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When you are upset..

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    When you are upset..

    When you are upset about something, or feeling sad.. angry.. whatever the emotion may be, and it has to do with life's stresses or conflicts with other people, etc. do you go to your SO for emotional support? Or do you leave them out of it and go to friends/family?

    I talk to my SO for most things when I need emotional support. There are a few things I prefer to discuss with my best friends but my SO is also one of them & he's always been around to listen.


      I talk to my SO about it. He's said he'd rather know when I'm having a bad day, and he can always tell when I don't outright tell him. He wants to be able to be there for me and listen to whatever's bugging me. Lovely, lovely boy

      Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

      Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
      Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


        I used to not go to my SO. I would usually go to my mom or my best friend. I have gradually moved to going to my boyfriend for most kinds of emotional support now. He's a great listener and he knows when just to listen and knows when to give advice.


          Whenever I am upset I talk to my SO, my mom, and my best friend. I like to get all my stress and emotions out of me instead of keeping it bundled up inside.


            If I tell anyone at all, it's my best girl friend or my SO. The only things I don't tell my SO are the insecurities surrounding things directly related to our relationship, if it's not important(like if I'm stressing out over fruitlessly trying to get in a visit-telling him and then breaking the idea would just hurt him, and he WAS very broken up last time I did this). Best friend gets almost everything


              I sadly always vent to my SO, my poor Nathan is always supportive and there for me when i need him. Today was stressful for me, and i vented a bit to him, he's my comfort i guess its kind of selfish, but he never tells me im being to much, just another reason i love him so much, he's so strong and supportive.
              I don't go to friends, and i very rarely go to my family when somethings bugging me, very rare.
              I love you Nathan <3
              5/25/09 <3


                In moments like that i go to my so . Because i have a best friend but at this moment its like shes not there for me . Either way she doesn't understand my LDR . Its hard to have someone understand me . Thats why iam glad iam here . At this time iam making a choice of closing distance . And shes said is why leave my friends and family . In a case like this what would anyone say about it . It just makes me think more .


                  I actually tend to keep things to myself. Distract myself. It is not a healthy way of dealing but it is what I tend to do. But other than that I guess I would go to my SO, or my mum.
                  Last edited by BoogleBee; June 2, 2011, 02:03 AM.


                    I like to give him my support but he likes to keep things to himself. He supports me though. I'm trying to get him to open up more. Although I tend to be a private person myself.


                      I usually always talk to my SO about things. Unless it is about him :P Occasionally he is not too helpful so then I go to my friends.


                        I usually just cry, but I do tell my SO about it when she's online and when we're actually able to talk through Skype. I also go to my mom.


                          It kindof depends what it's about. Usually I just won't go to anybody.


                            Usually my boyfriend, he's a good listener and gives great advice. If it's regarding my daughter though, I go to my mom. I'm not generally the type who needs to talk about stuff that often, mostly our usual chat at night puts me in a better mood anyway.
                            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                              If it's just a bad day, I normally just write it off at the end of the day. Things like that come and go, I prefer not to dwell on it. Also talking to him instantly makes me feel better, so I forget all about a bad day before I even mention it.
                              If it's something serious that upset me, I usually have two phases I go through. First I need to vent, which I usually do to my best friend. Then when I calm down, I may need advice, and I turn to him.
                              He's more comfortable about sharing than me. But it's a process, and as time goes by, I'm getting better at it.

                              Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs

