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I honestly couldn't do that. I was in Mexico for a week where I get no service on my phone, and I ended up just paying arms and legs to be on the internet and use the phone, because I couldn't stand not talking to him. I have immense respect for you, even if you spend the whole time in tears, because I wouldn't be able to go that long without him
If it helps, when my SO can't talk with me, and I have nothing to do and start missing him, I obsessive compulsively work my way through the list of 99 things to do from a distance. It helps me miss him less.
Thank you soo much! this made me smile! all my friends think i make it harder then wat it is. It would be alot easier id think if we would have met in person first. But since we didnt, i just wonder and guess how well act together in person. Thank you all so much for these answers. Im going to take Kiara's advice and open my second question in a new post so more people can answer and read it. Thank you all I really appreciate it
i keep a running countdown on my whiteboard of how many days there are left til i see him again. it feels really nice every night to change the number. i also have a list of things i love about him that i add to each day.. i'll probably give it to him when he gets here.
It is hard to be on LDR but I think that at some points it's more unique than CDR bcoz there are these small things that really mean a lot to us, and when we don't get to do those things it can be pretty easy for us to feel down. Well...just remember that you are not alone. I think a lot of us feel similar like you do. Perhaps the longest I have gone without any contact with my SO is a week. Usually when he's unable to chat with me we would talk on the phone for a bit or send text messages.
I used to chat with him almost everyday so when he finally started working at an oil rig it took me some time to get used to our new routines. Sometimes it can be quite difficult for me when we're unable to chat for some reason, especially I tend to sit in front of lappy for quite a long time. So when that happens I try to get busy; read a book, hang out with friends, watch movies and even try out new recipes. Cooking makes me feel better when I'm feeling down.
I'm now pretty much used to not chatting with my SO as often as we used to. We all need time to get used to new situations anytime.
Hope I'm not rambling too much lol. Cheers!