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What am I to him?

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    What am I to him?

    Hello everybody!

    I am super glad about having found this website that gives me the opportunity to share my story with people who might understand better than the average friend out there.

    Last summer I bumped into this guy at a local club in Germany on the dance floor. We immediately (and probably drunkenly ) felt attracted to each other which resulted in us kissing on the dance floor without actually having spoken a word. He turned out to be a traveler from Canada and stayed in the city for a few more days. Something clicked right away between us, we seemed like identical personalities, saying the same things all the time, making the same jokes and called each other "doppelgänger" Of course, he left, and I figured - well, that was it. He kept traveling, we stayed in touch and spontaneously agreed on meeting up again in another European country just two weeks later. When he went to back to Canada, we looked at our lives from a rational perspective and agreed to, regardless of how much we enjoyed spending time together, to not position this as a relationship thing but were definitely going to stay in touch. And so we did.

    A few months later (while I had moved to another European country for a 6month project) he decided to travel with friends to Europe again and asked whether he could visit. As we both were still single, had regular email contact, and my feelings had not changed we met up again and traveled together for a week. We did not quite have "the talk" but at some point it turned out that we both agreed that if we happened to live in the same place, we would definitely be dating.

    Now he is back in Canada and has started seeing someone. I always thought that once he or I will "fall in love" with someone else (though I doubted that I could do that given my strong feelings for him) we would not be able to stay in touch. Now, however, he has basically invited me to come and visit him in the summer and pointed out several times that if he ended up single again he would always want to see me and would keep me posted on how his new girlfriend turns out to be. That does not sound like he really likes her a lot, does it?

    And now here I am wondering: what is this? if i try to look at this objectively, we seem like travel buddies with benefits, not more, not less. but, what do i really want? I guess, I really want him. Strangely, I have no issue with him seeing this girl now and I appreciate the freedom to meet other people, too. I don't necessarily need him now, but I know I want him in the long run. Never before I stumbled into someone that I got along with so well from the very beginning. If we both picture our lives in 5, 10, 20 or 30 years I know we have an almost identical picture in mind. We share the same values, the same humor, the same ideas. We live on separate continents now but I have lived in Canada before for a little while and would have no issue with moving there a few years from now.

    When I am asking myself what to do to give this a chance in the long run I do not really see an answer but waiting. Waiting and living my own life while simultaneously staying in touch and advancing our friendship. Is there a better recipe? Should I tell him this now, knowing that asking for a commitment across continents now would probably frighten him away?

    Thanks for reading this guys!

    well I think that I would tell him what you feel for him. It would give him a change to look at his feelings and see where they are. If it isn't the same as you, then keeping in touch with him would be a good idea, cause you sound like you have a great friend, but wouldn't it be nice to know how he really feels? I guess you never will know if a commitment across continents would frighten him away, unless you asked him. There are A LOT of people on this site that are in love across continents!!

    I don't know, maybe the best thing is to just live your life and see if fate kicks in and takes over for the two of you. Either way i wish you luck!


      ahahah...the SO and I also initially met out (drunkenly).

      I'd tell him how you feel. Maybe he would decide LD is still worth it. I agree with holi ^. I don't see why it wouldn't could. But it isn't easy and maybe right now just isn't the time for you two, but you never know.


        you need to explain your feelings to him for your own peace of mind; imagine if you go over and hes still with his girlfriend? or just thinks what you have/had is something trivial and he sees you as a friend only, that will cause major dissappointment for you. i think he might be worried about doing an LDR, so he is trying to see you as a friend only, but he clearly has feelings for you but doesnt know how its going to work. you need to sit down and talk to him about all of this. it sounds like he doesnt want to lose you -- as what i dont you need to lay your cards out on the table, the last paragraph of your thread pretty much explains what you want... tell him! see what he wants and move on from there... good luck!


          Thanks for your replies guys!

          I have been thinking about it again and agree that the only way for me to find out is to tell him how I feel about us. At the same time I can't do this while he is still with his new girlfriend, so I will wait and see for a little while as he promised to keep me in the loop regarding whether things go well with her. During our last conversation he invited me to come to his summer cottage for a week but we both know that I cannot accept this invitation if he is dating someone else. Especially as we are not big on cheating and simultaneously sure that if we see each other there will be all sorts of shenanigans going on...

          When I told my friends this story after we had seen each other for the first time, almost all of them told me that I should forget about this asap and just keep the good memory. I was so sure that I would see this guy again as things were just too good between us and I still feel that way. For now I am just going to rely on that feeling.
          The next time there is a realistic possibility for me to initiate such conversation I will lay my cards out on the table and see... I would like to believe that at some point faith will kick in

          I will keep you posted! I am so happy to have found this place, seriously....


            glad to have helped

