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Age gap

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    There's only a year and five month gap between my partner and I, but because of when he was born, he's two grades higher than I am. I'm going into my junior year of high school, whereas he just graduated. That bothered me slightly, but after reading some of the age gaps in here, I feel a bit better, even though I still think it'll be odd when he turns 18 and can be considered a legal adult; I'll be 16 for another few months after that. I shouldn't be so age-picky though. xD It's not like age is what matters -- it just makes things slightly complicated when one person is a legal adult.
    When it comes to telling parents, at least. Something I still have yet to do.


      Me and my Bf have a 5 year age difference he's 25 and i'm 20 it just works i've always had a thing for older guys so i'm very happy


        My SO is 3 years younger than me and our relationshop has been going well. In some areas I'm more experienced than him, particularly since he's my third whereas I'm his first. Despite that, in lots of cases he can be more mature than me. We complement each other pretty well. Being older than him, I'm actually more of a slacker whereas he's so goal-oriented and such a hardworker. :P


          Between me and my SO is a difference of 6 months, so not that much of a age gap, lol. But I tend to think a whole lot more and take things way too serious sometimes, while he's extremely exuberant and taking things more lightly. So it's like I'm older, haha. We complete each other I guess xD


            My SO is 5 years old than I am.

            I've been married, he hasn't. I have a child, he doesn't. Age doesn't really make a difference to us.


              My SO is 5 years older than I am.

              I've been married, he hasn't. I have a child, he doesn't. Age doesn't really make a difference to us.


                There's a 10 years age gap between my SO and I. I've always preferred older guys (though my personal limit is 10 years), since some things in my childhood made me grow up fast and my teachers often said I was a grown-up in a child's body. So I knew it wouldn't turn out too well with dating guys in my own age, even now when I'm 21, guys my age often annoys me if I have to be around them too long.

                I feel my SO and I are on the same level. He also has his childish sides like me.
                Guess I can feel the gap when it comes to life experience. He has had so many different jobs, lived a lot of places and... dated a lot more than me. And then he is of course also more "stable" than me, since he has a well paying job and I'm a student.


                  My SO is 10 years older than me, it's not really been an issue so far. He was insecure at first (he thought he was too old for me lol) but we've worked through it together. Age gaps shouldnt be an issue.
                  As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                    My SO is seven years older than I am. It doesn't bother me, altough she was a tiny bit shocked to hear my age when in the beginning when we had started talking she had thought I'd be older than she is, heh. At first she said that in my age she didn't know what she wanted and that I'm so young, but it doesn't matter anymore to neither of us. I don't think age should be a problem to people, but I'm not sure how my family would react if I told them I'm dating an older woman.
                    "Everyone smiles in the same language."


                      My SO is 7 years older than me. I'm twenty and he just turned 27. At the moment our life situations are quite different as he works full-time and I study but we are interested in similar things and want same things from the future. When we met online in 2008 I was only 17 and he was 24 so the gap felt much bigger then. I'm glad we didn't start dating until I was 19 because before that I would have been just too immature. I'm only talking about myself here, everyone is different of course. He doesn't often talk about it but, like FadedSunrise said, sometimes he gets a little too protective and I have to remind him to let me make my own mistakes and find my own way.

                      Originally posted by blankita719 View Post
                      But back to my SO & I - even in this age gap there are times where we find it funny that he was graduating high school while I was in elementary school. And he prefers eighties music to my nineties. I like to tease him about being my old man
                      It's definitely funny to remember that sometimes. My SO sometimes asks me if I remember some band or movie or video game that he used to like and I have to remind him that I was around 7 when they came out.


                        I think a 1-3 year age difference (with the male being older) is very typical, it's almost like an unspoken rule in society. Every single boyfriend I had up until my SO was 2 years older than me and I cannot remember a single incident where a comment was made about our age gap. Of course, larger age gaps (often with the female being older) are becoming more common and hopefully more socially accepted. I'm 11 years older than my SO and while I won't say I never notice the difference, it's really not as obvious and troublesome as some people might believe. I have never been married and don't have kids, so we are very equal on that aspect, which to me has a greater impact than differences in education/career status.


                          My boyfriend and I are only a year (oh, and 1000km!) apart, me being the older one.

                          When I first met him, he showed me his ID (I don't remember way actually, I showed him mine to prove I really was German, but his? oh) and I was a bit shocked when I saw it black on white that he was born the same year as my 'little' brother.
                          It was just a brief second, though. I mean a year is really nothing.

                          I've never understood the fascination with older men. I'm not attracted to old looking guys (and old looking starts at visibly over 25 for me...) and I've never found guys my age to be childish or immature. Maybe I'm just childish and immature myself

                          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                            Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                            I've never understood the fascination with older men. I'm not attracted to old looking guys (and old looking starts at visibly over 25 for me...) and I've never found guys my age to be childish or immature. Maybe I'm just childish and immature myself
                            Old looking? Really think it depends on the person. When my SO and I first started dating I asked my friends to guess his age when they met him, and they always guessed him to be around 23-26 years old. Nobody guessed above that and they even thought I was lying when I said 30.

                            My "fascination" with older men is like I said based on their maturity level, but also think I deep down searched for a guy who was fully "stable" (financially and etc.) Since I was tired of all the roller-coaster rides life had given me already (My family is was all about; money problems, immaturity, selfishness, depression etc.). I guess I wanted security - more than a 20 year old guy could offer me. I wished to settle down early and I can't ask that of guys my age.

                            I also have a childish and immature side myself - it just doesn't really match the male friends I have - who I love hanging out with, but in certain amounts.
                            Guess what I wanted to say is that for me it's not looks nor an actual "fascination" - I looked for someone who was a match when it came to being my better half.


                              Milaya, your guy is Japanese, it doesn't count. Maybe it's just me, but I have a really hard time guessing Asian men's age.
                              I have a Japanese friend who's 33 and from his looks he could be anywhere between 20 and 40.
                              If it's working out for you, that's perfect and good for you that you found someone to meet your needs.

                              I don't think I could deal well with my boyfriend having a lot more (or less) money than me. I'd much rather struggle and fight on my own, than have him help me. Even if he could easily afford it and wanted to do it, I'd still feel like I was using him or that I was indebted to him and supposed to make up for it one way or the other. I repeat that is is how I would probably feel about myself in such a situation, not about others.
                              I've worked so hard to become independent from my parents, that I'm not (yet?) ready to give it all up for a guy. Maybe that's why I ended up in an LDR in the first place.

                              It's really important for me that my boyfriend and I are at the same stage in life and I'm so glad that we get to share a lot of first times (not necessarily the sexual kind) with him, like the first time living in a real apartment of our own, having a proper job, buying a car, children, etc.
                              Last edited by Dziubka; July 25, 2011, 07:46 AM.

                              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                                My SO and I are only 2.5 years apart, but its the biggest gap I've had in a relationship.

