becoz he is a weak person,,,doesnt mean urs is too,,,just dont listen to some things which other ppl have 2 say,,,u have ur SO's full support then why worry dear????? just be strong and have a serious talk with him again...i am sure he wants u 2 b there and nothing can stop you if u have his full support ......and dont let some crappy ppl come in ur way,,,,


      I think you need to confront your SO about this. Say "I've been hearing crazy things through the grapevine and I need to know if any of it is valid before I move" If he says "no that's ridiculous" awesome, make your move. You have to trust in your SO and that's the bottom line. Whatever he says, you must take as the truth.


        I agree with lucybelle. You have to be able to trust your SO. If he's saying that he totally 100% wants you there, I would take it as the truth. Talk to him about what's going on, though. Make to let him know that you're saying not because you have doubts, but because the things you're hearing concern you. Make sure you emphasize how much you want to be there and how much you trust. Also, try not to make it sound like you're attacking his mother and sister. I wish you the best of luck as you talk to your SO about this.
        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

        Met: August 22, 2010
        Made it official: September 17, 2010
        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
        Got married: November 21, 2012
        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


          I'm just going to say one thing - be very, very careful when handling the family negotiations. No matter what you think, if you get married you ARE marrying into the family, and his family's insanity will become partially your problem, unless you agree and carry-through as a team a complete breakoff from the toxic people. Tread carefully in regards to that.

          I would calmly explain to your friend that his toxic family members are spreading erroneous information, thank her for her concern, and then go on with what you think is best. The crazy cannot be stopped, unfortunately, all you can do is damage control.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            What lucybelle said. Don't believe anyone else more than you do your SO, especially if you know they have been trying to sabotage your relationship.
            Btw I think it's cute that your best friend is with your SO's brother.


              i actually spoke with him this morning.. ididnt do it in a confrontational way.. i just kindly reminded him what im leaving behind here and that i will be there in 2 months. He had nothing but supportive words for me and told me he cant wait for me to be there. so.. now i know that his sister and mother ARE infact trying to sabotage our relationship.. how evil.

              But yes- it makes both of our relationships very fun that all of us are really close!

