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Taking a break

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    Taking a break

    Does anyone have any good stories about taking a break?

    A little background, we started talking in October, met in January. Ever since the beginning, I was negative because I didn't think a long distance relationship could ever work. But we talked so much and had so much fun together and got along so well. We ended up falling in love quickly, and feeling very strongly about each other. But my negativity never stopped, it just got worse. I got insecure, jealous, possessive and upset that I wasn't involved in his life, I guess. I started asking too many questions, wanting to always talk to him, got jealous of other girls who were friends, always asked if he met someone new who is better than me, everything. If we were in the same state, I wouldn't have done that. I've never been that way, and I didn't really realize it until it was too late. He got really burnt out on the relationship, because there was nothing he could do to help how I felt, his words weren't enough. So, we broke up. I have now realized everything, and know what I need to do to make things better.

    I saw him for 6 days after we broke up, (I got home a week and a half ago) and we were still affectionate. I was mostly annoying during the 6 days, trying to get more out of him than what he kept telling me. I wanted him to tell me we'd be okay and we'd work things out and he'd trust that I wouldn't treat him that way, with time. He said he'd like for it to work out, he sees a future with me eventually. (I planned to move to his city because I fell in love with it.) and he will continue to talk to me and be my friend. He basically doesn't want a long distance relationship anymore, because it's too hard. He'd like to keep hanging out whenever we can, and see what happens down the road. The only thing I can do now, is be normal, happy and friendly when we talk. But I don't know when we'll talk again. I realize I was being annoying, and he may need some time to get over the negative feelings he has for me. Today is only the second day I've left him alone, I'm just hoping it will be good for us rather than make his feelings fade. We know each other really well and we felt so strongly for each other, I hope that's enough for him to keep his feelings at least in the back of his head, while we're apart and going through this. Since he was the breaker upper, it's like he is busy and doesn't have time to talk to me, or doesn't care to, yet. I hope he will. It has been harder for me, but two nights ago I decided all I can do is give him time and let him come to me.

    His first mention was to take a "break", without the intentions of leaving me, he just needed some time apart, probably to do what he's doing now. He thought doing that would make our relationship stronger rather than breaking us up. But I was so sad and complained about that, that the next day he told me nevermind... and a few days later he said he just wanted to break up, probably because he couldn't handle it and just wanted to be done. But in that same conversation, he said he still has feelings for me, but he also has negative and annoyed feelings towards me and he can't just be with me and continue on if he feels that way. Only time can change them. So we "agreed" to be "friends with potential in the future"... the future meaning, when I live there, when there's actual substance. and we'd still hang out and see what happens, because that would be the only way for him to rebuild his feelings.

    It's like we barely had time to spend together, to know whether we'd work in real life or not. But everything was so good, I just want a chance. I want to keep talking as friends, to keep the potential for more later. He has said there is still potential and he's not over me. I made mistakes and he got sick of them. I want to show him I can be better, but he can only see that if we talk. I want to talk to him so badly, I hope it won't be weeks til we talk again. I know we both may need to detach, so we CAN start over and rebuild the relationship, I just wish I knew what he was thinking, and I hope he wants that too... he's probably not thinking much about it, just "letting things happen", which is what he wants me to do, too. I asked if we could stay close, and he said "why even ask? whatever happens is gonna happen, asking if things can be a certain way doesn't do anything". That's true. Of course, I really hope he doesn't find someone else to spend time with. But he said he was just gonna hang out with friends and not worry about dating or anything, he's not even interested in looking. And I can't imagine him wanting to start another relationship, with me still in the background, who he said he wants a future with. He said he just wants to be happy with me again, and would like to keep trying. When I was with him, I gave him the opportunity to tell me if he just wanted to be done, and he didn't. If he was totally over me, there'd be no point to tell me otherwise. So, I just have to hope we can have a future, no matter what happens in between. I hope he knows how happy I've made him without all the drama, and how well we get along and how much fun we have, and that's what's keeping him around. I know I have to trust all the words he has said about what he wants, but I really feel like I've ruined it, because of how I was acting, even AFTER I left, after I had asked him everything imaginable. I left on a Monday, didn't talk to him at all and he called that Thursday, for no reason really, so I felt special. I hope he surprises me again and things can start from there. Talking would make me feel better about everything, because then I'd know he WANTS to keep talking, and making an effort, and my annoyingness didn't affect things to where he doesn't care anymore.

