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I need help, I am going away for a 3 whole weeks and will have no contact with her ;(

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    I need help, I am going away for a 3 whole weeks and will have no contact with her ;(

    I am going away for three weeks for holiday with my parents, and I won't be able to contact my SO while I am gone, it's not so much me, but her, I can make it through and just make the best of it, but she's the one just sitting at home waiting for me to return!

    Please respond as I am going in two days and I would really like if anyone had any advice or experience with this. Thanks to you who reply

    There isn't much you can do for her yourself since it'll be her who will be alone those three weeks. Let her know that you are worried about her and don't wish to leave her alone for three weeks. Maybe you can take a notebook or something with you and write down the things that you do so that you won't forget to leave anything out when you tell her about the trip Let her know that you were thinking about her and how she was doing and that you missed her and such during those 3 weeks. It'll be up to her to keep busy however. That's really the best way to pass the time :P


      Thanks I will be taking pictures for her to see when I come home


        Maybe you can get her address and send her post cards? I think that would be cute! just let her know that you won't forget about her.


          Call her when you get the chance? I think if she calls you she might be worried she's interrupting your trip, but since you know her schedule when you've got the chance call her up.


            There's not much you can do. She's the one who shouldn't be "waiting for your return", she should come up with things that could keep her "busy", so 3 weeks won't seem so long.

            How come you won't be able to have any contact at all? Are your vacation at a place without internet at all?


              Yeah I'm going with my parents, I'm only 16, and we're going to Hungary, I begged for a place with internet, but my mum thought the place without it seemed nicer :/


                Could you maybe borrow a phone of theirs or something?


                  I was the girl waiting for my guy to contact me when he was gone for two weeks and it was hell and first! But like everyone said, just tell her to keep busy, try to be around as much people as possible, and find things to occupy her time.

                  morgan(: 's idea is great! A postcard would be cheap and very cute.

                  My idea: take time to sit down and make her a "care-package". Fill it with 21 (or however many days you are gone) small, $1 items and write 21 different cards so every day, she gets a little present and card from you ahead of time. Just pack it all in one big box and ship it to her a couple of days before you leave.

                  Have so much fun with the trip though! I know you want to talk to your girl and all, but this sounds like a once in a lifetime trip. Really enjoy every minute of it!


                    Tell her to keep busy. That's the best you can do. I have spent weeks with no contact to my SO before and staying busy is what helped me through it. Enjoy your trip!!

