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Getting moeny to get to the SO

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    Getting moeny to get to the SO

    What ways do you raise money to get to your significant other if your job isn't enough (Or you don't have a job.) I only get 177.27 every two weeks and I work 4 days in 2 weeks, I'm part time. I just.. I need to get money to get to Mark.

    I tried Cha Cha.. using the searches to earn a few extra dollars, Not my thing, neither was treasuretrooper or anything like it.

    I can sell some of my crochet things, but what should I do? Etsy or Ebay or something else?
    Do you have a donate site? Did people donate to you?
    Simply looking for ideas. Thanks for the input, from me and Mark

    Pick up a second job


      I work full time - this is how I make the money to visit my SO.


        Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
        Pick up a second job
        This would be my suggestion. I currently work a full-time job and am in the process of interviewing for a part-time job as well.

        I've also done focus groups in the past (just sharing your opinion about a product). They are only offered in major cities tho.


          Outside of picking up another job, Etsy is a good way to make money on the side. If you have anything that you no longer want or use, you could try selling it on Ebay as well. Personally, I just budget my money [and my SO and I split costs] and save. When I don't have the money to see him, we just don't see each other. We haven't seen each other in almost three months now because of financial issues. I know it's hard, but sometimes there's just no other way, but to wait.


            I work a part-time job. I'd like to earn extra cash, but I live in such a rural area and I don't drive...not that I'd really want to commute anyway. I tried Treasure Trooper, but got discouraged with it. I might try selling stuff on Ebay at some point.


              Currently, I work two jobs - Subway (I'm leaving there at the end of August after 5 and a half years), and a funeral home doing photography work in cemeteries for their genealogy department. I also make and sell jewelry. I'm in the process of opening an Etsy (it's up, it just doesn't have any listings on it yet - the banner will show you the type of stuff I'm going to be selling! I don't know how well the Etsy will go over, I'm really interested to get going on it, though! I recommend trying it out. You never know, if you make enough and have fabulous pictures of your products, then make an effort to advertise, you could do really well. But yeah, these are the ways I fund my life. Lol. I live at home, so it's easy to save money. I don't have to spend money on food or rent, just on gas for my car, a portion of my cell phone bill, and prescriptions. I also pay for school, but I think this year I'll have enough scholarships to pay for my entire tuition! Anyway, I'd say your best bet is Etsy or finding another job with more hours!


                I dont work at all at the moment (not from a lack of trying though) i budget,scrap and skrimp over £1 that comes in.
                I do my food shopping online as i dont impulse buy and only buy what i truely need. Buy things in season and things on offer and store if you can. If something breaks i know alot of people who can fix it or i sweet talk someone and get it replaced for nothing (Know your rights people!!)
                Check your bills for where you can cut corners, you'd be surprised how much you can save by shopping around.

                Just by doing this i'm taking 2 trips within a month of each other this year, 1 with my family and 1 to see my SO in Canada (I'm in the U.K) It's totally do-able you just have to be really hard on yourself... but spoil yourself occassionally too
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                  I made quite a lot of money with eBay at one point, but now I only have things which I would really like to keep (DVDs, video games, books). So I won't be making any more money from that and I also don't have a job. School is stressful enough as it is and I don't think I would manage a job on top of that. I will look around for weekend jobs once I return from my trip to New Zealand though.


                    My parents pay for his flights mostly, this time he is saving up and his parents are helping. He does work part time but he has college too. Ive been looking everywhere for a job but no luck =/
                    Sell random stuff on ebay which might get money, car boot/garage sales, anything you can think of is worth a try

