Originally posted by Minerva
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I haven't heard from Francesco in a week
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First rule of the internet:
You don't put up ANYTHING you wouldn't want the whole world to see. Including your teacher, parents, next door neighbour and the creep from the bus stop. Once it's out there, you have no way of knowing where it's going and you can't take it down. You can of course delete it from where you uploaded it, but who knows on how many hard drives it's already saved?
She might (or might not) be a freak, but she has outed herself. There's more than 7000 members on here, so there are probably more (and worse!) freaks among them.
♥ Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty. ♥
What each one whant to share or not is each one business, and as you can see a lot of the members here has important info on their profiles and posts (not me, but I saw already that people talk here openly about where they live, etc), so I believe it should be the administrators responsability to protect it if they can. I know they cannot do much, but I would just cover my back deleting accounts of who shows violent attitudes and who support illegal things (the idea of being a stalker is not something bad on her eyes). You know a lot of crimes started in internet, like the craiglist crime... If I were Michelle or Frank, I wouldn't want the next one begin on my web page, so that is why I believe they could block her account. I know she can create a diferent e-mail account and sign-in as another person here, but there is not much to do about it... I'm just saying if they can do something, they should, I'm not complaining that they cannot do much, just asking to do what can be done, even if it's not much...