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What is your story??

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    What is your story??

    I'm curious to know what people's story's are on meeting one another? I like to hear stories like that.

    When you met each other were you with someone else?

    How did you first meet?

    How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

    When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

    Well my story is i was in a 7 and half year relationship, and the guy i was with was emotionally abusive and cheated on me, truth be told it had ended years ago with me and him i just stayed because i was afraid i would never find someone that would ever love me for who i was, he pretty much instilled that in me by saying "where you ever gonna find a good guy like me? nowhere its impossible!" which pretty much put me in that mindset, and its funny a few months before i started talking to Denise i told him i couldnt imagine being with another woman the rest of my life and falling in love with one, lol boy did that all change. I started talking to her through a mutual friend of ours, she PMed me on Facebook saying "you have got to talk to this girl, she is funny and extremely awesome!" So i added her on Twitter left her a little hello message not thinking that it would get anywhere, she then messaged me back and we kept going back and forth until she added me on Facebook, and when i looked at her pictures she did seem extremely familiar to me and believe this if you want we actually dreamt about each other in dreams growing up as kids and when we were adults before we met each other, and we started talking on Facebook messenger. i started noticing that I was getting a major crush on her, and I told her that i thought she was cute and stuff, imagine my surprise when she told me the same thing i was like whoa!!! After awhile we moved our convo's to yahoo and msn messenger, and when i read back on those they scream out "WE HAVE MORE THEN A CRUSH ON EACH OTHER!!!" lol but one day we were talking about something, and she mentioned that that she had more then a crush on me said that she really loved me more then a friend, i think i shocked her when i told her i felt the same way lol, and for like a few hours we discussed our feelings for one another, and the rest is history my love for her grows stronger every day and i cant imagine my life without her or being with someone else!

    hey caitlin! this thread idea is really good and it will give everyone an idea on everyone else!

    When you met each other were you with someone else?
    yes, we both were, i was in a reletionship with someone at the time we met and i had been with for over a year, and funnily enough when me an phil first met i told him what to say to this girl he liked who eventually became his girlfriend. at first we just saw eachother as friends, that was it.

    How did you first meet?
    in may 2009 one of my close friends, kate, who i met online a year earlier and i were talking one night, and i was bored, (my boyfriend was away in hong kong and i missed him.. whihc is ironic considering now i'm in a LDR and i was complaining about being away from my ex for about a month!:P) so i said to kate, im bored, have you got any friends i can talk to ?? and she said phil and told me how nice he was, and from then on we just always had nice conversations and then slowly we formed a friendship.. and became close

    How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
    well we had been talking for about 4/5 months ish? phil and i had both recently split up with our partners (within a couple of weeks of eachother, weird eh?) and then we started webcamming while we chatted. then one day kate said to me that he was talking about me and said i was a 'hot babe'.. i found it hilarious and me and kate would laugh about it, but then they started talking about me more when they went out and kate told me that he liked me. so i confronted him and he said he did... so we began flirting a bit more. but at first we didnt want anything to happen, we didnt believe LDRs would work so we said we'd keep talking and see how it goes, but still being open enough that if anyone else close by came on the scene then we would stop.... but before long.. (like a week) we realised it was something special, we had a connection and we wanted to make it work. so we commited to eachother, it was scary at first because neither of us knew what would happen.. would this go anywhere? would we visit ? who would move.. if anyone? would it end in tears? ... but 6 months on we have everything in order. and i can safely say it was the best decision of my life to do this reletionship, i love him with everything ive got

    When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
    not really... i dont know, but i knew something was going to happen kinda...but that was when we first talked not when we first cammed..
    Last edited by xsomanymilesx; April 8, 2010, 03:30 PM.


      Neat idea

      When you met each other were you with someone else?
      Yes. I was one and a half years into a relationship with a much older man who was emotionally abusive and all kinds of messed up.

      How did you first meet?
      We met on internet forums and added each other to msn, forgetting about each other until one day his msn name was "anyone who doesn't speak to me today will be deleted from my contacts". It was five long years before we met in person.

