I think almost everyone in an LDR experiences this sometime or another. This really didn't happen in my previous LDR because my ex boyfriend literally had no friends and just stayed home all day every day. Anyway, this weekend, my boyfriend was making hypothetical plans and vacations with one of his good friends such as going camping at this national park, etc. I felt really sad and left out because I would have enjoyed going to these places, but mostly I just feel like I'm missing out on part of his life. But there's nothing I can do about it since I won't be around and it would be very difficult to incorporate me in these plans. Then I start spiraling into a whirlwind of negative thoughts. I start thinking/worrying that he'll want a new girlfriend nearby who he can share these experiences with. I honestly believe he can find someone else nearby who is as good as or even better than myself.
How do other people deal with feeling left out?
How do other people deal with feeling left out?