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Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

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    I'm an introvert. I think my SO is an extrovert, but he's said the older he gets the more introverted he's becoming. I think I just see him as an extrovert though because I compare him to me...he's way more talkative and social than me and is not socially awkward.


      I can't really place myself, haha. I'm kind of in the middle, depending on the situation and the group. I think originally I was an extrovert, because extroverted activities make me the most happy these days, but given my life's problems and life history, I've become more introverted. My SO is definitely an introvert...he finds it relaxing to study by himself in a cafe and would rather do that many days than go out for drinks or partying.

      Much to my dismay, because I'm beginning to like that stuff. But he says he'll go out with me if I wanted him to xD


        I'm right in the middle leaning towards the introvert side. I take a looooong time to warm up to people but I'm very open to my close group of friends.

        My boyfriend is definitely introverted. He prefers being on his own or with only his close friends. I hope I'm getting him to come out of his shell a little bit. (:


          My SO and I are both pretty introverted, which is good for us because we both would prefer to stay home than go out.


            I fluctuate back and forth, while he is an extrovert - unless you put him in a concert setting. Then he's as social as anyone can be.


              I am completely an introvert, however my SO is a really big extrovert (when we went out together he would just randomly talk to strangers if they somehow peaked his interest). The good thing about this is how he's influenced me I'm becoming alot less shy, I'm almost completely extrovert when I'm talking to him, and it takes me alot less time to get the nerve to talk to others now it's a real nice changed compared to how I was just awhile ago.


                I lean more toward being an extrovert and my SO leans more toward being an introvert. It works pretty well. We balance each other out.

                "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                - A. A. Milne


                  I'm extremely introvert! I need ME time, by myself. My SO is more of an extrovert. He likes to be around people more than alone I guess. He's not that extreme compared to me though


                    I am in the middle, depends on the situation and the people. My SO is completely extroverted.


                      I'm introverted. I'd say SO is very extroverted.


                        Both of us are very introverted. we are more extroverted depending on who were with that or well how drunk we are lol. it works for us pretty much most of the time. every now and then there are those long silent moments.


                          I'm actually in the middle, I'm very shy and love my quiet time but I love to be social too. My SO is extremely extroverted and sometimes it's trying but for the most part it works for us.


                            i'm more of an introvert, he's i would say more in the middle. he's not afraid to do ANYTHING lol and loves to embarrass me by being loud. but he also loves to be alone.


                              I started off introverted when I was in my young teen years (not extreme, I just don't mind being on my own or not conversing in situations). I had to be comfortable in a situation for me to be able to do anything. However, as I got older, I definitely got more extroverted and I am definitely that now. My SO is extroverted. He can sit in one of his huge lecture classes and immediately turn to greet the person next to him to start conversation. I can't necessary do that, I still get shy. Neither of us our extreme or obnoxious about it, but I would say he is more extroverted than I am.

                              *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                                Were both extroverted, although I think he's a little more extreme than myself. I get in my moods, just depends who I'm with.