      How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
      Well, in the early days things got close fast, and we were open with how we felt. I wouldn't leave this other guy for Obi though, because a relationship with someone overseas seemed impossible and I was scared of what my partner would do if I tried to leave him.
      Much later, after I'd gotten out of that bad relationship, Obi wasn't so innocent, I and another LDR had broken his heart and he swore he'd never do LDR ever again. Telling him I'd never stopped loving him seemed impossible. So I flirted instead - shamelessly. I dropped hints. I and I planned a very scary expensive trip to his home country.
      One night we'd had a heart to heart, me telling him to stop reminding me he was single (It was his way of saying "come get me" but I heard "I'm not yours" lol) and he asked why I was comming to Canada. It was only then, a month before I was due to go that I could finally say "Because I love you, and I intend to make you love me too". Ofcourse, he already loved me, but he wasn't gonna say it first!

      When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
      No, not at all. When I first saw a picture I was young and shallow and secretly horrified by his bad teeth, bad skin and awful hair. (We were in our gangly stage after all )
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        Your story is so cute!

        When you met each other were you with someone else?
        We were both with other people. He was engaged at the time and I was in my first relationship that was extremely abusive.

        How did you first meet?
        Well, I had this RP on Gaia Online in September of 2008 and it'd been going for around 300 pages but it was getting a little dull...too much monotony and I'd opened it up for new people to join but the only new people to apply were complete noobs. Then I got a PM from this guy and he said, "Hey, is your RP still accepting?" because sometimes people would have it as open and accepting and it wouldn't be. I told him I was still accepting profiles and so he said he wanted to enter some. I said okay and a few hours later he sent me two character profiles. I liked them so I added them and he started RPing and he was extremely imaginative and, though his spelling and grammar sucked, he was semi-lit and, though he was a boy, he was awesome at explaining his characters' thoughts and feelings. We talked briefly outside of the RP but nothing big. Then that RP died (mainly because of a power-hungry RPer who tried to get complete control of everything I had) and I started up another one. Well, he saw I was making a new thread and PM'd me saying, "How's the new RP going?" I told him it was pretty slow and I needed more people and asked if he was interested in joining. He was and he sent me the profile for what is now my favorite character of all time. We started talking so much outside the RP, then, that sometimes we'd forget to post and my friend would IM me and tell me to post and ask me what was taking so long and I'd be like, "Oh, sorry, I was talking to TF*." Then he told me all about his fiancee and all the horrible things she was doing and I told him about my family problems (though nothing about my relationship issues) and then we started talking so much through PM that it didn't make sense to talk through PM anymore so we traded MSN usernames and started talking through that so much that we would forget about any other conversations or other things we were doing at the time. ^^; it pissed a couple of my friends off and he said that more than a few of his friends got annoyed.

        *TF is an abbreviation of his username

        How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
        Well, see, when I was dating my 3rd boyfriend (the neglectful one) I talked to Alex every night until laaaaate into the night and we got to know each other pretty well and he started kind of flirting with me. My boyfriend at the time and I were long distance and so one night I told Alex, "I wish I could teleport anywhere I wanted to in the world," because I really wanted to be with Jared (the guy I was with at the time) and Alex's reply was, "Be careful what you wish for. If we had that kind of technology I might just come down there and steal you away from your guy. ;3" And the flirts became more and more overt. Then one night I asked him straight out, "Do you like me?" He replied: "I'm not sure but I'll tell you when I know." A couple nights later he said, "I have something to tell you... I think I love you."

        Through all this time I knew I had feelings for Alex but didn't want to say anything. One night, though, I was really upset and we were talking and he asked me what was wrong and I said, "I just want to kiss you." He said, "Then do it." So I wrote "*kisses*" in the chat which is something I never even wrote to the boyfriend I had at the time. so...we both pretty much knew then. ^^;

        When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?, not really, but I don't get flashes of people often. When I saw his picture (I can link the I saw first to anyone who wants to see it, it's extremely adorable/handsome) my heart kind of skipped a beat, though. ^^; I've always liked guys with dark hair and dark eyes (which he has) and the picture was so soft and kind I couldn't help but just melt. *blushes* He liked the first picture he saw of me, too, but it was sort of sepia toned, not color. Still, I remember him saying, "I don't see how any guy can resist you with that. You have this look in your eyes and that smile is just great." *blushes*


          Oooh, I love to hear other people's stories!

