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Does it ever get easier saying goodbye?

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    I find it never gets easier unfortunately. We see each other about every 3 months or so, but we're going to try this year to make it more frequent than that...maybe every 1.5 months or so. It's knowing I won't get to hold him in my arms and have him there with me when I'm upset or if I need him that hurts the most. Nor can I be there if he feels like he needs me. It's just hard, and it sucks no matter how long you are apart. =[

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


      Wow! Thanks for all the responses; I didn't expect so many! I've been busy with work so I haven't had a chance to reply.

      I agree with those who said that it's especially hard when you don't have a clear endpoint in sight. My LDR could end anywhere from 2-4 years from now, if we do end up closing the distance.

      I think what makes it hard for me is that my boyfriend's roommate is always hanging out with his own girlfriend, and they often spend a lot of time together at their apartment. I feel like my heart is ripping inside when my boyfriend has to drop me off at the station while his roommate's girlfriend gets to stay. I'm so jealous; I want to be that couple who gets to stay physically together.

      Another thing that makes it difficult is that my boyfriend doesn't get emotional when we say goodbye. That's just how he is. He always displays the same emotion, which is a mixture of happy-go-lucky, hyper, and a tiny bit of obnoxious. He doesn't show his emotions with words and expressions, which I don't mind, because I prefer actions myself. But sometimes I wish he could appear a little sad or something, otherwise I really don't know if he misses me.


        I think the last time was the hardest for a few reasons 1. He was headed overseas for a 10 month deployment and I was concerned for him. and 2. It will be the longest we will go without seeing eachother. (could be 10 months if I deploy..). That being said though each time is hard. I can say I have never cried at the airport but the night before I left him last time I broke down and cried for an hour. Mitch just held me and told me how much he loved me and wiped my tears away. I just had to get that out I guess..wasn't planned...ugh I miss him soo much
        " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
        Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

        Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


          I think it will never gets any easier! as we tends to love the person more and more!

          First time we say good bye we both crying, that time we both traveling to Hongkong and Macau, where we met. We go back to our country at the same day, but he leave before i did. So.. it was heart breaking its amazing how i could cry like that for a person i just met!! hahah but he did the same.

          The 2nd time i tried not to cry as i almost late to go to my gate. When i queue for immigration i can not take it anymore i cry like a baby and hug him tight and said i dont want to go back home. Its really hurt like something pulled out by force from your chest.

          He hug me really tight and said its ok, and we will meet again in another 6 months! the 2nd time he didn't cry like before he's more tough. But i guess because its in Europe hahah.. and people stare at us. But i just don't care with my ugly tears! hahah

          I think i don't know how i could handle the 3rd... i love him so much like i said.. its getting harder i think to the point that i don't want to leave him or don't want to leave me... just stay by his side..

          Beside that theres a quote i think that say "home is where your heart is" and i know where my heart is right now.. and i am not home!!

