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What Do You Do to Get Ready for Your SO's Arrival?

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    He's here in 10 days! So going shopping this weekend, getting some breakfast stuff, soda, things to cook, I don't want to have any reason to go out lol Then the day before it's clean last minute things, pull out everything i want to show him or do together. Then nice long shower, pre-prepair myself. Have my clothes ready. And then the day of is just getting all fixed up. So Im excited for the rush of all this!
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3


      Wow... let's see...

      Made plans and reservations WAY too far in advance to the point of being anal about it, cleaned the entire house, bought him some bath products, stocked the fridge, had some ribs waiting for him in the slow cooker the day of, sent him links of all the places we were going to visit, bought lots of candles, woke up way too early the day he arrived out of pure excitement, left the house way too early and waited at the airport for a long time just to make sure I'd be there in case his flight got in early, bought new undies, opened all the blinds and curtains, took out the trash, and told almost everyone I know how he was coming.


        My SO is coming to see me on Saturday. I can't wait! I try to clean up my room since it always looks like a bomb went off, but usually it's still a mess and he helps me clean. He's the best that way! I always make sure the sheets are new and that I have plenty of food in the fridge. I try to get something sweet too since both of us have a ridiculous sweet tooth!


          I would clean enough so it's presentable, get my eyebrows waxed and stock up on beer. That's about it...

          Oh and be nervous out of my ever-loving mind!!!


            It's a month and a few days yet until my SO comes here. We'll be staying at my friends' house this time (my house sucks--no tv, DSL for internet, and just no space) so I don't have to worry much except maybe oh god, what if they don't like him or something? Heh. I need to clean out my car. And I'll get my eyebrows waxed, maybe give myself a manicure, and pick out all the clothes I want to wear.


              Well, last time he visited I went nuts with the cleaning. Rented a Rug Doctor and deep cleaned my carpets, did ALL my laundry, threw out all my unsexy period panties (come on ladies, you all know you have some) just in case he raided my panty drawer, cleaned out a space for him in my closet so he could unpack, brushed all my kitties and clipped claws so introductions would go smooth, made some ridiculously sexy dessert (marscapone cream filled strawberries) and fixings for breakfast since I didn't want to do full shopping since HBB wanted to see an AMERICAN grocery store.

              As for me, shaved every part of me that could humanly be shaved, kept lathering on foot cream and buffing my calluses for like 2 weeks to try and get my ogre feet looking sexier (didn't work, they are resistant to looking cute), painted toes and nails and used a homemade body scrub made of olive oil, brown sugar and vanilla in the shower the morning of so I smelled like a yummy cupcake and felt like silk (anyone wants the recipe, just ask). I also did my hair, something I NEVER do. I am a very hair down and free, lucky if it gets combed kinda gal so to actually use PRODUCT was a shocker, but I blow dried it too!


                I haven't had her come here yet, but I know that she cleans the house before I get over (which is a big achievement), buys me some goodies and looks pretty.

                I know that when she comes here I'll clean everything, buy her Tim Tams and Ice Cream and be clean.


                  All us girls more or less do all the essentials!!! Bath, exfoliate, moisturise, tweezer eyebrows, shave/wax bits :P and make ourselves look, smell, and feel good on the outside!!

                  I also make sure my car has a full tank, make plans as to what we shall do/outings out
                  Go to blockbusters and hire out some films for the evenings to cuddle up in bed to... mmm love doing that
                  Ensure I have not eaten any nuts from. the day before his arrival (SO has nut allergy)
                  Tidy room
                  Buy some sort of underwear/lingerie new :P
                  And then lastly TRY and get a decent nights sleep day before he comes so face looks fresh and bag free!!

                  One week today and i will be driving down to somerset to see him! Sooo excited!!