          When you met each other were you with someone else?
          Nope, we were both single.

          How did you first meet?

          In a nightclub. He was on holiday in the UK with a friend, (he's French) becasue it was the summer, they couldn't get a place to stay and they were only in the city one night. So they went to a nightclub that closed at 5am. I was having a night out with my friends, and we ended up in that very same club. I mocked his dancing, he told me he was French, I was hooked, our friends were abandoned. We were supposed to meet later that week before he went back to France, but I had to go away on a work trip. He phoned me and arranged to see me on his last night in the country, before jetting back to France, even though this entailed him travelling back to my city, before heading back on a bus at 1am, to catch a 3am bus, to catch his 6am flight. As we waited for his bus, he said he could come back in a month. And he did. And then I went to see him. And that was it.

          How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

          It wasn't very dramatic. Obviously because of all the effort to see each other, we both knew how we felt. I just told him when I couldn't not tell him anymore.

          When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?

          Well it did, because I'd already met him.


            When you met each other where you with someone else?
            I suppose I don't know. I was not but I am not sure if he was. However, we both had multiple relationships following our meeting.

            How did you first meet?
            We first met the summer of 2003 we both went on a mission trip with our church. At that point I was going to be a freshmen in High School and he a senior. We sat together almost the entire way to Oregon, where we were going. It was about a 36 hour bus ride in a coach bus. It is kind of funny though, he has a brother that is my age and at the time they looked very much alike. I sat next to him (and started talking to him) because I thought he was his brother. I went to 8th grade with his brother and knew him a little.

            Then two summers later we went on another church trip to Germany. This time there was five of us in a little group together. My SO, his brother, my SO soon-to-be fiance, her brother, and I all hung out during the trip. Following this trip we stayed in contact. We talked five or six times a year and saw each other once or twice a year. Then he got engaged, then she left him, and I started talking to him more regularly. He was 450 mi away from where I was but I was very frightened that he may hurt himself, as he was devastated over the breakup. She had left him with little explanation.

            A few months after the breakup I started having deep feelings for him... when we went on the trip to Germany I did have a small crush on him but shush! I talked to him about it and he said that he thought that he might feel that same way but he was not sure because he felt so emotionally unstable. I was unsure of the relationship myself, as I was weary of risking our friendship. About three weeks after the initial conversation I approached him again and told him that I felt that we were in a relationship whether either of us were ready for one (as I was fresh out of an abusive relationship as well). We told each other we loved each other quite often, and out relationship was only getting deeper. We had been talking everyday for many hours for months. I said that we needed to call it what it was. He said he needed a few days to think about it, four days later, on my birthday, he said he agreed! After our long journey together we were finally 'together.' It seemed to surreal to me. He is such an amazing guy who loves with all his heart and gives his love unconditionally!

            When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
            Yes, because I had

            (sorry this is so long)
            Last edited by kraut; April 9, 2010, 09:23 AM. Reason: typos


              When you met each other were you with someone else?: I wasn't; He's my first boyfriend ^^ I vaguely remember him talking about a breakup soon after we met, but I didn't know him very well, so I didn't pay much attention. I'm not even 100% sure it was him.

