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    My first meeting with my SO ended yesterday...

    Him leaving was the hardest thing that I've ever been through so really is. I started crying, even though I hate crying in front of others, and he just tried to make me feel better, told me to look at the bright side. He also made me promise that after I left I had to do something, anything to keep myself make me not upset.

    I tried, I watched a movie...tried organizing some things...but I couldn't keep myself from crying, and the odd thing is I still cant. I'm crying as I type this even. It's amazing how much I feel now that he's not in my house anymore. It feels empty, and my chest hurts, and I guess the best way to say it is I miss him, I started missing him the second he said it was time for him to leave, and I am still missing him horribly...

    My point is...I'm in need of emotional support right now since I'm unable to reach him. And I'd also like some how to deal with this feeling...

    I guess it is best to just keep busy, but I literally have nothing I can do to keep me busy...and even when I am I still think about him...

    It will get easier. The first few days are always the worst, but soon enough you'll adjust and stop crying. Keep occupied any way you can, watch a movie, watch a whole season of a TV show you like, go window shopping... Better yet, start planning your next trip/visit with him. Window shop on some travel sites (even if you know you can't afford them), pick out your dream outfit for the trip... I know tonight you're not going to be able to just stop thinking about him and you probably won't be able to stop crying. But that's okay, it's normal. And you'll feel more like your self soon. The second full day after I moved away from my SO I couldn't stop crying no matter what. I went to the gym and even started crying while running on a treadmill... super awkward for those around me. But the next day I felt better, and I felt even better the day after that... and so on.


      *Hugs* Been where you are three times now and I know how hard it is! Occupy yourself best you can, do good things for yourself, treat your self well, do things that normally would make you feel better. Sleep. Let yourself cry if you need to. And it does get better.


        I just let myself be sad for a while and that seems to help. I've tried forcing myself to do other things, but it sort of seems to prolong the sadness. I let myself cry and I let myself be sad and when it gets more manageable then I try to occupy my time with work or going out with friends. Basically anything that keeps me busy and my mind busy as well. I don't particularly like watching movies when I like that, I find it doesn't help, but I do love reading. It distracts your mind more.


          Thank you all for the advice, I'm still pretty down anytime I think of him...but its getting better...I'm not crying as much now and all your words did help!

          Hopefully when my SO gets back to his house I can talk to him about how I feel, I'd just like him to know how much I miss him already...


            it's really tough and it get's tougher each day until you know when you will see each other again. i got teary-eyed reading what you're feeling and feeling my chest hurts too. It is because I am feeling the same way for my fiance. it's been 5 months since we saw each other. the missing and the longing for him gets terrible each day. Just think that your SO feels the same way too, but as a guy they are not as emotional as we are girls. I always tell my fiance how i feel, whenever I cry and he feels really sad that he cannot be there to comfort me. so it works both ways...there are better days and it will come to us. It's just very comforting to know that I am not alone to what i am feeling.

            Try to control your emotion, even if you think you're going crazy already. You need to be strong for each other if you want to work things out. He needs you to be strong for yourself too. Make your time apart productive and look forward to your next meeting. It will be better. [COLOR="Silver"]


              I understand. We all do. It does get easier as the days go by...but each visit I hurt so bad afterwards. I would purposely jam pack my days afterwards so it would keep my mind busy. We are all here...and we do understand.
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                I remember when I first saw my boyfriend. He was with me for almost a whole month and it was the best time of my life! I also remember that incredible emptiness I felt and that hole on my chest that ached. I was in bed for the next day because I didn't want to be social. I just wanted to be with him. Just remember that that feeling will go away with time and it's not goodbye forever. You will see each other again.

                I just finished seeing my boyfriend for the third time. And while I had that pain in my chest again right after, I feel much better after a week of getting back into my usual routine. I'll be seeing him again in six months and so I have something to look forward too.

                Don't make yourself sick with sadness. Just remember you have someone out there that loves you!!


                  I am still like this everytime my SO leaves... and its been 4 years! The worst is when I'm the one thats leaving and I have to travel this way. Looking through pics that we took together makes me feel better for a while.

                  The only other way that will take my mind off it is making plans for the next visit!

                  My SO handles it a lot better than me. He is my rock. I hate the day we depart because the only person that can comfort me is him.


                    I'll meeting my SO for the first time in September and it's leaving him at the end of the week that im dreading leaving him already but it's a necessary step in closing the distance. The only comfort i have is when i come home I'll be over the moon to see my children and they will give me tons of hugs.
                    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                      I'll meeting my SO for the first time in September and it's leaving him at the end of the week that im dreading leaving him already but it's a necessary step in closing the distance. The only comfort i have is when i come home I'll be over the moon to see my children and they will give me tons of hugs.
                      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

