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Phone calls.

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    How often do you and your SO talk on the phone?
    It depends.We usually call each other on and off the entire day, but we will only speak for around two to five minutes each time. These are mainly "I love you" calls and we tell each other what we are up to. However, once a day, we usually get to talk for around thirty minutes to over an hour When one of us is busy, we might only speak for around ten minutes the entire day....I don't like that at all!

    Would you want them to call you more?
    When he is busy yes. But whenever his time frees up he is really good about calling me

    Do you prefer phone over chat/videochat/etc? Why?
    I prefer phone because we can talk to each other wherever we are. We are both really busy, so most of our conversations are when we are walking or driving to places. As of lately though, I really like voice chat....has anyone else noticed that your voices' sound more similar to real life this way?

    Did the phone bill increase?
    At first. We both had separate phone call providers, and after the first month of talking my mom's cell phone bill doubled because of me! She wasn't too happy, and I had to pay her back. This happened for three months and I had to pay her around two to three hundred dollars total. Jared started having the same problem, and when his mom threatened to drop him off her plan, he changed to Verizon so that we could have free mobile to mobile Now, we do not have to pay for talking long distance (we just live in different states).


      We're international so we don't use the phone.
      We talk over Skype every day for at least an hour. Usually we video chat, unless he is already in bed (he is several time zones ahead).

      Our extremely rare phone calls (Skype to cell) are reserved for emergencies. We only text when it is something very very important or when we're out of town and don't have access to the computer.

      Hence, our expenses are low or none, depending on the month and what's happening in our lives.

      Skype is definitely a life savior.


        We talk every night, usually on the webcam, but sometimes we just talk on the phone. The usually goes from 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on what our schedules are like, lately we've been averaging 45 minutes because his schedule has been crazy.
        We're on the same phone network so our bills didn't change since calling each other doesn't count against our minutes.