              How did you first meet?: We met in an MMORPG called RuneScape. I can't really go into detail without sounding incredibly dorky :P A few months after we first met (during which we rarely even saw each other), he joined the group I was a leader in, and we began to spend more time together in-game. Around 9 months after we had originally met, I joking referred to him as my "bff." He responded that we had to exchange bracelets to make it official, so I made us some bracelets that we've been wearing in-game ever since :P

              Soon after that we began contacting each other outside of the game over AIM (which we both conveniently had on our phones, so we could stay in contact even when one of us wasn't at our computer). We were both out of school at the time, so we had a lot of free time, and we spent basically all day talking together, and falling asleep watching movies "together" every night. I had applied to study abroad in Japan before this habit started, and I was worried we wouldn't be able to talk as much while I was there (we'd be on opposite sides of the globe!), and we would drift apart. I almost wanted to cancel the trip, but it was too late, and I knew that I would regret not going. I had a bit of a rough time in Japan. I ended up having issues with the friend I went with, and was very lonely most of the time. I spent a lot of time online, and he stayed up incredibly late to talk to me. We used to joke that he was on Japanese time, and he'd have jetlag when I went back to the US. I'm very grateful for that ^^ Even though we were further apart physically, we grew even closer.

              When I returned to the States, I had a package waiting for me that he'd mailed to my mom and instructed her to bring to the airport. Inside was, among other things, a friendship bracelet that he'd made for me himself along with some beads, so I could make one for him. (We still wear them today ) As soon as I got back, we began texting constantly. At one point I was up to 1.7k text messages in a month. (Thank god for unlimited texting)

              How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?: The day that school started for me, a little over a month after I got back from Japan, and maybe a year and a half after we had first met, he sent me a text while I was asleep telling me he loved me as more than a friend. I was thinking "Oh, duh. That's why I'm acting like this." as I read it. I sort of realized I liked him beforehand, but I was definitely in denial because I figured I was just somebody that he liked to play some stupid game with. Looking back, I probably loved him before I had even gone to Japan. Soon after we began talking on the phone, which changed to webcam. We still spend pretty much all day "together", and to date, we've met in person once. We'll be spending five months together next fall ^^

              When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?: Nope, not at all.


                Yay ok! I love this thread, I love hearing other peoples stories!

                When you met each other were you with someone else?
                No, we were both on a dating site..well i don't know if he had anyone else seriously..

                How did you first meet?
                In Novemeber 2008...I was a member on and Mark messaged me. I didn't want an LDR. His profile stated he was in Idaho, which is just like 2 hours away from me, so I gave him a chance...then I later found out he was MUCH further away. He emailed me, and I thought he was cute so i emailed him back. We exchanged letters through that site and then I gave him my normal email address. I didn't know if he was going to email me there or not, but he did! We emailed eachother back and forth, then it became more regular. Once a day, and i always looked forward to his emails. We became close fast. I am not sure what happened, and it doesnt really matter now, but we were 3 months into emailing and then we started talking about feelings, and then he stopped emailing me. I was scared and I am sure he was too. I didn't hear from him for 4 months. I tried to email him, but I didn't get a response. I was talking to my friend at work about how badly I missed Mark's emails..and how they really started meaning a lot to me, and that night...i was on MSN Messenger..and it popped up that he added me. I FREAKED out! I was so happy, we chatted for a bit, and then decided that we were going to email eachother again.
                It was June 2009 when we started emailing each other again...and then July 4th weekend is when we finally connected on the phone. We have talked on the phone everyday since. We talk about 3-4 hours all together everyday. Sometimes, its 3 hours a night....we have a really great connection. Our phone calls never become boring. We still haven't met in person..but its coming closer and closer to the time that we will get too!!

                How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                In November 2009 i kept getting sick..i had a sinus infection, bronchitis, kidney infection blah blah..and I had to stay home from work for like a week. He had also been under the weather and so he stayed home from work also. We connected on the phone several times throughout the day and night..and we became REALLY close. I wanted so bad for him to say he loved me..and I was waiting for it..but it didn't happen...and I had told him that i wasn't going to say it first for the first time. Him and I are both really into music and I told him of the song "Keeper of the Stars" and told him to listen to it. Well he did and he loved it. Then I wrote on the you tube page...something like, love is beautfiul, even though we haven't said it out loud, i believe he knows it to..or something..and i told him to listen to it again, and see if he could tell which comment was mine. He did after we hung up that night and then he emailed me and the email only said something like yes it is..and yes I do...then the next night he told me he loved me. I was speachless..i seriously couldn't speak for minutes. This warm feeling just flowed throughout me and I started crying..and it was an amazing feeling. I think about it now and it still gives me that warm feeling. I have never felt this before, not even with my ex husband. Mark is my soulmate!

