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How long was your first visit

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    My SO and I met online Sept 2010 and had fallen in love by the end of October Having both came through a horrible year we decided to make our first meeting over NYE in a neutral city so we could bring in the New Year together. We had 5 glorious days together and I don't know about you all, but I would suggest do not plan a single thing to have to get out of the hotel for! :P Due to life schedules, etc (boo!) we didn't get to make another trip until mid-March and had another amazing 5 days together. This time we went on an actual vacation where we went out of the hotel and around other people. You may laugh..but that was such a big deal for us to be in public. Together and holding hands!! I wanted everyone around us to realize what a special event they were witnessing. Turns out, they didn't care. LOL
    The next and last trip we had wasn't ideal but we take what we can get, yeah? He had to fly out of the country and made a special arrangement for a 20 hour layover in a city I could drive to. We stayed in the airport hotel and it was the greatest 20 hours of my life. I realize there are many LDR lovers who don't get even this amount of time together and it's good for me to see that. In 2.5 weeks, we are flying to another neutral city for a Fri eve-Sun eve weekend getaway and I need it so bad!


      My SO and I started talking in October 2009, and met for the first time in November 2010 for two weeks.


        Well...I haven't got a chance to visit my SO due to some circumstances, but he has visited me three times. I hope I can visit him some time next year.


          Well we met before we were in a relationship so we were in the same place for two months. It wasnt until 9 months later I gave into him. Our last visit was right befor he left for his deployment and was a total of 5 days during which we got married. Hopefully it won't be too long until we are together again.
          " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
          Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

          Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


            We had been dating for one year and one month when I made my first visit over to see him. I arrived on a Thursday but as it was near the evening I didn't actually go to meet him until the next day, in which I still had to wait for him to be off his work shift at 2 in the afternoon anyway. We spent the entire next day together, and the next day only for a few hours in the morning as I had to fly back home before noon. So a four day trip, with three days (or two and a half) actually together. A bit short but you do what you gotta.


              Two weeks .... joy.

              Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute with him... just yeah I'd rather him be here, with me.


                Our first visit was from a Friday to Sunday. I was working full time during that time, but I didn't get vacation so I had to go after work on Friday and leave early enough to get home for work on Monday. Besides that, I probably wouldn't have stayed long anyways since we had only met online a month and a half before. I would've felt odd staying much longer than that because even though we'd talked everyday that entire month and a half everything was still too new in my opinion for me to stay with him a prolonged period of time. I just needed to meet him before we could move forward. I couldn't say I was in a relationship with someone whose face I had never seen in person despite how I felt about him.


                  Originally posted by Mara View Post
                  Our first visit was from a Friday to Sunday. I was working full time during that time, but I didn't get vacation so I had to go after work on Friday and leave early enough to get home for work on Monday. Besides that, I probably wouldn't have stayed long anyways since we had only met online a month and a half before. I would've felt odd staying much longer than that because even though we'd talked everyday that entire month and a half everything was still too new in my opinion for me to stay with him a prolonged period of time. I just needed to meet him before we could move forward. I couldn't say I was in a relationship with someone whose face I had never seen in person despite how I felt about him.
                  Hi Mara, I agree with you not staying too long since you didn't know each other. We had talked off and on a few years before, then reconncted a few months ago and have really been talking and making time to talk a few times a day. I am kind of glad this first one will be a short visit since we are just starting to really get to know each other. If things go well, I am afraid I will be so sad at the airport when I have to leave.

                  ---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 AM ----------

                  I said this on some other posts, but I will say it again here. Reading everyone's stories really gives me hope that things can work. My parents are concerned about my safety, but after that-it is great to see that LDRs have worked out for so many of you. I thought about referring my family here so they could see the happy endings some of you have had. Congratulations everyone!


                    My first visit is still going on haha! I landed in Brazil on May 3rd and am leaving August 30th, hopefully back with him to the U.S. :P


                      His visit here was only 3 1/2 days. :/ Short but fun!!! We had talked almost everyday for 6 months before meeting.


                        We met in May 2010 and we were working together for 3 month. After that my first visit was in the very end of December 2010 (we spent New Year's Eve together ) and I stayed for exactly month. It was so hard to leave...


                          We had been together for less than four months, but had known each other for 2 1/2 years. I stayed for 8 days.


                            we are meeting for the first time in october...we met online in january have been talking and skyping since may and he is staying for four days.....though we talk about when i will go out to see him next....i can't wait to meet face to face!


                              Originally posted by alw83 View Post
                              we are meeting for the first time in october...we met online in january have been talking and skyping since may and he is staying for four days.....though we talk about when i will go out to see him next....i can't wait to meet face to face!
                              Have fun!! As it gets closer to time, I am getting nervous about the entire trip. I've never flown before, but I can't wait to meet him face to face. I am a little scared that we will run out of things to say in person, and I am a shy person. He kind of picked up on that, but I guess it doesn't bother him since we have been talking for awhile now. Good luck with your visit, I hope you'll post about it here.


                                I think our first proper visit was only for 2 weeks and that was from NZ to the UK! a bit redic lol. We now see eachother every 3 and a half months and I generally stay with Nick for about 3 months..just because it is expensive with flights and everything.

                                Oooh exciting! Not that long to go then

