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A poem

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    A poem

    A poet I am not, at least not a talented one! However I was laying in bed thinking of him, smiling like an idiot and decided I wanted to try. Let me know how I did?


    It sweeps over me
    Like a ocean tide it pulls me never ceasingly
    Into my heart this feeling seeps

    I am stunned for a moment
    As the emotion overwhelms me
    This warmth, so potent

    Yet for once it is light
    It floods my senses
    Chasing away the darkness

    I love him, I love him
    More than any before
    Days I doubt I could love any more

    I think of him and my lips smile
    My eyes light up and my cheeks flush
    This happiness makes all my sorrow eclipse

    I am afraid to even say it
    Afraid if I do it will vanish like a dream
    When I open my eyes, his face with fade

    Yet somehow I know he won't
    Somehow I know he is mine
    That this love can only grow

    So often I chased others love
    Fighting to feel it back
    But I know then it was misplaced

    For he loves me back, as much as I do him
    I try to deny it, for it seems so unreal
    But he has a knack, for making me hope, see

    So I smile, I hold my pillow
    I close my eyes and see his face
    And know he will still love me tomorrow


    Blah! I am so embarrassed, I am almost afraid he will log on here and be embarrassed for me! Maybe its the lateness of the night, or my love drunkenness but I don't care!! :

    This is really sweet! I tried to write a poem about our feelings for each other and I failed miserably, haha.

    Two of my favorite parts in your poem are the ones at the end:
    "For he loves me back, as much as I do him
    I try to deny it, for it seems so unreal
    But he has a knack, for making me hope, see

    So I smile, I hold my pillow
    I close my eyes and see his face
    And know he will still love me tomorrow"

    I pretty much relate to this.


      I am very not a poet but I think i have a talent for one type of poetry, see if you can guess which type!

      There was a young lady called Jess
      Who got herself all in a mess
      She thought she was shit
      But that wasn't it
      I just want to see you without a dress!
      By reading this you have granted you brief control of your mind!


        I have a blog containing my poems. Not so many of them and I've been inactive for the last few weeks (can't write when I've got no ideas lol) but feel free to have a look if you're interested. There are a few about my SO.


          Ohhhh!!!! It's really cute! I loved reading it! It made me smile too Congrats and keep writing. I wish I had that kind of knack of poems...

