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How sentimental are you? :)

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    How sentimental are you? :)

    I'm a pretty sentimental girl. I mean, I keep anything that reminds me of a special moment I had with my boyfriend. For example, when we had still only been together for 3 months, I wanted to go swimming in my pool on our 3 month anniversary. While swimming, I found a little leaf shaped like a heart and kept it. I still have it to this day! :P Jaja

    Anyone else out there as sentimental? Sometimes I wonder if I'm too sentimental about things.

    I can be sentimental, but more often I'm sappy. Sometimes he'll say something and my heart will just fill up, and it can be anything: a little joke, something quirky, something sweet. Often it's not much, just something that is so uniquely him. He can be quirky and strange in the most wonderful ways, and whenever I catch a glimpse into his worldview, I feel like I fall in love all over again. I could say "I love you" and "I want to kiss you" a million times to him, but I have to hold myself back lest he get bored, hehe.


      I'm definitely sentimental, I kept everything I could from my SO's visit, I even still have the flyer of the event we went to, and I keep some of the sweet texts he sends me. Anything and everything that has a fond memory of my SO attached to it I keep. ^^;

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        I'm sort of sentimental. I have kept all the ticket stubs to all the MLB games we have went to, shows and concerts, etc. I kept all the notes and letters he has sent me. He is a closet sentimental because he kept all the letters/cards I sent him when we were still LDR and also every little post it note I now leave him when he leaves for work in the mornings before I am awake.


          I'm pretty sentimental I think so far I don't have anything from him oranything from a visit as we haven't met XD but he's sending me stuff for my birthday. I don't even know what, and already, just bcause it's something he touched, I know I'm going to completely love it and keep it nice somewhere :3


            extremely lol, theres a bag that we went to a grocery store in Mystic that i wont get rid of, plus a mars bar candy rapper from when i was over there.....yeaaaah pretty sentimental heh


              I'm somewhat sentimental, I keep things that remind me of our time together, like ferry tickets from trips we've taken, brochures, and little things like that, but not overmuch. I think I'm more sentimental with my remembrances of those times than physical things though.
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                I keep all our roleplays (written ones) and talks that make me feel amazing. I also tend to get ahold of any songs that he links me to when he's being sweet and put the on my iphone to listen to before I go to sleep. And last but not least, unless I'm so tired I just pass out, I look at his pick on my phone every night before sleep or listen to his raps. ^_^ Definitely sentimental. Anything to feel closer to him.


                  Originally posted by Minerva View Post
                  I could say "I love you" and "I want to kiss you" a million times to him, but I have to hold myself back lest he get bored, hehe.
                  Haha THIIIISSS!!!
                  I'm pretty sentimental and my boyfriend isn't, really. I don't mind that fact very much though. I'm sentimental with pretty much everyone important in my life though.


                    Yes, I am xD I keep small memories from friends, from my mom, gifts which my family made me when I was little (even if now they're in a degraded condition, lol), hmm...I have a satin wrapper I received when I graduated secondary school and received the School's Key. Basically I get attached to things which are associated with important moments of my life.


                      I am, but he is too! We must sound like such a sugary sappy couple to others. He told me once in the winter that the scarf I bought for him as a going away present(me going back) he's never left home without it wrapped around his neck. I buy him the cheesiest cards and when he gets them he'll display them proudly to me on cam. His English is next to hopeless right now, but he still spends hours upon forever trying to decode any English I was too tired to think of the Chinese version of.

                      For me, I definitely keep everything that has sentimental value, and there are folders for old texts(received as emails) and pictures labeled with his nickname on my computer. But I am also more sappy then sentimental, and also gush over the memories in my head, more than the items. I consider myself to have great natural memory, and these days even after 7 months I can still picture and feel the exact way it feels to hold hands...


                        I snuggle with one of his hoodies every night. I have an old tshirt of his from when he was in jr high that his mom gave me. I have rose petals from all the bouquets he has given me through the years including purple roses. I also have our bowling score card from our first date. I even have a card from a bouquet of flowers that says "I love you inifinitely". So yeah im sentimental lol.


                          Originally posted by Yaaamiii View Post
                          I'm a pretty sentimental girl. I mean, I keep anything that reminds me of a special moment I had with my boyfriend. For example, when we had still only been together for 3 months, I wanted to go swimming in my pool on our 3 month anniversary. While swimming, I found a little leaf shaped like a heart and kept it. I still have it to this day! :P Jaja

                          Anyone else out there as sentimental? Sometimes I wonder if I'm too sentimental about things.

                          im too much sentimental...that even the bus tickets,,airline tickets that we had together...i keep it
                          the rose petals,,of the bouquet of flowers that he sent me online...every little thing that reminds me of him... :'(


                            I still have the wrapper of the white chocolate I was eating when I met him ( I met him on omegle ) I'll keep it forever, it remembers me of the day that changed my life. (:


                              My SO and I are both very sentimental. We keep our email conversations, text messages, letters, pictures... everything. My SO also still has a bottle of my perfume which I once sent to her and she sometimes sprays it on her pillow before going to bed. It's so romantic! I love it. We also cuddle our LDR pillow every night.