                When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                YES!!!! I felt like I had seen him before and that I knew him. There is this one picture of him, that looks like he is holding his arms out to hug the camera...and he sent me that picture and i swear I had seen it before. It was an amazing thing..i could just picture myself there, in his arms hugging him. Like its where I belong. Its hard to explain it...but it was amazing.


                  When you met each other were you with someone else?
                  I wasn't, not sure about him ^^;

                  How did you first meet?
                  During the Myspace roleplay boom back in 2006, my friend made me an account and I was slowly starting to get into it and my friend and him were already friends and he sent me a friend request. I was 13 at the time and he was recently 14 (he's only 6 months older than me), he was basic bad boy breaking rules and I was the average good girl so I thought we wouldn't be a match but we talked a lot.

                  How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                  ]During the summer I got a boyfriend and one morning I got on the computer and he was on, we started talking again like old friends. Suddenly he starts FLIRTING with first I didn't know what to say or type but apparently my fingers had a mind of their own. I mean a guy like that flirting with me wow. Suddenly me and him started to get closer and closer and my boyfriend well he was busy with others things. I wanted to be with him, I asked him one day "Eddie do you like me?" he finally replied yes which made my heart flutter, I was only 14 at the time but I've never felt this strong about someone. During the whole summer I could never stop talking to him, one time I even called him and we talked I even sang! That's when he made the word "Skippy Skappy" which is our word now. (he's still embarrassed at it) By the end of the summer I had to start high school so we didn't talk as much and I broke up with my boyfriend since we didn't connect well. Knowing the pain I couldn't be with him, I made myself forget about him and I met a guy, he liked me and I thought "What the hell" and I went out with him. At first he was sweet and nice but he was a little too forward and went too fast into the relationship. Before I knew it we argued so much, I felt horrible, I lost weight, he was suicidal and I was just too sweet. Then it was turning me into a horrible, spiteful person. Suddenly out of nowhere I see him online on myspace and I said hi, suddenly we were talking and I felt this surge of happiness. Everyday we talked and he talked me into getting AIM which I did and that got us talking even more. I even had a dream with him in it which was a epiphany for me! While I was reading Twilight, it made me realize...I was Bella, my bf was Edward (even in the book I hated him) and he was my Jacob which I loved but that was before the Twilight craze happened and now I can't stand it. it was April and he knew I was not happy at all and he tells me:
                  Me: "I know but no one else loves me like he does"
                  Him: "Well...there is another..."
                  Me: "Who?"
                  Him: "Me.."
                  Surprising I remember but that moment changed my life and summer happened and I made a mistake I regret for the rest of my life but I moved on. We talked like we used to last year summer, I even blew off my boyfriend to talk to him. Suddenly it was just getting to me. I didn't know who to choose...should I be with someone who is near me and be miserable or be with someone I can't even see. One day I made my choice and broke it off with my boyfriend and told him.
                  Me:"There was something on my mind all day and I wanted to tell you"
                  Him: "What you love me?"
                  Me:"I'm in love with you" (We were 15 when this happened)

                  When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                  He looked like some of the guys in my neighborhood but he was super hot ^_^


                    awww i like all these, they are very cute!! dont worry about anything being too long or nerdy, its really cute how we get to meet our SO's


                      When you met each other were you with someone else?
                      Yes I was i was with a girl who i did not really feel for I was just another piece in her game of chess. I met her through one of her friends over MySpace and i never told my gf at the time nor did i care. I never look back on that nightmare cause i'm having a beautiful dream

                      How did you first meet?
                      I met her through a friend of hers on MySpace when the Role Playing days were big. I was doing a RP as a Sonic Character as was she so i guess you can say Sonic brought us together XD

