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"But it's not FACEBOOK official" o.O

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    Due to Facebook's popularity, people think that we are all obliged to put our lives out in the open; that whatever we do should be on Facebook. That's crazy. Not everyone wants to lay their cards face up. If they want to do things that way, leave them to do so. Don't change your relationship status on your Facebook page if you don't want to. It's your right to keep things private. It's a free country, after all. I've had friends comment on why my relationship status is "It's Complicated" because that is how I see it to be. I don't have to consider every one of their opinions.


      Originally posted by meg View Post
      No, I'm not ashamed, I just don't want the world to know my business, and what if you break up? Then you have the drama and "I told you so's" from everyone who thinks an LDR is a waste of time
      This is exactly one of the reasons why until now I haven't put up my relationship status on facebook...and I seriously don't care about it. There are just so many nosy people on facebook, and I know that as soon as I put my "In A Relationship With..." status on it, people will start asking questions and I don't want to get through that now, especially since we're not married yet.
      I've even seen some couples faking their relationship status on facebook, simply to get some attention! I think that's really immature.
      Facebook is a public place (at least to our friends on it), but we should keep some things to ourselves. Just stay out of things that will create unnecessary dramas.


        lol wut? People have such screwed up priorities. I have The Language of the Tacos listed as one of the languages I speak on facebook. Sure as hell hope no one tries to speak to me in Taco anytime soon now, it's bad enough people speak to me in English on there XP. I'm a complete smart-ass so I'd likely turn their logic back at them :P. "Got a new kid? Better post that brat on facebook or else you can't get a tax deduction off of it!" "Got a DUI? Better keep that shit off of facebook, it's like it never happened!" "Grandma dead? Post it on facebook of else you can't have the reading of the will!" You get my point :P.

        My boyfriend decided to go facebook official...about a year after getting together xD. We never bothered to add each other on facebook. When we did, we forgot for several months. When we realized "oh shit, we're friends on facebook!" We just made the relationship "facebook official" :P. Took Enrique about 2 weeks to respond to the request xD. It was good for us since we're completely whores when we're single :P. We kinda needed to let people know we weren't available for shameless whoring around anymore XP.


          honestly, i just wanna change relationship status for the week hes with me to be obnoxious...

          but yes, you're completely right to be upset =_= facebook does not control the legitimacy of anything; i guess some people just want to know everything about everyone at all times, or have the chance to start drama. either way, they should respect how you feel


            Like these people have any say regarding somebody else's relationship. Why do they think their opinion matter? I have my relationship status listed as in a relationship with one of my very close friends and neither of us changed it when we started dating our boyfriends. Maybe one day I'll change it, when I get married, perhaps. Who knows, I don't really care.


              Two of my best friends have been together for 8 years, since they were 14, and have never been listed as in a relationship on facebook, and never have been. they're still the most solid couple i know!


                Two of my best friends have been together for 8 years, since they were 14, and have never been listed as in a relationship on facebook, and will be. they're still the most solid couple i know!


                  Originally posted by NaNi View Post
                  Wow, so being "Facebook official" is a requirement now? I like seeing my relationship status there, but I don't really care what other people do. I know it may seem hard, but simply try to ignore their comments.
                  yes, that.
                  i put it on facebook for guys to see im taken and not flirt with me, not to shove it on someone elses face. and i do like to see the picture of my so in my profile. haha
                  but we didnt have it on facebook until we were almost 2 years together, and it didnt make it any less real.

                  ---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 PM ----------

                  Originally posted by Mara View Post
                  I learned a long time ago that people are going to think and say whatever they want to. It's best just to roll your eyes and ignore these types of people. I don't talk about my relationship much [because I feel it's no one's business] but I do have in a relationship with *** on my facebook. The only reason I have it on there though is because my facebook is private and I only have my friends&family on there. I don't care about them knowing and in fact I want them to know as much about him as possible so when I *eventually* move to close the distance it isn't like oh, who is this random guy she moved to be with. :P Don't think we became 'facebook official' though until after we had been together a year but that's because I didn't have a facebook.
                  yeah my so didnt have facebook either, and i totally understand, people did ask me why i moved to germany when they didnt know about my so as well. like it was any of their business. *rolles eyes*

                  ---------- Post added at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ----------

                  Originally posted by Sierra View Post
                  I get hit on by old friends on Facebook a lot, so I wanted to change my status to in a relationship to help stop that. After we met and made our relationship official I asked permission to change my Facebook status to in a relationship. He doesn't have it, and it doesn't matter to him, but I was desperate to get all the flirting comments to stop and as soon as I changed it, they did!

