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Our parents will be meeting soon if everything goes as planned....

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    Our parents will be meeting soon if everything goes as planned....

    My family lives in Tennessee, and his mom lives six hours away, so there really is little to no chance of our parents ever meeting until we say "I Do." So, when my SO texts me and asks me of things to do in Gatlinburg (30 minutes from my house) because his mom might be coming to TN for her birthday, I'm floored. I hope our parents will like each other because I love him so much, and I am hoping one day for us all to be family.

    Have any of your parents met your SO's parents? How did it go?

    My parents and brother flew 22 hours across an ocean to meet my boyfriend's family. Well, they did it mostly because they were worried for their only daughter and wanted to see where she would be living and the school she is going to. We all had dinner a few times during the 5 days they were here and I must say it went a lot better than expected. The parents seem to get along with each other fine, the language barrier I thought was going to exist didn't bother them at all. The only issue my boyfriend and I had was that they were trying to impress each other too much, them wanting to be perfect hosts and my parents wanting to be perfect guests that it all seemed a bit staged sometimes.

    I hope all of you enjoy the time together, good luck! (:


      Not yet. My Mom is planning on flying over next summer and my SOs Mom is already telling us that we'll have to bring my mom to see her. Based on that I can only imagine it will go well.


        Our mums met in February this year, when my boyfriend and his mum came to my grandpa's birthday.

        I was so nervous that it would be awkward, because they don't have a common language (my boyfriend's Polish, I'm German - our parents don't speak English). But it was actually a lot of fun and they seemed to get along despite the language barrier and their majorly different personalities.

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          Mine and my SO's parents havent met... Not even spoken... Im so nervous for them meeting because his parents are a lot different than my parents. I doubt they'll meet until our wedding or maybe just before. Im so scared for meeting his parents too!
          Im sure it'd go fine though, they will just want to see you two happy and they will just need time to get to know eachother


            My parents had lunch with his mother a long time ago, and it went well, I suppose. They haven't met his father yet. Our families are just so different... my mom has one drink a year, my dad two beers a week, maybe; Beau's parents go through wine like its water, both of them drink far too much and Beau pays the price for it. I guess I'm just worried about them meeting and then his parents getting sloshed, particularly his dad.


              I doubt mine will ever meet, my parents aren't the type of people that go out and meet people, even if they could be my future in-laws.

              Met: 8.17.09
              Started Dating: 8.20.09
              First Met: 10.2.10
              Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


                My parents are going to my SO's party this weekend. Our parents will all meet then. He gets along with my family really well, and I love his family. I just really hope they all get along well.


                  Yes, our parents have met each other, once on the other family's "home court," if you will. To be honest, it was like looking in a mirror. Lots of awkward moments where no one talked, but overall, pretty awesome.
                  National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                  National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                  Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                    Originally posted by blferguson1s View Post
                    My parents are going to my SO's party this weekend. Our parents will all meet then. He gets along with my family really well, and I love his family. I just really hope they all get along well.
                    She beat me to saying this. Her family is going to be at my birthday/graduation party this weekend, first time meeting. I think it will all go well since we both get along with the others family very well.