    The worst part is, I've always settled in past relationships. This is the first time I've ever felt so strongly and in love and like he was truly everything I wanted in someone. We complemented each other so well. I don't want him to become a part of my past. I want all of my future with him. We talked about everything together. I only wanted to get married and have kids because it would've been with him. Before that, I never wanted those things. It's crazy.

    So, has anyone been in this kind of situation?

    It sounds like you are being really down on yourself, don't do that. It takes two people to make a relationship work or fail and even if your behavior wasn't exemplary that doesn't mean this is all your fault or that you ruined anything.

    From the sound of things, I think neither of you could really handle the distance. It made you into someone that you normally aren't and I don't think he could handle that person. For right now, I would take this as a break up and focus on yourself. Further down the road, when you move there, maybe things could work out, but for right now, I think you need to work on healing and doing the things you need to do/enjoy.

    In my experience, breaks usually lead to break-ups [so I think either way it would have went where it went now] and I although I have reconciled with someone after having that person break up with me [and vice versa] it has never worked out for me. Though I do know people it has worked out for.


      Wow. ^THIS^ is my life story from about 14 months ago. Him not willing to do long distance ... long story short (you're welcome to check out my blogs or threads from that time) it started out with me being needy, the more I was complaining about him not spending time with me online, the more space he needed, the more I wanted him to tell me he loved me etc. I rushed to the other side of the world to apologise properly and with ups and downs, my travel ended with a .. big, scary word : BREAK UP.

      I quote: "We are great friends, we have been from the start. But we are killing each other trying to work things out long distance. This is going to be better in the big picture" . I spent about a week crying not knowing what was going to happen, then last night we'd both cry.. Yet he wouldn't let me convince him to do the LDR, and for the matter, even spend the night with him .

      So from my experience... Trust me, it's probably just as hard to him as it's hard to you. And he probably wants to talk. (during the break up I said something about needing someone new to take his place and that keeping in touch with him to hurt me too much, and he suggested the rule of talking once a month. And he was the one to break it, in fact, he was the one to start conversations for the next few months...). So currently we're not oficially together because he noticed that it reduced my expectations (and I noticed that too - before the incident of last year I would question about every single girl that posts something on his wall or likes more than 2 of his status updates in a row . Now I only ask about every fifth ), it leaves me enough of time to figure out what I want and what I am able to accept and what is just too much for me, basically there is much less pressure ... Which is healthier, and I don't run to him about every silly thing I overanalyse... But, he is still my best friend. I love him to pieces and I know he loves me too. We still want to be together in the future (although he has the exactly same attitude as your SO seems to have - I don't want to plan/promise anything, we don't even know what is going to happen tomorrow, not to speak in a year time..) and ... most importantly, we still haven't met anyone who we would consider better for each of us ... And as I said, 14 months went by.

      I know it hurts, Ive been there, but trust me, it really is for the better! And I was begging him to talk after the break up... He said he would, but we both needed some time to realize that we want to talk to each other, not that we NEED to, or HAVE TO.

      There is potential. You already decided to be together, and you're not ready to fully break up and leave each other's lives.. So as long as there is some feelings there is potential. And it's better to leave that potential at that, than if the time was leading to you both hating each other.

      Anyways, hope it helps. Take care, stay strong! )

      Btw, its 5am here, I havent gone to bed yet, so my reply may be quite messy. Ill come back here to check it out and possibly clarify some things tomorrow.