                      How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                      Well what can i say i was still shy at the time and it was before summer. I got onto MySpace IM and saw she was on i was trying to avoid it but i could not help it and decided to talk to her she was surprised to see me on. So we talked and talked we were still kinda feeling awkawrd towards each other because a long time went by without talking and she had a boyfriend. During that time i myself had a new girl frend and things were not going so well with that so i asked her for advice she kinda helped but in the end that relationship ended 2 1/2 weeks from when it started. we stoped talking for a while actually a long while i never thought i would feel anything but suddenly i wake up one day and bam a thought of her hits me like a tidal wave all day i thought about her and it kept coming back day after day after day i began to realize OMG I still like her after about a few more weeks i realized I loved her. (Lets fast foward a bit to my fav part) I saw a picture of her on myspace and she looked sad like really sad (She tells me she was doing math) but i guess that picture mistake was the spark that put things in motion. I talked to her and things went well till she told me she had a new bf that made me sad but i held it in. One day we were talking on chat and we got into that subject (If you want to know what it was read the one above me thats hers) so its 2008 and it now hitting summer a few weeks in we talk ALL DAY!! until late late in the night she told me that she was getting off i said ok i will stay on (I beleive it was fate that made me stay up) she gets back on and she tells me she is sheading tears and then she puts out their she broke up with her boyfriend i eyes went 0_0 (Once again if you want to look above this one again). I love her alot and i feel good knowing i can say that without consiquence.
                      P.S: HI BABY!!!

                      When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                      No she was the first beautiful person i laid eyes on and i stand by that 1 million %
                      Everytime I try to fly. I fall without my wings I feel so small. I will always need you baby you make me feel whole nothing stronger than love EXCEPT MEGA LOVE!! lol which is what we got.


                        I'm curious to know what people's story's are on meeting one another? I like to hear stories like that.
                        When you met each other were you with someone else?
                        Nope. Hadn't had a serious relationship in about 2 years. I was single after a 2 1/2 year relationship and enjoying every minute of it! I had just met a guy that I was kind of sort considering maybe giving a chance and he facebooked me saying he didn't think it would work.....oddly enough because of the distance and time away. (he was working offshore!) AHAHA! That still cracks me up bc he called me a few times after I started dating the SO to see if we were still together. So much for time away/distance negatively affecting a relationship.

                        How did you first meet? How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

                        He joined the Army, pretty much went straight to Iraq, and then came home for 2 weeks before being stationed a few states away. We met during his two weeks home and started dating. That was Jan 2009!

                        New Years Eve (2009) is a bit blurry. I woke up at a friends place. Actually woke up to a fire alarm at around 5 in the morning. He was there too. They had went to school together. Standing outside I began to shiver. He offered his jacket, but I told him I was fine [through chattering teeth lol] so he pulled me close to him and wrapped his jacket around me, and just held me close to him. I knew right then he’d be trouble. Lol idk what it was about him, there was just…something much sweeter and gentler and more sincere about everything he did and said. The next morning he gave me his number and told me to call. He kissed me on my forehead and we made our way to our cars and left. I actually couldn’t stop thinking about him. And the kiss, just a quick kiss on the forehead, but it was all I could think about and I kept asking myself why didn’t I just pull him back and really kiss him.

                        I almost didn’t call. But there was just something about him. He just seemed really sweet and like a genuinely good guy…well as much as I could tell after one drunken night and one still slightly drunk morning lol. But we met up for coffee Tuesday. And he was amazing. We just clicked. The conversation flowed easily and I felt so comfortable with him, it was like I had known him my whole life! We spent pretty much all of our time together for the next two weeks. And when we weren’t together were usually texting or calling each other.

