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Meeting soon- emotional letdown?

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    Meeting soon- emotional letdown?

    I am finally meeting my LDR boyfriend next month- yay! I can't wait! Our feelings are very strong for each other but I am a little worried that when we meet they won't be as intense. Usually when 2 people date they're in the same city/state and we're not so we've had to do our "dating" over the phone and online, kwim? I guess what I'm asking is did anyone else who's in a similar situation to me still feel your strong emotions/feelings once you met your SO for the 1st time? I hope I said all of this clearly! lol

    My SO and I had a very strong emotional bond before meeting for the first time in person and I can assure you that it was just the same when we actually did met. No, wait. It was different. It was even stronger.


      I actually met my SO in person but we were apart for 13 years before we got back together. We had not seen each other in all that time, just kept in touch over phone, text, and email on occasion. And when I saw him after that many years, I can tell you that immediately upon sight I felt like I was with the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I wish you lots of luck in the first meeting Let us know how it goes!


        I still haven't met with my SO yet. But I think it's normal to feel and think like you think right now. But well, just enjoy it, your first meeting and then time will tells and you will see what will happen.
        Anything can happen, right? Though we are all hope that it will be the best thing! ^o^
        Success for your first meeting and feel free to share your happiness with us after it happened then! *hugs*
        Have a nice day!


          I'm meeting my S.O. for the first time soon, and I have the same fears you do.
          I'm just trying to not let my fears get in the way, and I'm hoping our relationship ends up being successful.
          Good luck and let us know how it goes!

          First Met Online: October 2010
          First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
          Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
          First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
          Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
          Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
          Engaged!: June 1, 2013
          Picking out wedding dates now!


            Yes, it felt every bit as strong once finally meeting in person! Every little bit was just as good, or better.


              I met my boyfriend online and developed feelings from there. A year later, we met in person and our feelings for each other were way stronger than they were before. I would say meeting in person was what gave us that push to make the decision that we wanted to make it work.


                Thanks everyone for helping to put my mind at ease. I'm trying to enjoy every moment of being in love with him and I can't wait to meet him. My life will finally feel complete.


                  Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
                  I wish you lots of luck in the first meeting
                  gosh, im really dirty minded, i had to read it twice to make sure it didnt say lots of f#ck in the first meeting.
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    i was worried too about when we meet will the chemistry still be the same in person or will it change. But after 2 years of waiting then finally meeting for the first time it has been amazing and just confirmed all of my feelings for him. So i think its natural to worry a bit but just go with your gut feeling and try not to worry so much, if its real it will go great.
                    I love you Nathan <3
                    5/25/09 <3


                      Meeting in person almost gave me an anxiety attack cuz I was sooooo nervous xD


                        I have a little over 2 weeks before I meet and I can't stop obsessing over it. I'm going to have an anxiety attack myself. Like, right now.

