well me and my SO have been out of the "honeymoon stage" for about a month or 2 now and we kinda settled down into an ok situation. we get to talk for about an hour or more every week or 2 but were both fine with it. she seems really happy, i mean i could talk more but i know shes busy. anyway the last couple of days she has been kinda ignoring me yet teasing me at the same time. yesterday we were both on facebook and i sent her message just saying "hey!" then she just poked me and that was it. today she was on again and i wrote on her wall saying "hey their stranger, whats up?
" so she then follows by likeing one of my pics. im really confused, maybe someone can tell what could be going on. i just dont know:/ just thought i would add the last time we talked was monday and it was only 2 messages so i dont think i could have said anything to upset her. so just looking for some help, thanks!