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    1. Date relationship began?

    1/28/2011 although we went to University together for 4 years in a small program. So we had hooked up a few times, worked together on projects and become friends long before then

    2. Date relationship became LDR?

    First time: New years 2011. I went to visit him cause I had no plans, and we became "more than friends" before midnight He moved to New York in March and we were Cd after that
    Second time: July 2011

    3. Why are you LD?

    my visa expired, I wasn't able to renew, and I had to leave the US and move back to Canada. I'm working with a lawyer now to see about getting back there for work eventually, but since I'm a freelancer it's tricky business.

    4. Where do each of you live?

    He's in NY and I'm in ON

    5. How often do you get to visit?

    Theoretically we can do it whenever we're both free. I could go every weekend if I wanted to, but the gas and travel expenses add up. We're aiming at once a month if possible.

    6. Do you like where your SO lives?

    I have a love/ hate relationship with NY. Parts of it are beautiful, parts of it exciting, and parts of it are dirty and gross. I'm not a huge fan of his building, because it's itty bitty and cramped. But I like the area in general

    7. Best part about being in a LDR?

    Not having to shave my legs every day haha! In all seriousness it's nice that when we do see eachother everything feels special. I go the extra mile to look nice, we spend quality time together doing things we both like... And when we're apart we're free to be very independant.

    8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?

    No hugs. I can skype for hours but it just makes me feel sader because I can't get a hug or squeeze or kiss from him. Also, no matter how good your camera is, there are details I miss like freckles and birthmarks on his arms that I just cant see through skype.

    9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?

    That the phone situation would be this hard. We thought we would be able to call and text, but it turns out it costs too much on his plan right now, and it turns out my data plan doesn't work up here. It's hard that we're limited to talking through the internet, because it means I have to be home at my computer to talk to him. We have to make plans to talk, we cant just talk whenever.

    10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?

    stay positive. Keep busy. Days go by faster if you're occupied and you keep from counting them.


      1. Date relationship began? January 6, 2009
      2. Date relationship became LDR? January 6, 2009
      3. Why are you LD? Because we live ~300 miles away from each other and aren't able to close the distance right now.
      4. Where do each of you live? He lives in Northern California, I live in Southern California
      5. How often do you get to visit? Whenever we can afford it...might be every month or every other month or every couple months.
      6. Do you like where your SO lives? Yep.
      7. Best part about being in a LDR? Reading his e-mails.
      8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR? The distance.
      9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR? I don't know.
      10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR? Be patient. (I should probably take my own advice.)


        1. Date relationship began? 8.20.09
        2. Date relationship became LDR? Met online so 8.20.09
        3. Why are you LD? Because I'm still in high school and he's in college
        4. Where do each of you live? I live in Arizona and he lives in New York
        5. How often do you get to visit? Once a year, for a weekend. :/
        6. Do you like where your SO lives? I've never been there but my parents say it's really nice, I'm sure I'd love it because the weather is so nice.
        7. Best part about being in a LDR? Getting to know him on a more emotional level because communication is all we have
        8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR? None of my friends understand how hard it is for us, and they don't seem to count our relationship as 'real'
        9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR? How many nights I'd spend with a heart aching with lonliness
        10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR? Communicate, and trust each other, and yourself, you know what you feel for your SO, other people don't so don't let them tell you it's not worth it.

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          1. Date relationship began?

          Met him in March 2007. Not exactly sure when it 'began'. It kinda just gradually happened.

          2. Date relationship became LDR?

          Always has been.

          3. Why are you LD?

          Because we live far apart and we're too young to make a huge move yet.

          4. Where do each of you live?

          I live in the US. They're in Canada.

          5. How often do you get to visit?

          First visit is in a couple days.

          6. Do you like where your SO lives?

          Haven't been there but it can't be too different.
          7. Best part about being in a LDR?

          Even though there's a physical distance, we're closer than most other people we know.

          8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?

          The distance.

          9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
          Nothing that I can think of.

          10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?

          Don't freak out about little things. Learn how to communicate well.


            Does anyone actually read this?
            I like seeing how long some of you have been making it work already It makes me more confident about our future.