                        Then he was hanging with the guys, enjoying some guy time (one of the few nights we weren’t together) he called. He told me he had something to tell me. So I was just sitting around waiting for him to say “I love you.” The first night I went over, Thursday, we went out. On the way home I asked what it was that he wanted to tell me, but he said nothing we'd talk about it later. and friday last night with him, we were laying in bed and he was holding me. It hit me that he really was leaving and that was really the last chance I’d get to snuggle with him like that and just lay in his arms. I cried a little, not real hard, but my eyes kept tearing up so there were tears falling. I thought that was it, he’d go back to base and I’d stay home, and it would just be a great 2 weeks we had. When he noticed, he pulled me closer and held me real tight. When I looked at him he was looking at me real sweet and smiling. I asked 'whats the big smile for?' he said "nothing. I just, I know you care." and he said "I care about you too. More than you know yet."

                        We spent the last few hours we had together just cuddling on the couch. He just held me close to him, neither one of us wanted to let go. Finally I told him I’d have to go, so we he held me a little longer and we got my things together and went outside.

                        And the weather was just perfect it was cool and a little windy, it was a little cloudy but the sun was still out. So as we were standing there he was holding me close and the wind was just slightly blowing my hair...

                        So he walked with me to my car, holding my hand in his. And then he said "Hold on I have one more thing for you." So we walked over to his truck. And he said “Stand right here. I don’t want you to see it.” He dug around in his truck a little, then he turned around and placed his dogtags around my neck and said “These are for you!.” He held me tight and then looked deep in my eyes and said "I'm going to miss you so much!" and he pulled me real close. I started crying a little and he took my face in his hands, wiping away my tears and looked in my eyes. Then he kissed me. I knew he wanted to say it....just the way he was looking at me, I could see it in his eyes. =] But he didn’t say anything, he just held me close. So we walked back over to my car. I said 'Well we never talked about it. We never said it out loud, but are we dating?’ and he said yea, “You know what else we didn’t say out loud?” He looked in my eyes, pulled me close, and said “I love you” and I told him I loved him too. But I had to go. And it was just all so perfect. bc they live in the country with the house set a little further back and there’s a longer driveway and its lined with oak trees...and as I was driving away he stood in the driveway and watched me....*squeak* its was just amazing.

                        here’s an actual entry in my journal from that week.
                        “I’ve never been so…comfortable with someone. Never trusted someone so easily and felt that it was perfectly ok. He makes my heart skip a beat when he looks into my eyes. Makes my breath catch with a simple touch. He makes my heart flip flop with the sound of his voice. Makes my heart beat real fast and real slow at the same time with a kiss. And when I’m near him I just can’t stop smiling. Just hearing his name gives me butterflies in my stomach. His hand always manages to find mine and never fails to make my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach when it does. He’s just not close enough unless I can feel his heartbeat and I can’t remember a time I ever felt so much like some ones world. Every love song I hear reminds me of him. He’s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep. I think about him all day long, remembering the way he touched me, remembering the way he kissed me, remembering the way he looked so deeply into my eyes. He makes me want to be a better person. It hasn’t been long at all, but he has become my everything and there is no doubt in my mind that he feels the same way.”

                        When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                        Idk so much about knowing I had seen him before but I sure felt like I had known him forever!! He said he felt that way too!!!


                          i wrote this as my blog but i am copying it here in this thread. if it's not ok or if i am violating any forum rules, please let me know and just delete this...anyway here goes...
                          2000. he was with his first true love while i was with mine as well. we first met during a science fair in the university i was studying at. the science fair attracted foreign science students in asia since it featured what seems to be the oldest dinosaur egg. so being a science person that he is, he flew in to take a glimpse of that fossil. it was the last day of the science fair and i haven't even seen the "egg" myself. so after class my college friend and i went to the fair and check it. since i was not convinced that the fossil was an actual dino egg, i made a joke about it to which everyone in the viewing window laughed, including him. he then approached me and asked my opinion why i was not convinced. to make a long story short, we talked about my opinion in the nearest diner. we talked for hours that i came home late that night. but before we parted, we exchanged email addresses and chat ID's. but we wrote few times only and chatted once in a while.

