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    so....he told me his mother passed away. we've been on sort of a "Break"

    but what he doesn't I've sorta facebook creeped on his family.
    i know its horrible..but i was just bored..and curious.

    his mom is still posting facebook stuff...saying that she's feeling better...etc.

    I feel bad...for facebook creeping..for letting myself get that low.
    but....i'm mad...that he would lie to me..and tell me he needs time to "gather" himself.

    what should I do?

    Wait, so he lied about his MOM dying? O_o


      well he had told me his mom wasn't doing "good"
      and then I finally sent him a text asking him about something when he replied with "my mom passed"
      maybe I assumed the wrong thing?......but yeah.....i have no idea what to do...should I confront him? or


        Is english his native language? if not he could of meant what she had passed, but didn't know how to word it, but he still should have explained it better to you so shame on him. If english is his native language then shame on him for lying to you and he's someone you should cut all ties with because if he lies about that what else has he lied about or could lie about in the future.

        Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


          WOW. I hope you get answers soon...but that is a horrible thing to lie about.
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            yeah. me too..
            I want to ask him about it. but then I feel bad about "creeping" on his families facebook. -__-
            unless something else is going on...bleh. i hate not knowing what to do...


              In my opinion you need to demand answers NOW - this is a despicable thing to lie about, if he is indeed lying. And you need to know the truth asap so you can seriously consider if you can stay in a relationship with a man who is capable of such horrendous lies if it turns out to be true that he's lied. Forget about the time he needs to 'gather' himself, I'd get in touch. You can pass "creeping" on his family's facebook as concern.


                That is pretty major, if he is in fact a native English speaker and knew what he was saying. I would think you have to ask him about this. Even if you feel badly, that is a huge huge thing, and you have to understand what is going on, and if he lied about the situation, you need to know for sure.


                  OMG, thats terrible, He lied about his mom passing. I would be furious. Thats wrong, you deff. should demand answers.


                    the thing is. I know for a fact he may or may not answer me back.
                    it really feels like he ignores me sometimes.
                    i sent him a text asking him "are we done?...I need to know what you want to do"
                    he replied back with "no we're not done...i just need to gather myself..and that he loved me so much"
                    i know he won't answer my call.
                    but i can't stop thinking about what ifs.
                    I really thought I could see myself with him for the rest of my life...but after the "creeping" incident. i dont know anymore.


                      Seriously, think about it, you're on a break, and he lied about his Mom being dead. I'm very sorry to say it, but honestly, I think you should consider that break as a permanent one.
                      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                        thanks for the advice :]
                        i just need to sit down and think about it.
                        i'll let you guys know what I do.


                          Red flag 1: he told you something traumatic via text message. Red flag 2: instead of going to you for help and support, he wanted to withdraw and "take a break." Red flag 3, 4, 5, and 6: he LIED about his MOTHER dying?? Red flag 7, 8, 8, 10, 11, 12: He won't even admit to wanting to break it off??? That is the LEAST he could do.

                          There is really no way he can have a real relationship with you after lying about his mother's death. "Oh, remember when I said my mom died? Turns out I was wrong, and she's ok now. Funny how stuff works out, right??"

                          He is giving you every indication that he is not serious about you or the relationship. Time to cut him loose and find someone better!


                            it'll be difficult..but i'm going to.


                              you didnt answer if english is his native language. and wow, if it is and he lied about it, break all contacts with him, a guy that lies about his mother dying, can do anything and is not worthy anything. you will be better off without him.
                              our story.


                              02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                              "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