            1. Date relationship began?
            We don't really have a date, we became official sometime in January 2010, but we had been going out and been practically a couple for a good few weeks before that.
            2. Date relationship became LDR?
            Feb, 14th 2010
            3. Why are you LD?
            We met while I was studying abroad in his city, so I had to go back to finish my undergrad and now grad studies.
            4. Where do each of you live?
            Me - Germany, Him - Poland
            5. How often do you get to visit?
            About every three weeks, sometimes more, sometimes less.
            6. Do you like where your SO lives?
            I used to not like his city, because it's sooo ugly. But I guess I've gotten used to it. I like big cities and he lives in the captial, so there's always something to do.
            7. Best part about being in a LDR?
            Keeping my independence and not having to share my time between my friends and my boyfriend.
            8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?
            Not being able to share my everyday life with him. It's frustrating to live practically like a single while actually being in a relationship.
            9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
            I don't know.
            10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?
            Don't lose hope. It might seem impossible to ever be together at times, but try to make plans anyway. Keep them as realistic as possible, even if it means to visiting/closing the distance will take longer, it still gives you confidence and hope.

            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


              1. Date relationship began?
              Some time last August. I dont really think either of us know the actual date. We'll have to pick a day in august I guess to celebrate

              2. Date relationship became LDR?
              It was long distance from the get go

              3. Why are you LD?
              we've never been close distance

              4. Where do each of you live?
              I live in TN, he lives in TX

              5. How often do you get to visit?
              Havent had one yet

              6. Do you like where your SO lives?
              Sure I suppose TX is okay
              7. Best part about being in a LDR?
              I guess you still have time for your friends and they dont feel jealous about you having to split up your time between your friends and your SO
              8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?
              Right now my most frustrating part is not getting enough attention

              9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
              It was going to be so hard >.<

              10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?


                1. Date relationship began?
                October 2010

                2. Date relationship became LDR?
                June 2011

                3. Why are you LD?
                I had to move away for work

                4. Where do each of you live?
                We live about 200 miles away

                5. How often do you get to visit?
                It depends. Sometimes every weekend. Other times it's every other weekend. It may also be just once a month.

                6. Do you like where your SO lives?
                Yes, I wish I didn't have to move away

                7. Best part about being in a LDR?
                If I had a bad day at work, I won't have to feel guilty about taking it out on him

                8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?
                Just not being able to see each other and do "couple-y" things

                9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
                How much it sucks when you're saying goodbye. I've had to say goodbye so many times since I've been in multiple LDRs and so you would think I would have gotten used to it. Nope.

                10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?
                Keep busy, whether it's doing work, school, spending time with friends, hobbies, etc. It makes time go by faster.


                  1. Date relationship began? We became official 6/19/10, but we have known each other since 1996 (we went to high school together)
                  2. Date relationship became LDR? 6/19/10
                  3. Why are you LD? We were LDR because he couldnt leave work because of his job and I couldn't leave because my children were in school and had personal issues to wrap up at home.
                  4. Where do each of you live? I lived in Iowa and he lives in Wyoming. We were about 700 miles away from each other.
                  5. How often do you get to visit? Before we were closed the distance, we saw each other every 3 weeks on average. the shortest we had to wait was 10 days and the longest we went without seeing one another was 5 weeks.
                  6. Do you like where your SO lives? Yes. I moved there!
                  7. Best part about being in a LDR? The best part of being in a LDR was being forced to communicate. We got to get to know each other emotionally and form a deeper relationship that way.
                  8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR? Just not being together when we needed it, not getting a hug when we had a bad day, etc. The loneliness you feel.
                  9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR? how hard it is to leave one another, the unbelievable loneliness you feel at times
                  10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR? Communication and trust are imperative in a LDR. Without these, things won't work. Also, you need to have a life outside your relationship or you are going to drive yourself crazy.


