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How long did you talk before you considered the other person your SO?

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    It was official three months after we met in person.


      Me and my SO met online in January of this year and he took only till about February 14 to ask me out on a "Valentines date" that we spent together online, from then on we had never said "let's be boyfriend/girlfriend!" it just formed into that, he started calling me "babe" and I called him "sweetheart" and reading back on emails he sent me he started saying "I love you" pretty early too, so we had a very rushed relationship. We met in July and both knew after that, we were pretty much meant for each other *


        my SO and I moved extremely fast, we ended up making everything exclusive within 3 days of talking, I guess we realized that we cared for each other, saw how wonderful each other were and moved so quickly because we were worried that someone might steal the other one away cuz I can honestly say I've never moved so fast with another boyfriend before. xD

        but obviously we did the right thing because we've been together almost 2 years now and another girl on the fourm we met on tried asking my SO out within the week that we got together, of course not knowing that he was taken because we had yet to tell anyone.

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          was only a few months into us talking and sometime before Thanksgiving we made it exclusive!


            Thanks everyone! Most everyone around here (family, friends) are so down on the LDR thing (and are very close minded). This site would prove them wrong, and I hope things work out as well for me this go around.


              My SO & I also moved really fast. We met online, and chatted for a week through text, and we finally took the jump and started to skype.
              Our first skype date lasted 5 1/2 hours, and I knew as soon as I closed the video chat that I wanted to be exclusive. We chatted for another 10 or so hours on skype, and decided to meet (he lives 2 hours from me). After our date, he skyped me and asked me to be his gf.
              So it was about 2 weeks, and then we became exclusive


                It was extremely fast for us, less than a month. We would speak for hours each day (he was living in the Middle East at the time) and the time difference and our work schedules worked then. We would send emails back and forth for hours on the forum and then one Sunday, I noticed that we spoke for 15 hours straight (emails, private messages, MSN and text). The following week, we spoke on the phone. I was extremely nervous and told him I could only chat for 10 minutes as I was going to get a manicure and pedicure (it was my back-up plan) but we ended up speaking for 2 hours and it was so natural. Ever since then, we became exclusive (not like we were dating or planning on dating anyone else).


                  me and my SO made our relation to become exclusive after we chatted online about 2 months.
                  It's him who asked me first to become his gf
                  And my distance with him is about 11,000 km since he live in Germany and I live in Indonesia.
                  We never met before and I'm planning to visit him next year, maybe around Spring though we both have to talk about it first.
                  Sadly to say that both of our condition make us not possible to visit each other as often as we want, especially for him.
                  As for me, I have to save my money so hard to buy the flight ticket.
                  It is really expensive and then I still have to apply for a Schengen visa to Germany which I heard not that easy to get. ^^

                  It's hard between us, especially for him now since he started to say about his need and maybe start to feel insecure with our relationship.
                  I can't blame him but I do hope we will be able to keep our relationship at least till we meet for real to see if it will work out or not.
                  Which I hope it will work out.
                  One year of relationship is not a short time especially in LDR, in my opinion. Since we both never met. ^^


                    Hmm, good question, lol. Well, after 2 months of chatting it was obvious that we liked each other and we showed that in our convos, but I think the moment when it really hit me "Hey, he is the one for you" was after the revolution in Egypt. I remember my stomach clenched each time I watched the news and saw all the things going on in his country. And when it all finally ended and he came online, I felt like jumping and hugging him, you know like in one of those war movies, haha.


                      Our relationship was a confusing mess. We didn't go offical until we met in person (5 years), and were only exclusive for a month before that.
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        We knew eachother for a about a year but only started speaking 31st july 2010, confessed all 3rd august and made it official 8th august 2010. we'd not met in person before all this either and he visits me every 4 months or so. In the time we had started talking and got together we used to talk between 6 and 15 hours a day, it was pretty crazy :L And once we got together we continued to just talk for that long every day XD we first met 15th december 2010. And because he lives in Canada and im in the UK, its too expensive to make more trip D: XD


                          I started talking to my SO in September of '08 when we were both in other relationships, we just talked as friends. After we broke up from those other relationships he sort of kind of asked me to be his girlfriend in May of '09 (mind you I live in Texas and he lives in Alberta, Canada and the distance between us is around 2,000 miles, we hadn't met yet anything like that) so I was his girlfriend, but he broke up with me in July, then got back together with me in August, then broke up with me in February and we met in person in May 2010, he asked me to be his girlfriend again in June 2010... so I'm not really sure how to answer your question ^^;


                            We met each other on my first day of internship at his mom's workplace and over the course of that first week we talked back and forth. Not much, however, because I'm a bit of a shy one whenever I feel attracted to a guy. Also, I decided I'll be flirty but there won't be a relationship because I've had had it with the distance. Ever. Well, luckily for me, my SO had other plans. Saturday that first week he kissed me and confessed his growing feelings for me to me. Of course I felt very flattered, but also confused and left it hanging in the air until a week before I had to go back home. So, we took about a month until we made it official/exclusive...


                              My SO and I met online, in September 2009. We became a couple in November 2009. Quite early when you think about it, but it just felt right. It could've been even earlier though. We spent all of our free time together and talked to each other as if we were already a couple. It was so obvious, right from the very beginning.


                                My SO and I actually met in Australia in July 2008 as international students but we weren't even close friends. After about a year (he went back to Iran in Jan 2009 and I to Indonesia in July 2009), we started chatting and talking like maybe some time in August 2009 and he visited me the first time about 2 months after that. Some days before his visit we already considered ourselves as being in a relationship, but I guess his visit made it more official.