        To answer your questions about breaks I believe they are beneficial (they were in my relationship anyway) When me and Mitch were about 6 months into our relationship I got the itch...I was not sure how much I cared about him or if I wanted to be with him I told him how I felt. Of course being a guy he took it as I'm done and I dont want to be with you anymore EVER but I am a girl who says what she means. I realized things were getting more serious and this is the first time this had happened to me (I had been a commitaphobe for years). I told him I needed some time apart so I know how much you mean to me bc before it got more serious I needed to know. We didnt talk for a week after that..then we slowly started talking again..and yes I did hang out with another guy but it was not even close to the same as with him (and he hung out with other girls too.) One night he called me and we talked about everything. I realized after seeing them post on his facebook I got quite jealous (he would have if he knew about mine) and I had never had that problem before. I decided I wanted to see him in person so over Christmas I flew up there...we werent sure how it was going to go but it went very well and we realized we had to cut any other ties we made and get back together.

        It absolutely made me realize what a lucky girl I am and how I should never let him we are stronger than ever working on planning a life when he comes back from his deployment..So in conclusion breaks can be beneficial..good luck
        " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
        Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

        Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


          Originally posted by Mara View Post
          From the sound of things, I think neither of you could really handle the distance. It made you into someone that you normally aren't and I don't think he could handle that person. For right now, I would take this as a break up and focus on yourself. Further down the road, when you move there, maybe things could work out, but for right now, I think you need to work on healing and doing the things you need to do/enjoy.
          agree, you should not stop to live your life because he doesnt want to be with you anymore.
          down the road can be far away, and dont move there just because of him, if you are not together. because if you do it for yourself is something, to do it just because you want to be close to an ex, isnt healthy, even if said ex claims to have feelings for you still.
          our story.


          02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

          "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


            Originally posted by Engel View Post
            agree, you should not stop to live your life because he doesnt want to be with you anymore.
            down the road can be far away, and dont move there just because of him, if you are not together. because if you do it for yourself is something, to do it just because you want to be close to an ex, isnt healthy, even if said ex claims to have feelings for you still.
            This so hard.
            Yoru world shouldn't revolve around him. Your life needs to go on whether or not he is in it. "Down the road" is hypothetical. You can't just be waiting for him to want you again because the sad truth is he may not. You need to go on being you and hey if you two work it out, Wonderful.
            "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


              Originally posted by cxs2010 View Post
              Does anyone have any good stories about taking a break?

              A little background, we started talking in October, met in January. Ever since the beginning, I was negative because I didn't think a long distance relationship could ever work. But we talked so much and had so much fun together and got along so well. We ended up falling in love quickly, and feeling very strongly about each other. But my negativity never stopped, it just got worse. I got insecure, jealous, possessive and upset that I wasn't involved in his life, I guess. I started asking too many questions, wanting to always talk to him, got jealous of other girls who were friends, always asked if he met someone new who is better than me, everything. If we were in the same state, I wouldn't have done that. I've never been that way, and I didn't really realize it until it was too late. He got really burnt out on the relationship, because there was nothing he could do to help how I felt, his words weren't enough. So, we broke up. I have now realized everything, and know what I need to do to make things better.

              I saw him for 6 days after we broke up, (I got home a week and a half ago) and we were still affectionate. I was mostly annoying during the 6 days, trying to get more out of him than what he kept telling me. I wanted him to tell me we'd be okay and we'd work things out and he'd trust that I wouldn't treat him that way, with time. He said he'd like for it to work out, he sees a future with me eventually. (I planned to move to his city because I fell in love with it.) and he will continue to talk to me and be my friend. He basically doesn't want a long distance relationship anymore, because it's too hard. He'd like to keep hanging out whenever we can, and see what happens down the road. The only thing I can do now, is be normal, happy and friendly when we talk. But I don't know when we'll talk again. I realize I was being annoying, and he may need some time to get over the negative feelings he has for me. Today is only the second day I've left him alone, I'm just hoping it will be good for us rather than make his feelings fade. We know each other really well and we felt so strongly for each other, I hope that's enough for him to keep his feelings at least in the back of his head, while we're apart and going through this. Since he was the breaker upper, it's like he is busy and doesn't have time to talk to me, or doesn't care to, yet. I hope he will. It has been harder for me, but two nights ago I decided all I can do is give him time and let him come to me.