                    1. Date relationship began? Started talking somewhere around may 2008, a bit before, maybe even up to valentines day? not sure exactly when. Started into romantic territory round august that year
                    2. Date relationship became LDR? The entire time, no clue on date
                    3. Why are you LD? Both of us are still taking care of our education and don't exactly have the means to even meet yet
                    4. Where do each of you live? I live in Philly of the US, he lives in Brisbane, Australia
                    5. How often do you get to visit? >< that's funny. Somewhere between never and years (possible visit approaching next year/year after, depending on his finances if that doesn't work, i'll be set to go study abroad near him in around 3-4 years)
                    6. Do you like where your SO lives? sure do i get to make fun of it all the time! plus i've been fascinated by the area since kiddiedom.
                    7. Best part about being in a LDR? i can take things at my own pace and be sure of myself. This clearly isnt someone rushing you into their bed if they've taken so much time and effort out to make you feel loved
                    8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR? its stasis. literately nothing can happen. no matter how much i want a hug or snuggle, kiss, anything i can't. things can't change in other terms either.
                    9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
                    That it wasn't so uncommon, nor something to be ashamed of.
                    10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR? Everyone is different, its already not a "normal" relationship; the bounds and labels are for your digression by what you can handle vs what you want. Love =/= a "relationship." There are people dating who arent in love, and there are people in love who arent dating. No need for shame.


                      1. Date relationship began? December 31st, 2003.
                      2. Date relationship became LDR? Same as above.
                      3. Why are you LD? We were born in separate states and our colleges are in different states. Neither of us could afford to pick up and take our college in another state. Out-of-state tuition is insane.
                      4. Where do each of you live? I live in Oklahoma. He lives in Florida.
                      5. How often do you get to visit? Now that we are in college, we get to see each other around every 3 months or so. We see each other more in the summer though.
                      6. Do you like where your SO lives? Yes, but sometimes it is sooo humid lol
                      7. Best part about being in a LDR? The excitement you get right before you see each other at the airport and the amazing time you get to spend together when you are on visits.
                      8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR? Not being able to be together whenever you want to be. Being too far apart that you can't drive there overnight. Needing them when you are breaking down and having a rough day, when all you need is a hug or kiss.
                      9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR? How expensive plane tickets were going to get lol
                      10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR? Patience. As much as you want to rush to get together and close the distance, make sure each person has their life in order. It aids to remove any stress that can be put on the relationship. And, of course, trust.

                      *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                        1. Date relationship began?
                        May 2011

                        2. Date relationship became LDR?
                        August 2011 (3 weeks and 3 days from now)

                        3. Why are you LD?
                        I'm going off to College, and he's staying close to home :/

                        4. Where do each of you live?
                        We live about 2000 miles away (San Jose, CA and St. Petersburg, FL)

                        5. How often do you get to visit?
                        Every break! Since he's so close to home, everytime I come home, He'll be there

                        6. Do you like where your SO lives?
                        I liked El Granada... but San Jose? Icky.

                        7. Best part about being in a LDR?
                        Talking to him and getting to tell him all the exciting things I did today (We've both been on long trips away already, so I know what it's going to be like)

                        8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?
                        Waiting on texts on such... I don't know what he's up to, so we can go whole days with maybe four texts between us.

                        9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
                        How hard it's going to be leaving him behind when I want to be with him sooo badly

                        10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?
                        Don't let missing him take over your life! We all have our reasons for the distance, and if it's meant to be, everything will work out in the end
                        Every long lost dream led me to where you are
                        Others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars
                        Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
                        This much I know is true...
                        That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you

                        |First Met: 02/28/14|Exchanged Numbers: 03/07/14|First Date: 03/14/14|First Kiss: 03/21/14 |Became a couple: 04/05/14|


                          1. Date relationship began?
                          may 17, 2010

                          2. Date relationship became LDR?
                          may 17, 2010

                          3. Why are you LD?
                          we met online, and so we live in different states

                          4. Where do each of you live?
                          he lives in michigan i live in connecticut

                          5. How often do you get to visit?
                          depends, sometimes visits with less than a month in between, sometimes a few months. right now it's been 2 and a half months since we have seen each other but he will be coming here in 16 days!

                          6. Do you like where your SO lives?
                          yes i do like it a lot! i live in the country, where it takes me 30 minutes to get to a walmart or fast food place, and he lives around everything!