                  Not many people I think know my relationship is a long distance one on my Facebook page, even though I do post about seeing him soon and what not.

                  Facebook isn't the real world, so I wouldn't worry about it. Who cares what your Facebook says if he doesn't and neither do you?
                  me too.
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    I make joke that it's offical now because it's on facebook like when my aunt finally figured out how to change her relationship status to married that was great shes been married for 40+ years. facebook relationship status mean crap IMO I have seen someone status go from single to relationship to single to relationship all with in four hours it's amusing. I think people saying LDR don't work are trying to rain on your parade. no matter what there will be people who will do that ignore em'.


                      As much drama as Facebook creates, i wouldn't have met my SO without it.

                      I'm listed as in a relationship with my SO, and i made jokes (It's my job to worry, our relationship is Facebook official now lol)
                      I'd ignore the petty people, relationships we're perfectly legitimate before Facebook. They probably just want to be nosey and "see" your relationship.
                      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                        I put on my FB status that I'm in a relationship but my boyfriend hasn't yet. I'm proud to be in a relationship with him. I can't wait until he does because I want people to know we're together. If we lived closer together family and friends would already know. Since we're thousands of miles apart they don't. Plus there's something sweet about seeing that you're in a relationship with someone on FB. Corny I know. lol


                          WOAH so this thread exploded since I posted my angry rant last night!
                          I'm glad you all agree with me, I don't tend to let it get to me, but after 2 friends had told me the same thing within the same day, I was starting to get a bit grumpy. My friends still don't see my point, but to hell with them.


                            You should come back to them and ask if that means that relationships were never real before Facebook existed. People are so stupid. It's also a good safety thing to limit the amount of info you put on there to stop identity thieves!

                            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                              I recently removed my relationship status from being seen on FB. But my SO hasn't added me as a friend, and maybe it's for the best. My friends are all asking for a photo of him, blah, blah, blah. By the end of this week he'll be living 1400 miles away from me and I know he wants to be with me and that's good enough. Some friends know I'm seeing him, others don't. I'm too old for this drama and FB is starting to annoy the hell out of me lately.


                                Definitely a) people who think that whatever is on facebook is real are obviously not that smart, i mean seriously... what happened to the whole story with 'be aware whos on the other site', be careful what you do on the net... and here we are in the facebook era, and we learn that people love to expose their lives. as if it was the most important thing to everyone else... b) well, I take it the people with 'facebook official' opinion care about their relationship status (if we're in a relationship on facebook, it means, we are a big deal) spread it to others and try to make it some sort of rule. Well, it's not. Everyone's got their own point of view... So suck it up. You wanna be exposed and be asked by the hundread people you havent seen for years "what happened? " , "I told you he wasnt right for you", please go ahead with posting new statuses after every fight you have, and change your status from 'in a relationship' to a 'in a complicated relationship' and whatnot. Just don't make others believe that this is RIGHT.

                                I had to learn that myself... well, Toby taught me.. We've been together for 4 years, on and off, so it started in MySpace era, where we would leave each other cute comments every once in a while. Well, his first love letter was on myspace too, for everyone to see. Then facebook kicked in, and we didn't add each other until a year later... then we had our first 'off' time, so when we got back together we decided to make it official. With him being a football player and a bartender in a local bar (very popular in his area) - the next day I woke up to hundreads of comments from people who didnt even know me but saw my 'current location' such as "HOW DOES THAT WORK?", "HAHAHAHAHA GOOD JOKE", " I WONDER HOW LONG ITS GOING TO LAST " , "OH SO.. WHEN WAS YOUR LAST SEXY TIME?" ... So rude. And I learned the hard way, when people knew too much... thats when all the drama started - his so called friends would ring me in the middle of their night out just to tell me that my SO is talking to a girl on the bar. They didnt care that back then, he would ring me after every night out... But it got to a point, that by the time he made the call, I had the bits and pieces of his night, twisted much, for me to question about... So about half a year later, we had this massive argument, and cancelled the relationship.. cause it wasnt causing us any good. In fact, we decided to keep us both off facebook, so we don't even interact there. (apart from checking out the walls , which isnt really that much of help either - you read half of the story and you always see it the worst possible way). So I figured out it all makes sense, when I went for a visit - and every single one of his friends knew about me. . . it felt like they actually knew me, the same way I knew them.

                                Therefore, to sum up, facebook really means nothing. We have our relationship status cancelled ever since . . . the most important people in our lives know what's going on. And we do. That's what matters. End of story. Don't let anyone fool you!

