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Phone Calls and Texts

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    Phone Calls and Texts

    This might seem like a stupid question but how do you stop yourself from constantly checking your phone and computer for messages from your SO? Right now this is our only way of communicating and its so sporadic that I find myself always checking them. Having set times to talk isn't an option right now. When I see that he hasn't called, texted, or PM'd me I feel let down. Anyone else go thru something like this?

    Yeah I think it's ap retty normal thing to do in any relationship, mines always wakes up like 10mins before me and I get a wee sad feeling if I don't see a 'morning' message from him if I'm awake first! it's normal
    Everytime I See You, I Get Lost In Your Eyes. When You Hold Me I Get Butterflies. When We're Apart All I Think Of Is You.. <3


      Yes I think you hit home when you said that you feel this way because it is the only way of communicating you have. I feel this way also because it becomes such a part of your routine day.


        Yes I think its just part of it...thats pretty much your direct line to them. I know I check mine when I first wake up. Gonna be a shock when he deploys and I wont be getting those text messages anymore
        " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
        Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

        Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


          Texting is a major part of our communication since we don't have time to sit at the computer all day like we did five years ago. I even have a different ringtone for him so I know if I really want to check a text or not, haha.


            I understand how you feel as I think everyone pretty much feels the same way. My SO and I used to chat so often but it got a lot less since he started working at an oil rig. I felt disappointed when we couldnt chat (and I still do sometimes). Now I'm used to it when I don't get text messages or emails from him and I don't constantly check for them though yes they are the means of how we communicate. I go check them once in a while but that's it. Maybe it's becoz that I know where he works and sometimes he can get super busy. I just try to understand if he can't contact me for some reason. We're quite lucky that sometimes we can talk on the phone even for just two minutes or three.


              I'm actually doing this right now XD I was trying to prevent myself from refreshing until I got a pm by checking up by what's happening over here. I think we've all have felt that way, not exactly sure how to help, but we feel you!


                Well, unless you drown your phone or give it to someone and your internet connection fails... basically, theres no chance you will stop waiting for the message. It's natural, you're seeking the contact. So all you can do really is to just keep yourself busy... I wonder sometimes how much time do I spend checking my phone/email daily.. It would probably add up to 2-3 hours... imagine, what you could get done in that time! ) Just make sure you will hear when the message comes and then repeat to yourself that if there wasnt a sound, theres nothing to read... and keep waiting. We're all with you.


                  Yes can so relate to this. Every morning i check my messages to see if he wrote. And when he was real busy and i dint know when i would hear from him i was constantly checking to see if he was on or had wrote, where i was starting to feel needy and was hard. But i think this isn't unusual for a LDR
                  I love you Nathan <3
                  5/25/09 <3


                    My SO writes me when I least expect it. I do check my phone when there's a sound. To hear from him during the day is a rarity since he's at the hospital working (I'd rather he tend to his patients then answer my text right away! haha). It took some time, but I got better!


                      We're international, and my parents forbid our relationship(I'm 20, live at home, but their being really old and traditional), so there is no use for me to check the phone for him. On the computer I tend to leave one window open and the chat perpetually open, so I don't so much check it, as to make sure I'm able to receive it as often as he possibly wants to contact me. Otherwise I recently got a job, I try to workout as much as possible and set fitness goals to reach(as a personal trainer, it'd make him proud to hear), and finally it seems like the endless gap of time is passing a little faster.


                        Oh god yes!
                        It annoys people when i'm out and im checking my cell every 5 minutes.... but ive only been able to text him about a month so its quite nice to be able to have that. But when im home i leave my msn on all the time so i dont miss him. Only time i dont is if i know he's asleep, then then i check it like mad when i knows hes getting up lol
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          Definitely I check all the time friends do get annoyed at times. But its my only method of communication with him. I have my phone attached to my hand permently lol.


                            thanks everyone for your responses and support. I thought I was the only one who did this!

                            Aggie- I think I'm right up there with you in the amount of time I spend a day checking for messages from my bf. I could do so much with that time. Prior to April I did a lot of stuff with my time. Now I find myself spending some of this time just waiting to hear from him. It doesn't help that I have unlimited texting/talk with my cell phone plan and he doesn't. I try to remind myself of this.


                              I have found myself checking my phone constantly lately. waiting for a text or phone call from him sometimes I feel so needy and impatient. lol
                              Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!

