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Have you ever been sick when you're with your SO? Or the other way around?

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    I'm quite the sickly person actually. I usually catch a few colds and viruses a year. When I'm sick I'm pretty horrible to deal with too.

    The first time I was ever sick in front of him was when we had only just started dating. It was our first 'dress-up date' and I was dressed to the nines as was he. We went out to this nice restaurant and everything was fine until on the way to the next place we were going I got carsick and threw up in his car. I do get carsick every once in a while so it wasn't so unusual, but I brushed it off because I've never actually thrown up..until his car. And I mean it wasn't even like a little was like all over his dash, all over his floor get the picture. After that I was sick for the rest of the night and he took excellent care of me, but all I could think was I don't know him well enough to throw up like that in front of him! Seriously how my mind works.

    Then once I caught this terrible cold when we were CD and he got me soup and crackers and yummy things from the store. He made me lay down and he took complete care of me heating up my soup for me and all. Then when I was dosing off I noticed him spraying the air with disinfectant. I then asked him for a kiss before I went to sleep and he looked at me like I was a mental patient. I then begged for some cuddles and he did, but kept the sheet between us saying, "It's no sense in us both getting sick." >.>


      My SO got sick once while visiting me. It wasn't really that big of deal. We got to cuddle a lot and watch a bunch of movies. It definitely didn't ruin our time together.


        This past visit we both got sick. Me first, then I passed it to him. It was no big deal- just a cold but I was kinda bummed to wake up on my second day there with the whole runny nose, fever deal.

        When we were CD, I was actually dealing with some major health issues. I had caught dengue fever a couple months prior (tropical illness spread thru mosquitoes) and had to be hospitalized. I was "cured" thru major antibiotic injections but I never felt quite the same after that. When I started talking to my SO, I began having fainting/dizzy spells which really scared me. I saw a doctor who sent me for major testing pretty far away. My SO accompanied me on every visit and even spoke to the doctors on my behalf. He helped me so much during that time and it's one of the things that really made me see how special he was.


          Ah nooooo My SO gets here in 40 hours and I'm starting to get a super sore throat and cough... Not again!!!

          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


            One time he came up here and then got super sick. He couldn't even get out of bed but i just tried my hardest to be there and help him with anything he needed.


              i never got sick, but i would have my monthly time sometimes with him.
              that includes alot of painful cramps and lots of tears.
              but he always cuddled with me and was patient<3


                I suffer from migraine headaches. I used to get them 3-4 times a month, but since I'm on prescription nightly pills, I get them once a month - they coincide a week before my period starts. In January, I flew to FL with him back to his school after he was visiting our hometown for Christmas. On the plane, I got a massive migraine partly because of the fact that we hadn't eaten dinner because we were rushing to catch our flight and because I was due for a migraine within the next couple of days. My pills were in my duffel bag in the overhead compartment, so he got up and got them down for me during the flight. I was super nauseous, light sensitive, and it felt like someone was pounding a hammer into my left eye. He bought me a water and I took my pills and started crying and tried not to vomit - he held my hand and rubbed my back and covered me in a blanket and let me curl up to him the rest of the flight. When we got off the plane, I ran to the closest bathroom to vomit and he held our bags and waited for me :x It meant so much to me. <3 He always asks me many questions when I'm sick. The other time I was sick around him was when I had a UTI (caused by, uh, too much... you know) Lol. Sorry if this is too much information - lol. I was SO uncomfortable and had to pee every 5 minutes. I went to the drugstore to buy something to help it and I was blushing when I explained it to him but he grabbed my hand and was like "Oh my god, I DID that to you?!" HAHAHA! It was really sweet, he wanted me to tell him all about it and was really concerned. xD I was glad to know our relationship was close enough that I could explain that to him.


                  I've never spent more than a day with my SO when we see each other :/
                  But, sometimes I want to get sick when he's with me, just so I can fall in love with him if he actually made me tomato soup and let me watch movies in bed all day. :]


                    I have been and so has he. and he's so sweet getting me medicine and taking care of me when I am sick. I love him so much. :-)


                      Actually, I got sick really soon after he asked me out. He got sick first, but what took him just one day to get over, took me three weeks. Anyway, he was going to be my first kiss, so I didn't really wanna be sick when it happened. :| I felt bad, but, as a result, I teased him for 18 days before I finally let him kiss me. Haha, he's so patient with me!


                        when i was sick he went out and meet his friend...we had a big fight after that. he told me that i could have just let him know if i need him (he thinks that i need more rest and sleep). hhhmmm.....


                          I had a surgery while my SO was living with me. He waited on me hand and foot. What a great guy


                            Beau has had to put with up from a lot from me! I'm a type 1 diabetic so I have blood sugar lows and highs and complaints all the time and he's always patient. I also get migraines a lot so he puts up with that too...

                            When I went to see him for Christmas I had a nasty cold. I had to take a sandwich bag full of tissues on the plane with me, it was gross. The woman next to me was visibly disgusted. So I got off the plane and I had tried to look cute but I had deep circles under my eyes and my nose was all red... it was truly pathetic. After a few days in the fresh Cali air I felt a lot better, though.

                            And once freshman year he had to take care of me because I was blackout drunk.. embarrassing. That's never happened since.

                            And when he was here last week I got super dehydrated TWICE, which gives me a migraine and makes me really light headed... I fell out of bed and nearly broke myself the first time, and the second time he had to piggy back me out of the theme park we were at because I just could not walk anymore. Then I passed out in the car for the hour's ride home. I am truly the worst.

                            He's always really healthy! I don't think I've ever had to take care of Beau. There's only been like one time that Beau got really drunk sophomore year but all he did was continually tell me how drunk he was and get a little weepy... it was sort of cute. sort of.


                              Wow even more interesting experiences! I almost forgot that I started this thread lol. I wish everyone and your SOs good health! Thanks for contributing.

