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So excited about this weekend!

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    So excited about this weekend!

    Ok so he's coming down to spend saturday and sunday with me and I'm so excited. We have been talking and texting more this week than I think we ever have Last night he sent me a text around 10PM saying he couldn't wait to hold me in his arms...made me feel so good!
    This will be the 3rd weekend we will spend together and the first time I will let him sleep over my place ( the last 2 times he stayed in a nearby hotel, didn't want to make me uncomfortable) but I'm ready for him to stay with me. Its been a long time since I had a man sleep next to me in bed lol..alittle nervous maybe but I want to take the next step with him.
    The girls will be at their dads for the weekend so we'll be alone
    I plan on cooking a special dinner for him tommarrow....hope It comes out good lol
    So I plan on telling him how I feel about him as well, since we have for the most part just been really good friends up to this point and I think we both want more with each other I was just waiting to bring it up when we are physically together
    It should be a great weekend

    Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!

    As I remember, on a previous post you were wondering if to confess your feelings or not. Well, I think it's clear that he has feelings for you,too He's just as eager to see you and have you close as you are. Have a great weekend and Good luck with the dinner - when I try to cook for a special/important occasion I usually end up with a not-so-good result, lol.


      Have a good weekend, and remember it's NORMAL to be nervous! Have fun!


        this is so cute! hope you guys have fun!


          Thank you everyone! I was and am still a little nervous about taking the next step, because of so many things, the distance, our situations, my past, but honestly it just feels so right I cant help myself. I have a connection with him that I have never had with any other man before in my life. He is so patient and kind and sooo very sweet. I have shared things with him that I have a hard time sharing with my bestfriend and his voice just soothes me. Sounds corny right lol?
          I am trying to keep my feet on the ground and not get to far out on a limb to fast but Its hard not to with him. The funny thing with him is that before we met a couple months ago I never in a million years would have thought that I would be falling for him. I only thought of him as a friend. But once we met and we physically spent a weekend together I just started to fall for him....

          Anyways I will let you all know how the weekends goes
          Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!



            That text he sent says it all. Reminds me a little how my SO talked in the weeks leading up to our second meeting. We were just friends, but he couldn't wait to hold me either. Then withing a few hours of seeing one another, we knew we were more than friends.

            Do what feels right, don't push yourself or the relationship, and just let what will happen, happen. You know each other well, you both seem to have feelings for one another, and you'll be alone. To me, sounds like you're about ready for the next level.

            It had been a LONG time since I had been intimate with anyone when I spent a long weekend with my SO. All I can say is kissing him and being intimate with him felt natural, like I'd been doing it for years with him. Part of it is because he's such a loving, special man who I feel entirely comfortable with, but the other part is we have known each other for years. There is so much about LDRs that is difficult, but the one thing they have over CDRs is the amount of time you spend talking and getting to know someone. So try not to worry yourself too much over what may happen between the two of you, just as I said, let whatever will happen, happen.

            Have fun!

            ---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------


            That text he sent says it all. Reminds me a little how my SO talked in the weeks leading up to our second meeting. We were just friends, but he couldn't wait to hold me either. Then withing a few hours of seeing one another, we knew we were more than friends.

            Do what feels right, don't push yourself or the relationship, and just let what will happen, happen. You know each other well, you both seem to have feelings for one another, and you'll be alone. To me, sounds like you're about ready for the next level.

            It had been a LONG time since I had been intimate with anyone when I spent a long weekend with my SO. All I can say is kissing him and being intimate with him felt natural, like I'd been doing it for years with him. Part of it is because he's such a loving, special man who I feel entirely comfortable with, but the other part is we have known each other for years. There is so much about LDRs that is difficult, but the one thing they have over CDRs is the amount of time you spend talking and getting to know someone. So try not to worry yourself too much over what may happen between the two of you, just as I said, let whatever will happen, happen.

            Have fun!


              Thank you! Its been a very long time since I started to feel comfortable with a man..My last relationship was very rough on me emotionally and the scars are still there even 6 years later. He was very abusive and lied to me and it really broke my trust in men. I honestly never thought I would love again or be able to be close to a man again because of it.
              The thing with DL is he has been so understanding with me and patient with all my trust issues. I had to cancel our first meeting back in March because I wasn't 100% ready to meet him in person at that point and I know it sounds silly and looking back i think it was silly but he never once got upset or frustrated with me. He simply told me when I was ready he would be ready to.
              Once we met in person It changed...I saw him for a real person, the loving caring man he is and I started to fall for him instantly.
              This weekend will be great...we talked a little on the phone last night (he works nights and always calls me on his lunch break to say hi) and he asked if I was ok with him sleeping over..( he was worried it would be awkward for me) and I told him I was ok with it. It is something I want and am ready for. I know no matter what happens this weekend it will bring us closer together.

              Live, Laugh, Love, EVERYDAY!

