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Face to face

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    Face to face

    Just thought I would share a little something from my blog. My boyfriend and I met online... and this is how we met for the very first time.

    July, 2009

    Face to face

    We waited impatiently not knowing what to expect. My mother, grandmother, and I explored the station... we were in the 1960s. The building was full of old pictures, nic-nacks, and antiques. Though, it had a very cozy and homey feel to it. I walked outside to look at the tracks: hoping for a train to come by. All I could think about was how I would react when we would come face to face for the very first time. I didn't want to run around like a crazy women and jump on top of you. I just wanted the moment to be perfect, you know? We sat on the bench for hours only to find out that the train was delayed for some time. I hoped that you were okay.

    A few hours later...

    To pass the time and to keep my mind off of what was to come I found some cards inside. We played goldfish, war, and poker. I also bought some snacks because my tummy was growling, oh yes. A root bear soda (my favorite soda) and Chex Mix were enough to fill me up for the day.

    Time continued to go on...

    I walked back outside and continued to wait. Their were a few people waiting for the train as well... college students, tourists, a mother and her son, and a very sketchy unmannered man. He made sure of it as he belched. It had to be the most vile burp I ever heard in my life.

    Hours, minutes, seconds...

    And then it came. From a distance I could see the headlights of the train. It came closer. My heart began to beat uncontrollably. What if I'm not what he expects me to be? And closer... at that point I wanted to run and hide behind the bench. I hate being shy. The train came to a complete stop, and there he was. Literally right in front of me. I could see him through the window. I hoped that he didn't see me. People were boarding off of the train and I knew that this was it. I had to man up and stop being a coward. This is the man of my dreams.

    He came off the train with numerous suit cases. I couldn't help but laugh at how much stuff he had brought with him. Of course my mother had to make a comment. "Is he moving in?"

    At that point I didn't really know what to do or say. I was lost for words so I just hugged him.

    We walked to the car and put his luggage in the back. Then we sat next to each other for the very first time as my grandmother drove us home. He took my hand. I felt so nervous.. and he just kept making me even more nervous.
    I tried to look away from him or talk about something else but it didn't really work ( Again, I hate being shy).

    Then that moment came. I knew what he wanted to do. Oh man.. was I nervous. He leaned toward me, and like a magnet I locked on to his lips.

    We kissed for the very first time.

    awwww. Great, now I'm sitting here with a giant goofy grin on my face!!
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Very cute; reminds me of when I met the man of my dreams after meeting him online, too. He didn't come by train, but I met him in a parking lot & I was the one arriving.

      I'm very happy for you!


        awww this is so cute!




            very sweet!


              AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW soooooo cute!!! iv actually imagend this happening with me and robert but him at the so cute!! so happy you guys meet too sounds so romantic ;-;


                Yeah we really have a lot of romance in our relationship. hehe


                  awww i like that!! i'm sending my girl the key to my apartment so when she does come over while im asleep she can come right in, i know i'll be nervous as hell for the first kiss!


                    how sweet!!!

