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I Love You

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    It depends on the people. My friend and her boyfriend are one of those people who say ILY to each other at the end of every phone call. I don't think I could ever do that.
    I only say it when I'm particularly inspired. And sometimes I have to wait for a long time for him to say it first. But then it means so much more when he does.

    Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


      I was nearly killed in an freak accident a few years ago, and despite the chaos all I could think about before was how I wasn't sure if the people in my life knew just how much I loved them. It was the worst feeling in the world. I say it all the time because I mean it, even if I don't always get it back... some of my friends and family have trouble expressing themselves even if the feeling is reciprocal. I want everyone that I love to know it in case something like that ever happens again. I don't ever want to be in a position where I have to wonder that again during what might be my last moments.


        I deliberatly misuse it. I think people take it too seriously. I've said "I love you" to my supervisor before when she's called me to give me a day off or whatever. But a person can tell my the tome of your voice or the context of your text how you mean it. almost all words have more than one meaning/use.

        Obi and I probably overuse it. Sometimes a whole conversation consists of little else. But we say it when we feel it, and we often feel it a lot.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          I think it can easily be misused/overused. Words are easy, actions are harder. For example, if someone is acting like a jackass, and gets called out on it, it's simple to throw out the "But baby, I LOVE YOU", to make the problem momentarily disappear. But, that's just me. I've heard those three words enough times when they weren't true and for selfish reasons, that they've lost their power somewhat on me. I'd much rather be treated with love than hear the words, although a combination would be ideal

          Keep in mind, I can be a cynical ol' thing at times
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            Some people definitely overuse it these days, but I know personally, I'm the kind of person, if I don't feel that way about you, I won't tell you, plain and simple. My SO seems to be the same way, if not moreso than I am. But I know I've come to realize that I really do love him, so while I was very hesitant to say it the first time, I'm not afraid anymore. We tend to say it to each other a lot, but only because we mean it. He doesn't say it to anyone else, not even friends, and barely to his family, and besides my family and best friends (whom I only tell them on occasion), he's the only one I tell it to. It's meaning seems to only grow with us saying it so much, not lose any meaning.
            You never forget your first love...


              It can be overused a lot, but to me I make sure I don't overuse it and I KNOW I mean it every time. Anthony too, I can tell he really does truly feel it when he tells me. It's not something I take lightly at all...those words are big. It will never mean anything less to me.

              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                I think all of us here defintely don't misuse it...however, I think our world has taken the words out of context and out of meaning. I know a 14 year old girl who meets a guy for a week does not LOVE him, but it doesn't stop her from saying it, does it? That's just a random example of course.
                I love my SO. He holds a signficant role and place in my heart


                  It depends on the person using it, I'm seventeen and believe me, I've heard it over and over with other young people. I've heard friends talk to each other all lovey dovey using "I love you" like it was as common as saying, "lets have sex" (and believe me, at my school that's a common topic amoungst the gals and guys. lol) I don't think the young kids take into account what their actually saying when they say "I love you". It's only once in awhile I can actually believe them when they say that to each other (mostly with the people who have been together since the beginning of high school). Those kind of long term relationships are rare in school, so yeah, I think at least some TEENS overuse those words without actually meaning them.

                  However, I, despite how old I am, say "I love you" with a full commitment to the meaning. I wouldn't say it to just anyone, which is why I haven't dated anyone and don't ever plan to because I have my SO now, he's the only one I've ever loved this much, and its a different love that not even family could compete with. (I love my family very very much, but it's like he gets his own seperate "special" love. :]). Anyway! My point is, the meaning is different for all of us. If, like nic&matt said, a 14 year old girl says I love you to a guy she just recently met, I think that's a misuse of those words. If a couple that's been together for a lengthy time, or are simply older and wiser in the whole "love" department I'm more inclined to believe that they truly love each other. As for me and my SO, even if we are young, I believe when we say it we both mean it completely, were more mature then most people our ages and so we can take the term more seriously I believe, and unlike most of the teenagers around us, were not in the relationship just for the sex obviously. We wouldn't be going the distance for just that.

                  So! That's my opinion on that. :P


                    Originally posted by WakeUpSusie View Post
                    I was nearly killed in an freak accident a few years ago, and despite the chaos all I could think about before was how I wasn't sure if the people in my life knew just how much I loved them. It was the worst feeling in the world. I say it all the time because I mean it, even if I don't always get it back... some of my friends and family have trouble expressing themselves even if the feeling is reciprocal. I want everyone that I love to know it in case something like that ever happens again. I don't ever want to be in a position where I have to wonder that again during what might be my last moments.
                    ...well this is the reason i turn out to be someone very expressive... i don't want the person i love doesn't know that i love them... just too afraid there will be regrets because i can not say it anymore because its too late!


                      My SO and I say I Love You a lot to each other and we definitely always mean it. However, the expression has been misused a lot. I've heard my students saying it a lot to one another, prolly just for fun, and I can tell whether they mean it or not when they say it to teachers. You know what teenagers are like, sometimes they use the expression simply to gain sympathy from the teacher. It can either be quite cute or very annoying hahaha...
                      Apart from that I never misuse this expression. It's a huge one that shouldn't be taken lightly, and we should mean it when we say it.

