My boyfriend and I have known each other for 11 years and have been fairly close friends over that time. His father passed away in November and we started dating in January. The timing wasn't ideal, but we both felt like we were aware of the circumstances surrounding us both and were ready to try to date. We've been dating since January and I moved from nyc to a small town/his hometown for a month. This month has been difficult and we agree that it was one sided (his hometown, his friends, his family, his house). It's been tough for us to find a balance and now I am leaving to go back to nyc. We want to be close to each other, but he also feels his responsibilities are at home helping his mother acclimate. I realized that I am ready to leave the city and wanted to be able to move with him instead of moving somewhere and then hoping he will go there later. I don't know when he will be ready to leave and am trying to find the patience to wait. How have some of you gotten through hurdles like this? Where did you find the strength to be patient?
Thank you -
Thank you -