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i'm new here ! its' my complicated story...

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    Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
    First I'm a little confused, does your SO live in Mozambique or South Africa? If he's in South Africa does he also speak English? Or would he have to learn it?

    Next- everyone here is in your same position. We've met people we love who unfortunately don't live where we do. It's hard to be in a relationship with distance. Not all of them work out. Sometimes it's just too hard to close the distance. Each scenario is different. How often have you seen each other in your time of being together? If you moved to your SO would you want to live WITH him, or live NEAR him? Is there a school you would want to go to? Does it have your career path? If you end up with your SO are you prepared to be a mother to his child?

    These are all big decisions that are hard to make at your age. Think them through. Good luck!

    He lives in Mozambique. and he speaks english but we speak portuguese together. i saw one good college there. but i have 1 year to think about it. if i don't go there i will be in France and it's far away from Mozambique. my situation is very complicated i know..
    distance means so little when someone means so much

