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Arguments with your SOs

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    I'm not sure actually. We've not had a proper argument yet. The closest that I remember us being was one evening, we couldn't agree over something that was important to me. I said the conversation was upsetting me, and he said he wouldn't be able to sleep knowing I was upset. So we decided to calm down, stop right there and discuss it the next day.

    I'm not really sure how a fight with him would look like. He doesn't argue, he sulks.

    I think though, if it's a minor thing, make a break and then just continue with your communication routine as if nothing happened. If he acts sulky and brings it up again, apologise and say you'd like to put it behind you now.
    If it's something bigger, make a break and leave it rest until the next day. It isn't easy going to sleep like that, but I'd honestly rather that than have him say, it's OK, when in reality it isn't. Chances are, during the break both of you will have thought about this with a relatively cool head and be more ready for compromise when you bring it up again.

    Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


      Me and my SO dont generally argue as such, we prefer to call them disagreements XD We dont go shouting at eachother, we talk it out and let our feelings on the subject out and get points accross and the max. we stop talking has to be about 10mins just for one of us to calm a little. But we dont really get that angry at eachother >.<


        we've never actually had a fight fight, were we are yelling or having a huge issue. All our big issues were not fights just hard obsticals that we talked through it. When we are frustrated for example me if im upset or if something bothering me i usually tell him bye and just get off right away, and he always knows when im upset cause he will write me, or at times call me if he's worried. For him hes more quiet when something bothering him, and usually won't come on till he's ready or go off too, one downfall of LDR's not being there when somethings wrong. So were pretty good in this department cause we always talk it through in the end, we don't like fighting, lol
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3


          I'm very stubborn so find it hard apologizing! Can't say we've had an argument, possibly a disagreement but not a full blown argument. If I do get annoyed or whatever he just gives me time. And he's one of these men who don't do arguing or disagreements.
          Everytime I See You, I Get Lost In Your Eyes. When You Hold Me I Get Butterflies. When We're Apart All I Think Of Is You.. <3


            Luckily, he texted me right before I went to work, which I'm thankful, because I was a wreck. And being a wreck at work for six hours and trying to fake a smile wasn't going to cut it for me. I didn't really get to talk, since I told him I worked until 11pm my time, and 1am his time, so we just hashed it out today. He's been super stressed and took one of my comments the wrong way and just shut himself off to me by being short. Not that astrological signs have anything much to do with it if you don't believe, but we're both Leos, so we're stubborn, I guess i have to get use to it, lol.
            BEST FRIENDS SINCE: 10/03/2012
            FIRST MEET: 02/10/2016 to 02/15/2016
            SECOND VISIT: 03/30/2016


              We discuss our differences then find ways to solve them. We both make up at the same time.


                The longest we went was a full day without talking. Guh. I'm usually the one to break and apologize.