                          7. Best part about being in a LDR?
                          really, really appreciating the time you get with each other, and the anticipation and excitement to counting down to be with each other again.

                          8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?
                          we fight too much when we're apart because of the stress the distance puts on us, and also just not being able to see him when i want/need to

                          9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
                          how damn hard it was going to be

                          10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?
                          don't sweat the small stuff


                            1. Date relationship began?
                            17th January 2010

                            2. Date relationship became LDR?

                            3. Why are you LD?
                            Because we are too far apart to be in a CD. Need a visa for Australia first and that's a tough thing to get.

                            4. Where do each of you live?
                            I live in England, she lived in Australia.

                            5. How often do you get to visit?
                            Once so far - June 2011. Hoping for another one in May 2012.

                            6. Do you like where your SO lives?
                            I don't like that she lives there, but I love Australia so much. Can't wait to live there!

                            7. Best part about being in a LDR?
                            Knowing each other inside out, feeling connected to her emotionally.

                            8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?
                            Not being able to touch her every day.

                            9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
                            I don't know.. nothing I guess.

                            10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?
                            Never give up. Ever.


                              1. Date relationship began? June 26, 2010 this go round - we were LD in January, 1997 for 10 months, broke up but we were best of friends for all those years in between
                              2. Date relationship became LDR? He left on 7/4 last year so I guess that would be the official new LD date
                              3. Why are you LD? I met him while I was on vacation in December, 1996 - we have always been LD.
                              4. Where do each of you live? I am in FL and he is in NH
                              5. How often do you get to visit? Every 3-4 months. Right now, next scheduled visit is in October
                              6. Do you like where your SO lives? I think it's pretty, especially during the fall but the cold weather kills me every time. Even last visit in June, one of the days I was there it was 55 degrees. I'm in FL for a reason
                              7. Best part about being in a LDR? Being forced to take vacations every few months to go see him I used to never take off work and now I do. I forgot how nice it was just to take a few days every now and then.
                              8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR? The feelings of being lonely, especially when you have events you would normally bring a partner to and you are showing up by yourself yet again...
                              9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?We've already done this once so going into it I knew what it would be like. It's a LOT easier now than it was back then. There are so many more ways to keep in touch.
                              10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR? The first time we were in a relationship, I was a lot more insecure about things (and I was also 18-19 years old), so this time I knew in order to stay sane I needed to be secure in our relationship. If you aren't, jealousy and doubts will eat you alive. Trust that it will work.


                                1. Date relationship began?
                                11th May 2011

                                2. Date relationship became LDR?
                                11th May 2011

                                3. Why are you LD?
                                Well we met over the internet, through mutual skype friends to be exact, so there was no close distance relationship before the long distance bit.

                                4. Where do each of you live?
                                I live in York, UK and my SO lives in Manchester NH, USA

                                5. How often do you get to visit?
                                Neither of us have had the pleasure of each others company yet but I am planning a trip for this September.

                                6. Do you like where your SO lives?
                                From what she's told me, yeah I like it plenty. I actually like the look of her apartment, even if it is a bit messy

                                7. Best part about being in a LDR?
                                Being able to do nice sweet things for her like the picture messages I left on her profile.

                                8. Most frustrating part about being in a LDR?
                                The time difference is the biggest thing. I get up at normal times and am 5 hours ahead of my night-owl of an SO It can get annoying when I'm waiting for her to get up and she's said she can get irritated at being alone after i go to bed.

                                9. Something you wish you knew before going into a LDR?
                                I'm not too sure about this one. I suppose I wish I had prepared for every eventuality by updating my passport. Not that not having mine up to date is going to affect my visit but it would've saved some hassle.

                                10. One piece of advice for those in a LDR?
                                If both of you have iPhone's, Blackberries or Android phones, there are plenty of apps out there that let you call/text internationally for free [using your internet data allowance instead] It almost makes the relationship seem "normal" when you're on the phone to each other instead of on the other side of the computer screen.
                                By reading this you have granted you brief control of your mind!

