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Trying out LD premarital counseling

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    Trying out LD premarital counseling

    (I haven't posted here in months, so a quick summary for my LDR is: 3+ years and going strong, I live in the west coast of the US, and my fiance (J) lives in Nova Scotia, CA.)

    So, J and I have had an extremely frustrating time trying to find him a job out where I live. Unfortunately, unemployment is still at the point where there are plenty of qualified people needing the jobs in the area, so why hire somebody from Canada and deal with all of the visa hoops? We're having to face the reality that we will probably have to take the fiance/spousal visa routes to get him over here legally. This was not what I was hoping for.

    The thing is, I've already been married once, and obviously it didn't turn out very well. I know all too well what can happen when two people who get along well when they live apart, suddenly find themselves face to face with this person each and every day under the same roof. What if we can't deal with each other's habits? What if we just can't make it work SD, and J has packed up, moved away from everything he knows, and spent outrageous amounts of money on a wedding, immigration, moving, etc...all for nothing?

    The compromise, said I, is counseling, so we can at least create a stronger foundation for handling these potential troubles if/when they arise. We took to the 'net in search of somebody who was willing to delve into our wackadoo brains...or use Skype, at least. It was a bit of a challenge trying to find somebody due to our time difference and the fact that we can't take time off of work, but we found an accredited counselor who offers Skype as well as in-person couples counseling, so we had our first session last weekend.

    It was not at all what we had expected. The first session focused on learning about our toxic behavior patterns, and finding the root of the behavior so we can break the patterns. The counselor also brushed on fighting styles. I was told crossbows were not acceptable. >.< Seriously though, he mentioned that with couples, one tends to be the extrovert (who pushes the issue) and one tends to be the introvert (who will only take so much before shutting down.) Since J is definitely the introvert in our relationship, he taught J some methods of taking time away to process the fight issues, without pushing me away and causing doom.

    So, only three hours into counseling and I feel we've both learned quite a bit. Our next session will probably be the weekend after next. We've been instructed to separately come up with a list of some concerns we have about our relationship. We will see how it goes from here.

    So I'm curious, has anybody else tried, or considered trying couples counseling?

    Otherwise, our relationship is going well, though we've pushed the wedding off to 2013. Ack!!! We've already waited three years, what's two more, I suppose...

    I didn't know there was Skype pre-marital counseling, that's a great idea! Good luck with it!
    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


      Wow, that's a great idea. How did you find someone?


        Originally posted by Summer View Post
        Wow, that's a great idea. How did you find someone?

        Originally posted by Ianthe View Post
        We took to the 'net in search of somebody who was willing to delve into our wackadoo brains...or use Skype, at least.
        This is a great idea! Haven't tried it (didn't even know it exists, lol!) but I bet it works just as fine as face-to-face counseling - after all, the Internet and social media are perfectly normal tools to do anything these days!


          Originally posted by Summer View Post
          Wow, that's a great idea. How did you find someone?
          We just searched on Google for "Skype couples counseling" or something similar. It took a while to find relevant sites...most of the ones that come up are articles discussing the validity of online counseling, or offers of email therapy, which wasn't an idea we were fond of.

          Because of our time zones, we ended up going with a counselor in Australia (our evenings are his early afternoons), but he was actually born and raised in Canada and lived/worked for many years in the US. He's actually a dual citizen of both of our countries, so it felt like it was meant to be! He actually requires video-calling which is a bit of a challenge for my super-sad DSL connection, but considering it was a three-way video conference, it worked better than I had hoped, with only a few little glitches here and there.


            Wow that is a great idea!
            I'll have to look into that when/if the time comes with my S.O.

            First Met Online: October 2010
            First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
            Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
            First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
            Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
            Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
            Engaged!: June 1, 2013
            Picking out wedding dates now!


              wow..thats a good idea how much does that cost if you dont mind me asking..I'm getting married in a year and it might be beneficial
              " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
              Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

              Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                OK - first off trying to NOT start another thread - if you feel it should be a new thread please move/change

                My SO are coming up on our 1yr anniversary...he "popped the question"!!!
                Now we are wondering about pre-marital counseling...
                My questions to you are:
                1)have you tried it?
                2)what site did you use?
                3)was it worth the fee?
                4)any negative experience with same?
                Thank you for your replies


                  Originally posted by Elizabeth123 View Post
                  OK - first off trying to NOT start another thread - if you feel it should be a new thread please move/change

                  My SO are coming up on our 1yr anniversary...he "popped the question"!!!
                  Now we are wondering about pre-marital counseling...
                  My questions to you are:
                  1)have you tried it?
                  2)what site did you use?
                  3)was it worth the fee?
                  4)any negative experience with same?
                  Thank you for your replies
                  Thank you for trying not to start unnecessary new threads, but this thread is so old and a slightly different topic so I would suggest starting a new thread about this if you want people to respond.

