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Would You?

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    Would You?

    If your parents were against your relationship would you end it or keep going despite what they think?

    If your parents didn't want you to go see your SO where they lived would you not go or would you go anyway and deal with the consequences when you got back home?

    Just wondering had a convo with one of my best friends about this we had 2 different views.. LOL

    Well I already know my parents won't approve of my relationship but I wouldn't break up with him over it, I love him to death and I wouldn't let anyone come between us. And it really wouldn't be that hard hiding it from them because I already am so staying together shouldn't be a problem.

    As for the sneaking out to see him, because I'm still legally a minor I'd have literal heck to pay when I got back, assuming the cops don't pick me up as a runaway along the way. It just wouldn't be worth it in my situation. If I was legally an adult that would be a bit of a different situation depending on where I lived, if I was living alone but my parents disapproved I'd go and just deal with them being upset with me when I got back but if I lived at home with them I wouldn't go, for all I know they could kick me out and I'd be living on the streets, not worth the risk.

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      This is a tough one, but I would give the guy a chance and ride it out for a while, see if there could in the future be a way for my parents to get over whatever their problem was. If say after a year or two passed and there was no positive improvement, I'd probably leave the guy.

      Not because my parents told me to, but because your husband becomes part of your family and family is important. I've been in the situation where my family hated my long term partner and once I finally got out, I could see all the horrible things they saw and wished I'd trusted them sooner. Sometimes others see something you can't because you're blinded by love.

      As for visiting, I'd do it anyway. I'm an adult, and it's my life. But I'd listen to their concerns and try and meet them half way.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        The only people I think should have an influence on whether or not the couple stays together are the couple. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part I believe that.

        edit: to answer your question, I'd stick together.


          Uhh... only if I were 15 years old? If you're at least 18 you don't need your parents permission for what you do with your relationships and life. If you do it past that age, well, good luck having a life of your own.


            Well, my family already disapproves of my relationship, because it started online. I see their point though, so I'm continuing the relationship and hoping they approve more once we meet. If they don't, well that's just too bad because if everything goes well, I'm staying in a relationship with him.

            And as for the visiting thing, I'm taking my "free weekend" of my study abroad trip and meeting my S.O. against my family's wishes. However, they know I'm 21 and semi-sensible, so they don't really say much other than, "I don't like this, but be careful."

            First Met Online: October 2010
            First Confessed Feelings: December 21, 2011
            Became a "Couple": January 7, 2012
            First Meeting: March 9-14, 2012
            Second Meeting: July 16-31, 2012
            Closed the Distance: May 30, 2013
            Engaged!: June 1, 2013
            Picking out wedding dates now!


              im not gonna let the people in my life and that includes family dictate my life and who i date! my parents like her but dont like the fact that were in a same sex relationship, thats there opinion but im not gonna stop loving my soulmate just because they dont approve, if someone breaks up with you due because there mom told them so then your better off without that person. thats one deal breaker for me, family members butting into your business and controlling your life and your relationships


                In the end you have to do what you want because its your life. I struggle with this alot. But in the end i won't let them get in the way. Lol been taking baby steps on this tho, my mom was mad that i left and am alone for the week with him, but ah well i have no regrets and will be spending the rest of the time with him alone lol
                So no, i wouldn't let them get in the way. It may be hard but in the end im choosing my Nathan
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3


                  I know for certain my parents wouldn't agree with my relationship. My father might, but that's pushing it. My mother would be dead set against it, as would my sisters. Since I'm a legal adult, they have no say over if I were to visit him or not. However... I lean on them heavily for help in terms of money, and if I were to visit him against their wishes, I could be completely cut off and kicked out of the house with nothing but the clothes on my back. Legally. So, I really have no choice in the matter. A few years of working, and graduating college to get a better job, and I may just find myself with enough money to move out and never have to deal with that again! I'd be able to see my SO as it pleased me, not them.


                    This particular relationship? I'm a 21-year-old man and so is he, they can't keep me from him. They know if they try I'll just move out, and most likely move in with him. Thankfully they all love him, have turned him into another member of the family, and are trying to force me to marry him xD. God, I hope I can get my grandma to wait ;_;.

                    If it were anyone else though and it were early enough in the relationship, I'd still be pissed that they'd flat-out forbid me instead of warning me first. I'm an adult, I can be reasoned with.

                    ---------- Post added at 08:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------

                    This particular relationship? I'm a 21-year-old man and so is he, they can't keep me from him. They know if they try I'll just move out, and most likely move in with him. Thankfully they all love him, have turned him into another member of the family, and are trying to force me to marry him xD. God, I hope I can get my grandma to wait ;_;.

                    If it were anyone else though and it were early enough in the relationship, I'd still be pissed that they'd flat-out forbid me instead of warning me first. I'm an adult, I can be reasoned with.


                      My parents approval would make me extremely happy. Mom knows already and she seems ok with it, she didn't ask me to end the relationship or other such thing, but my dad doesn't know yet and I have this feeling that he'll be against it (because he has some old fashioned ideas about family and he's pretty narrow minded when it comes to certain issues).

                      Still, I wouldn't end my relationship if my parents didn't approve. Because I know deep inside that if they told me to end it and I did it, I would regret my whole life, thinking of "What could have been if...".


                        Originally posted by knhdarw View Post
                        If your parents were against your relationship would you end it or keep going despite what they think?

                        If your parents didn't want you to go see your SO where they lived would you not go or would you go anyway and deal with the consequences when you got back home?

                        Just wondering had a convo with one of my best friends about this we had 2 different views.. LOL
                        If my parents were against my relationship, I would still be with him to be honest. He means way too much to me and it's not their life to tell me who I can and can't date. I would definitely keep the relationship on if I really felt that much for him. And I would probably just end up going anyways, especially if I already had a ticket or enough gas money for my car lol, deal with the crap later, unless your parents are super strict and would kick you out of the house lol, then id just try to compromise.
                        "I love the stars and the moon because I know that I'm always sitting under the exact same ones as you"


                          Parents would hopefully come around if you were serious about the relationship. I am an adult on my own so my parents can't dictate what I do. Just fyi every relationship I have had that my parents didn't approve of never lasted. Wasn't because of them but it just happen to be that way.


                            I would keep it going. No matter what. Why would I break up with a wonderful person just because my mom doesn't like it? I wouldn't be happy that way. Why yes, I would also prefer it if my SO lived across the street from me, but that's just not the way it is. You can't help who you fall in love with. I would also try to plan a visit.


                              I would do what I wanted like I always have! If my parents don't like it then they can stuff it lol I have always been this way, and fortunately I have understanding parents that put up with tattoos, piercings and older bf's my whole life all the wile always standing by my side! <3 I feel in time even the most stubborn parent will come to see your reasoning. I think sometimes parents forget what it was like to fall in love!

