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Doubts from Outsiders

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    Originally posted by mickey's bird View Post
    However, after spending 10 incredible days with my SO most of my friends realize the strong bond that we have and are very supportive. Whenever my friends doubted us or made negative comments, I never paid them any mind because they don't know a lot of my relationship or bond with my SO.
    See, Even after spending a week with my SO, which was beyond amazing, People were like "a week isn't long enough, you need to spend more time together to know if it will work". Its just crazy to me that people are so judgmental.


      Originally posted by srigg009 View Post
      See, Even after spending a week with my SO, which was beyond amazing, People were like "a week isn't long enough, you need to spend more time together to know if it will work". Its just crazy to me that people are so judgmental.
      Don't pay them any mind because they don't understand your relationship. At the end of the day it's you and your SO and as long as you two are happy, who cares what others think?!


        It happens from time to time, but mainly people are just kind of like "Long distance across the ocean?? That must be hard."
        No, it's super easy, duh!!
        One of my housemates in Cork (where SO and I met) told me that once the physical side of our relationship was gone, we'd get bored of each other and it would fizzle. And that I love Canada and my SO loves Ireland too much for this to work... he said this all on the day I became LD, I was not happy. And well, I knew that was all not true, Loic is dying to move to Canada, and I'd live wherever I could be with him! And well, we've been LD for over a year, and aren't bored of each other quite yet
        Fortunately though, my family and friends have mainly been supportive. They were all smitten the second they found out he was Irish, and those of them who've met him adored him
        Distancing yourself from people who are negative about it helps a great deal... or if there are people you care about who aren't supportive, telling them politely you don't really like hearing negative things about your LDR works.

        Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

        Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
        Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


          Originally posted by kteire View Post
          It happens from time to time, but mainly people are just kind of like "Long distance across the ocean?? That must be hard."
          No, it's super easy, duh!!
          Don't you love it when you get that famous "it must be hard" line? SMH


            Hahaha...I've got those doubtful opinions sometimes as soon as people know that I'm in LDR. I'm so used to hearing things like: "LDR? You sure that can work? Can he be trusted? Geez I can never be in a LDR, it's too hard." And I'd say deep down inside me that heck yeah LDR is not for the timid, it's for the brave! People have the right to say their opinions but we can always choose which ones we can listen to and which ones that should just be ignored. It's us who are on LDR, not them. The only opinions and advices that I never ignore are those coming from my family.
            On the other hand I do understand those opinions coming from your friends because there are cases where people around your age (even older) are rushing towards marriage and such simply because of love, whereas in reality maybe they're not ready for it yet. I just want to remind you that the fact that not having a fight in the longest time doesn't really guarantee anything. Then again, every individual is different. If you already know he's the best for you and you both are ready for marriage with all its ups and downs, then go for it. Take the positive opinions, leave the negative ones.


              YES, i get this all the time from my peers and adults. I shrug off their comments knowing that they have never experienced TRUE LOVE before. or they have never been in the same situation. If you and your partner believe that you truly are "the one" for each other, what is there to argue about? BE TOGETHER, i believe long distance relationships are really a test of time, trust, faith, and love. only those who are truly meant for each other can pass :]. no matter the age, no matter the distance, LOVE CONQUERS ALL!
              My favorite text message conversation:

              Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
              Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
              Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
              Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
              Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
              Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
              Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
              Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
              Tobby: Addict!
              Nika: Addicted! <3


                A lot. People always tell me that. My SO is in the Navy and is gone 11 months out of the year. Everyone doubts us. Says its too long without someone.
                I believe the people who tell all of us that just think that because THEY are not strong enough to handle it. We are. So just brush it off, and don't let it get to you. YOU know, THEY don't. [:


                  Yeah, got this kind of opinion a couple times, but I did what Zephii suggested, lol. It's not them who have a LDR, it's me, and if I'm ok with it and willing to fight for it then they can keep saying whatever they want :P


                    Reply to all

                    @Bluishskin: We aren't really rushing into marriage, its just that we know we want to get married someday, people don't seem to understand that part. Its like "oh you want to get married, so whens the date?" We want to do things right and finish school and close the distance first. But yeah, I do know people who DO rush into marriage; I know people who have gotten married after knowing each other for 2 weeks. Marriage has many ups and downs just like a long distance relationship, its just something you have to work through, and you have to know that as a couple you have the strength to make it. But yes, I will always leave the negative comments behind.

                    @Tobby: I use that quote all the time, Love really does conquer all as long as it's TRUE love

                    @BeanieBaby: I would think people would have more belief in your relationship since your SO is in the Navy, that's a very common LDR nowadays. But yes you are right, you definitely have to have the strength to be able to love someone from so far away, not knowing when you'll see them again.

                    @Lina: I love your avatar, is that a real picture of you and your SO?


                      Originally posted by srigg009 View Post
                      @Lina: I love your avatar, is that a real picture of you and your SO?
                      Oh, how I wish...-sigh- xD We haven't met yet, hehe. That is a screenshot from a movie called "Cairo Time" which I cropped and edited a bit the colors.


                        @Lina: Aww okies, well I wish you luck with seeing your SO soon and nice editing


                          Originally posted by Bobbiejeanne View Post
                          I get people who say "You don't understand, because you're young" and things like that... and my So has even gotten people from his church quoting the Bible about how our relationship will fail!
                          That's ridiculous! Especially since the Bible also says "Thou shalt not judge."

                          I think it's so out of line for people not in LDRs to be judging them. I'm always scared to tell my family how we met. My parents know of course, but my aunts and uncles frown upon it. It's very hard to find support in a town where you learn not to talk to people on the internet because they could be predators.


                            Someone just told me that I was "too young" to be in a relationship with someone so far away. She said in the evenings, I should be have a guy taking me for dates instead of chatting online to my SO. Funny thing is that I'm a home body and if I wasn't with my SO, I would still be home (just reading) as I don't really like going out.


                              Originally posted by jiynx View Post
                              That's ridiculous! Especially since the Bible also says "Thou shalt not judge."

                              I think it's so out of line for people not in LDRs to be judging them. I'm always scared to tell my family how we met. My parents know of course, but my aunts and uncles frown upon it. It's very hard to find support in a town where you learn not to talk to people on the internet because they could be predators.
                              I feel the same way, Its amazing how some people interpret the bible! And yeah, it always makes me nervous when I'm telling new people about my SO because I never know what they are going to say or how they are going to take it. But now Ive realized everyone is different and everyone has a different view on things.

                              ---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------

                              Originally posted by mickey's bird View Post
                              Someone just told me that I was "too young" to be in a relationship with someone so far away. She said in the evenings, I should be have a guy taking me for dates instead of chatting online to my SO. Funny thing is that I'm a home body and if I wasn't with my SO, I would still be home (just reading) as I don't really like going out.
                              I'm the same way, I'm not very outgoing; that's how I ended up meeting my SO in the first place. lolI would much rather be online talking to my SO than out drinking and partying like others my age. That's just the person I am and my SO is pretty much the same, I guess thats one reason we're so perfect for each other.


                                Originally posted by srigg009 View Post
                                I would much rather be online talking to my SO than out drinking and partying like others my age. That's just the person I am and my SO is pretty much the same, I guess thats one reason we're so perfect for each other.
                                Hahaha...the same like me then.

