I am doing my best to work through the post visit funk from seeing my SO this past weekend. My typical plan of jumping right back into life as normal doesn't seem to be cutting it and I'm moodier than usual. I've cried and cried and wished for a way around this distance but it doesn't seem like it's possible at this time.
Yet it occurred to me today, perhaps I needed a new way of thinking about all of this. I am lucky. Lucky that I have a home of my own, even if I can't sell it for a few more years to try and gain seed money for moving somewhere to be with him. And I'm lucky that I have family members who care as much as they do and who don't want me (and my son) to leave them. I have wonderful friends who make some of this distance bearable by keeping me laughing and staying socially active so I don't stay home all of the time and mope. I have a job, that could pay better of course (
) but it pays the bills, and I've been there for a long time so I have a career path, and not just a place to work. So of course it will be difficult to close the distance, because there is so much I would be leaving behind. But how much sadder would it be if I did not have any of those things? Sure, I could move and close the distance but if I didn't have them, would I even be the person that he loves?
I realize this could have been better in a blog format, but eh, just thought I'd throw it out there like this. Do any of you try and look at it this way too?
Yet it occurred to me today, perhaps I needed a new way of thinking about all of this. I am lucky. Lucky that I have a home of my own, even if I can't sell it for a few more years to try and gain seed money for moving somewhere to be with him. And I'm lucky that I have family members who care as much as they do and who don't want me (and my son) to leave them. I have wonderful friends who make some of this distance bearable by keeping me laughing and staying socially active so I don't stay home all of the time and mope. I have a job, that could pay better of course (

I realize this could have been better in a blog format, but eh, just thought I'd throw it out there like this. Do any of you try and look at it this way too?