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I don't know if this has been asked before

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    Honestly I'm not sure whether I could consider it a relationship before actually meeting face to face. I think it'd be very hard to rely on the relationship if we haven't met before, unless miraculously our feelings are so strong for each other then he could convince me that he's for real and I know in my heart that yes this can work. To be able to make the relationship valid, I would have to meet him and see for myself what he's like. But with my SO, even if we hadn't met yet, maybe it could still work, based on how strong we feel towards each other. Still, maybe.
    If things didn't work out, I couldn't say I wouldn't do it again although yes CDR would definitely be my choice. But who knows? Maybe I would meet someone new in my city but then suddenly he had to work overseas, then that would be another LDR. Nothing's impossible.

    Originally posted by Moon View Post
    Also, I'd never do it if we couldn't meet fairly quickly though, I wouldn't wait more than 6 months, no matter where in the world he is. For me, life's just too short to sit around waiting when you don't have to.
    I'm with this too. Maybe I could wait for more than 6 months, but still...I don't want to waste my time waiting for too long for someone that I haven't even met.


      Would you have ever even considered a LDR? Would you have thought a real relationship could come out of such a thing?
      That's a big no for me lol. This was even an issue for me with my current SO. Like, I've played online games for 4-5 years now, and have had a couple prospective "relationships", but none that I felt were even worth considering. Sure, being friends is one thing, but a relationship with someone I'd never met? No way. But after a couple of years of getting to know my SO, there was just something special about him, something that I hadn't found in any guy here, or online before. If I didn't think it could work out in the end, I wouldn't have given it a chance, but I'm the same way with CDR's, if I don't think it's going to go anywhere, I won't get into it. My relationship history is almost non-existant. Sure, I've gone on dates with a number guys, but most never went beyond that. But before I got involved with my SO, no, I did not think that a relationship could ever come out of meeting someone online, I was VERY against meeting someone online when it came to myself, I would not judge others though, I just didn't think it was something I could ever get into or handle.

      and another question, if things hadnt worked out and it ended would you do it again?
      With my current SO, I'd be absolutely destroyed if things didn't work out. I'm head over heels for the kid, and he knows this, and feels very much the same. If it were to end and I had the chance to go back and redo it or erase the whole thing, I'd do it again, over, and over. As for getting involved in another LDR, or really, even a new CDR, it probably wouldn't be anytime soon, it would take a long time for me to get over this. I don't want to say I'd never do it again, but I can say that I'd prefer not to have to go through this again, if it wasn't for my current SO, I don't think it'd be worth it.
      You never forget your first love...


        I've always been a skeptic when it came to long distance relationships. So I've never looked for one and I didn't expect to get into one, but when I met my SO things just had a certain flow and everything fell in its place like the pieces of a puzzle. If this didn't work out, I wouldn't do it again.


          I'm super socially awkward and always have had a tough time around people i knew irl. didnt know how to get things started with anyone, i was never the girl anyone would admit to liking, and even if i had gotten into a relationship the normal way, being just a highschool kid, i was scared shitless they were just using me for sex (because that really seems to be the only thing going on anymore...) and i don't want losing my virginity to mean nothing. Really, i'm straightedge because everything scares me and i'm afraid to mess up, get hurt, or regret doing something stupid.
          i always thought long distance relationships were sort of romantic, since, well, you have to love that person so much that you're changing your entire life and overcoming a huge huge distance. i was hoping that i would somehow come into a real life relationship, and hoping to hell that they would be okay with me taking things drastically slow...
          in the end, LDR is probably the only way i could fall in love XD

          if things dont work out...i'm not trying to sound dramatic, but i dont think i would try again, with anyone.i can't think of a scenario where i could really move on.


            I've been in two LDRs before and both ended badly. By the end of my second, I was rather cautious about the idea of another LDR because I honestly didn't believe they could work out. How wrong I was! Just looking at nearly every member on LFAD has changed that opinion around, not to mention when I entered what is my third and final LDR just over 9 months ago now. When I realised I was indeed actually falling for my SO, I decided to try one last time and if it fell through then I would never consider an LDR again. Needless to say, our LDR is by far even stronger than I ever could have hoped for and I just feel myself falling more for him each and everyday <3


              I've been in two LDR's, the first one ended on good terms, but I told myself I would never be in one again ....... and then I met him (My current fiance) I knew of him from high school and we re connected through facebook, he came home on leave and we ended up getting together. I was way to infatuated with him to not be with him. lol I just kept thinking to myself, at some point we will be together ... everyday and we could see each other whenever we wanted to.


                Well I've been in two ldr, the one that I barely even considered a ldr but apparently other people did. (3 hours apart) But, my boyfriend and I started dating before our relationship turned long distance, and I don't think that I would have ever started dating him if I knew that it was going to be where it is. It's not easy, which I'm sure that most people here know, and I wouldn't voluntarily get myself into another one, but since I was in this relationship to start with, and he stole my heart, I really had no option because the other one was losing him, which wasn't an option at all.