              His first mention was to take a "break", without the intentions of leaving me, he just needed some time apart, probably to do what he's doing now. He thought doing that would make our relationship stronger rather than breaking us up. But I was so sad and complained about that, that the next day he told me nevermind... and a few days later he said he just wanted to break up, probably because he couldn't handle it and just wanted to be done. But in that same conversation, he said he still has feelings for me, but he also has negative and annoyed feelings towards me and he can't just be with me and continue on if he feels that way. Only time can change them. So we "agreed" to be "friends with potential in the future"... the future meaning, when I live there, when there's actual substance. and we'd still hang out and see what happens, because that would be the only way for him to rebuild his feelings.

              It's like we barely had time to spend together, to know whether we'd work in real life or not. But everything was so good, I just want a chance. I want to keep talking as friends, to keep the potential for more later. He has said there is still potential and he's not over me. I made mistakes and he got sick of them. I want to show him I can be better, but he can only see that if we talk. I want to talk to him so badly, I hope it won't be weeks til we talk again. I know we both may need to detach, so we CAN start over and rebuild the relationship, I just wish I knew what he was thinking, and I hope he wants that too... he's probably not thinking much about it, just "letting things happen", which is what he wants me to do, too. I asked if we could stay close, and he said "why even ask? whatever happens is gonna happen, asking if things can be a certain way doesn't do anything". That's true. Of course, I really hope he doesn't find someone else to spend time with. But he said he was just gonna hang out with friends and not worry about dating or anything, he's not even interested in looking. And I can't imagine him wanting to start another relationship, with me still in the background, who he said he wants a future with. He said he just wants to be happy with me again, and would like to keep trying. When I was with him, I gave him the opportunity to tell me if he just wanted to be done, and he didn't. If he was totally over me, there'd be no point to tell me otherwise. So, I just have to hope we can have a future, no matter what happens in between. I hope he knows how happy I've made him without all the drama, and how well we get along and how much fun we have, and that's what's keeping him around. I know I have to trust all the words he has said about what he wants, but I really feel like I've ruined it, because of how I was acting, even AFTER I left, after I had asked him everything imaginable. I left on a Monday, didn't talk to him at all and he called that Thursday, for no reason really, so I felt special. I hope he surprises me again and things can start from there. Talking would make me feel better about everything, because then I'd know he WANTS to keep talking, and making an effort, and my annoyingness didn't affect things to where he doesn't care anymore.

              The worst part is, I've always settled in past relationships. This is the first time I've ever felt so strongly and in love and like he was truly everything I wanted in someone. We complemented each other so well. I don't want him to become a part of my past. I want all of my future with him. We talked about everything together. I only wanted to get married and have kids because it would've been with him. Before that, I never wanted those things. It's crazy.

              So, has anyone been in this kind of situation?
              i cried as I read your post,..coz we have common situation as the moment,.
              I know it is so hard for you,,as it was so as mine too..
              but one thing I just keep on holding on with,.is the promise of tomorrow,.that as he said to me "You know,I love you,but I want you to be strong,.thats why im asking for a break,but it doesnt mean I dont want you no more"...
              I realized maybe all we need by now being away for 8 months time now,.is to hope,.and keep our faith to each other..
              as I told him "Its just a matter of trust",..though it really hurts me as he now starting to do things on his own,,living his life,.
              its my first time actually havin' LDR and it is really hard,,but I need to be strong,,coz I still BELIEVE IN LOVING HIM,inspite of all the hurt that im going through...though loneliness killing me,.i need to be strong...for us...
              Same here,.I never felt so strongly in love before,,he's the man I really wanted to spend my whole life through with,.
              and no matter what as I keep on telling him...I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM,COME WHAT MAY....

              well im crying now again,.i was so touched with your post...good luck to us!..
              FAITH,HOPE AND LOVE...keep it in you...TIME WILL TELL,.

