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First meeting nerves

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    First meeting nerves

    Hi all,
    I will be meeting my sweetheart for the first time in September (YAY!!) and we're really excited BUT we're really REALLY nervous too. A little background...

    We "met" on a facebook game 3 years ago and fell in love pretty quickly, it's been a long and difficult road (but totally worth every second of it) for us to get to this point. Meeting sooner really wasn't an option (i was married) and this meeting is the first step in closing the distance (we need to have met for him to get a visa) so theres alot of emotion riding on this visit.... id even go as far as to say this visit is make or break for us. He's voiced his concern that he's scared that I'll be disappointed with him and visa versa.
    So, what I'm asking is... what can my SO and I do in the 2 months leading up to our visit to help the situation, ease the nerves and be more.. confident? i guess.
    Thanks in advance
    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

    Me and my SO had almost same issues, except I am in US and he is in UK! I have no good advice other than understand if either of you gets a little nuts and testy during this time. My SO became quite a bit so each time for the month before meeting. and when you meet, especially since you are considering applying for a visa, TAKE PICTURES. We didn't, because neither of us like photos taken of us and then when we went to apply for the fiance visa we had no photographic proof we had met int eh previous two years! So we had to wait to apply until I could get back there. Expensive pictures! lol We are still involved in the visa process. 44 days left of the visa petition and getting a little angry at the slowness of my lawyers in getting the paperwork in, I am so scared their wont be time to get his interview in!. Soooo hard to wait when we have waited so long already and it all is EXTREMELY stressful on our relationship!


      I hate to say it, but....nothing! You're going to be a bundle of nerves for the next two months, there's no getting around it, I'm afraid. Talk about your fears, laugh at your nervousness, and, as silly as it sounds, enjoy the anticipation. You only get a first meeting once, and I think all of us (who didn't start CD) have gone through this, it's totally normal. Keep a journal, it'll help you get the feelings out and calm you down a little.

      I think most of us were afraid we wouldn't meet expectations, but we're all here, so I guess the reality is we usually do! Just try to relax, keep busy and realize that the time leading up to that first visit IS stressful. You guys might even argue more than you usually do, but it's OK, the time will fly and you'll both be fine.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        I'm really happy for you!! I'm about to do the same thing in about 3 days now so I completely understand how nervous you are and thinking there's a lot riding on how it goes.

        I think we'll just have to enjoy the whole anticipation and excitement of meeting someone after years of no physical contact. Just focus on that. Worrying won't help anything and you've come far enough to sit back and enjoy the ride.


          I hate to say it, but nothing. All you can do is be confident in the bond that you two have and try to pay more attention to the excitement than the nervousness. I still get nervous when I go to pick up my boyfriend at the airport.


            I hate to say it, but nothing. All you can do is be confident in the bond that you two have and try to pay more attention to the excitement than the nervousness. I still get nervous when I go to pick up my boyfriend at the airport.


              I have to agree with Moon, there really isn't anything to do to calm your nerves except maybe talk about it and laugh it off, but try to enjoy the feeling as best you can, I mean you only meet for the first time once so why not let your nerves take over, to me it just proves how much you really care about him, if you didn't care you wouldn't be worrying so I guess that's a good thing

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                Nothing. You will be nervous and scared and emotional and crying and disturbed every time you think about it until you see his face. Do your best to stay calm because you both want things to go well. Don't get stressed out. Just go with the flow


                  Thank you ladies
                  At the moment i'm focusing on what im going to do on the flight as ive never been on a plane before so the 9 hour flight is going to be interesting... especially when im scared of heights but i have a VERY good reason to get over that fear.
                  As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                    Originally posted by leonsfangirl View Post
                    Thank you ladies
                    At the moment i'm focusing on what im going to do on the flight as ive never been on a plane before so the 9 hour flight is going to be interesting... especially when im scared of heights but i have a VERY good reason to get over that fear.
                    I actually started a thread about this! You can look it up if you want to. https://members.lovingfromadistance....-plane-.......


                      Just like everyone said there is not a lot you can do. But talking about how you both are nervous might make it easier, knowing that is isn't only you that has these fears. As soon as you see him there will be nothing to be nervous about....except for the first kiss maybe!


                        Thanks for the heads up NaNi!! will check that out

                        We've talked about our nerves and that's made us feel alittle better but it's still playing on our minds, i dont think it will fully hit me till after my birthday (15th september) as it will only be 5 days then and i have nothing to distract me lol
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          I'm gonna disagree a litte and say there ARE a few things you can do to ease those nerves. First of all, you're BOTH worried about your meeting. You can use that to your advantage cause whenever you get nervous just remember that he is exactly as nervous as you are. There's a lot at stake for the both of you in this meeting so it's ok to be scared and emotional and whatever it is you're feeling. But you have to remember that you're not the only one feeling that way.

                          I can also relate to the flying bit since when I went to see Andy for the 1st time I had never flown alone before and I was scared to death of flying! What I did was I tried to think of every step of the journey as a little thing instead of thinking about it all as one huge trip. Journey to the airport - check. Check-in - check. Security - check. Wait at the gate -check. Get in the plane - check. After that you can just relax and enjoy the anticipation of seeing your SO soon. It's something you've both wanted for a long time and before ALL it's a happy thing! Nerves WILL kick in and there might be a few awkward moments at first but really, once you see the person you've been talking to through a screen for years you will be filled with so much happiness that nothing else matters

                          Good luck with everything and try not to stress about it too much beforehand, just relax and enjoy the countdown!


                            just try to relax and be positive and prepare for everything! heheh i took 4 gigabyte flash disk, and my laptop... i know im going to take tons of pictures.. at the end of my trip there are over 3900 pictures of us... all my excuse is... i dont wanna miss a thing!! hehe i took his pictures whenever i can!

