What ways do you raise money to get to your significant other if your job isn't enough (Or you don't have a job.) I only get 177.27 every two weeks and I work 4 days in 2 weeks, I'm part time. I just.. I need to get money to get to Mark.
I tried Cha Cha.. using the searches to earn a few extra dollars, Not my thing, neither was treasuretrooper or anything like it.
I can sell some of my crochet things, but what should I do? Etsy or Ebay or something else?
Do you have a donate site? Did people donate to you?
Simply looking for ideas. Thanks for the input, from me and Mark
I tried Cha Cha.. using the searches to earn a few extra dollars, Not my thing, neither was treasuretrooper or anything like it.
I can sell some of my crochet things, but what should I do? Etsy or Ebay or something else?
Do you have a donate site? Did people donate to you?
Simply looking for ideas. Thanks for the input, from me and Mark