                          2005. i joined a mission trip in Thailand for 3 months. one day i went to Bangkok for a short break, and there i randomly met him in a restaurant. again we talked, casually. i learned that he broke up with his gf. the girl wanted to get married but he wasn't ready for such commitment. actually he was not the marrying type of man. the girl cannot wait anymore so they decided to end the relationship. i wasn't also in a relationship then. i broke up with my bf in 2001, and since then i didn't entertain love matters in my life. we parted again and wrote few letters and chatted once in a while.

                          2007. i was living in Thailand then. i got work along the borders. same thing happened, i went to Bangkok for a vacation where i randomly met him in a restaurant, only this time he was with a new gf. we didn't talk much since he got company. we just said hi and hello, and then went on with our separate ways.

                          2008. we started chatting on a regular basis. we became real friends. we poured our hearts when we're down or happy, we shared family matters and all sorts of issues. he and his gf broke. we continued with our friendship normally.

                          2009. in the middle of this year, we started talking about serious stuffs---heart matters. but i was guarding myself since i knew he wasn't into commitments anymore. but he started showing affections and deep care. he called often and longer. mobile messages came in like raindrops. and i know for sure i was falling in love with him. there was a tug o' war going on inside me---i wanted to give in to his love and yet i don't want to get hurt again. so we continued our nightly chats while we try not to entertain love thoughts. but we found it very hard to escape from what's destined to happen.

                          december 9. he proposed marriage to me. he said that i made him rethink about marriage and commitments, and that he believes that life would be better off with me. he also admitted that all those random meetings made an impact in his life and that he started entertaining thoughts about "us". he was just too afraid to approach me since he perceived me as someone who's living a perfect and peaceful life. and he doesn't like to disturb that. i accepted his proposal, without ever thinking twice. and joy just flooded us that night.

                          once i told him that we started our relationship differently---a marriage proposal. he said that true love does come with strings attached to it. i smiled, remained silent and enjoyed being loved by my man.
                          Last edited by redbellepepper; April 8, 2010, 10:40 PM.


                            When you met each other were you with someone else?
                            Technically, no. By the time we met I was in the process of getting over my ex. Ok ok, I was a sobbing fool. It had been about 5 months since the break-up. I actually had gotten over him after a couple months (he was/is a douche) and got on with my life. I had a new job, new friends, money in my pocket... things were good. Then the ex told me he missed me... He gave me horrible mixed signals. He was dating a girl (part of why he's a douche, he was 'getting to know her' while we were dating), so I was confused. The ex and I met through World of Warcraft and he had his own vent server (voice chat server). When he contacted me he invited me back to it. I popped on and one of the friends he'd met playing EVE (another MMO) was Ray. ^^

                            How did you first meet?
                            I guess this kinda bleeds into what I said before lol. We actually didn't talk that much alone. Only after my ex had confused me and I wasn't sure what I felt for him did we talk. Yeah, it's kinda messed up. Ray essentially was my shoulder to cry on. ^^ He was optimistic about my ex and I getting back together, but I think he had his doubts the more crap I would tell him he had done to me. He constantly remind me that he wasn't going to tell me what to do and support me. I think he wanted me to tell my ex off and I wish I had sooner. My ex was being particularly douche-y one day on the vent server and Ray stood up for me. He didn't agree with how he treated me and said he was leaving the server. But before he left he gave me his cell number and email so we could continue to talk. ^^

                            We text'd each other off and on. He was going through a particularly rough period with his family. Since he had supported me throughout my difficulties, I wanted to show him my support through his. Sometimes we'd voice chat through gtalk. When I quit my job he asked if I wanted to play WoW with him and some of his friends. They'd recently gotten back into it. I accepted and then we started to spend a lot more time together talking. ^^

                            How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
                            It came in a strange roundabout sort of way. We'd been spending a lot of time talking and playing online. I logged on one day and in my mailbox was an Emerald Green Whelpling. For those that don't play WoW, it has a very low droprate and people have been known to spend hours trying to get it. Even though it was outdated I was touched that he sent it to me instead of selling it for a lot of gold. I had thought about Ray as more before, but there was a voice in my head telling me not to get into another LDR. After he sent that, I admit, that voice disappeared. I realized what I already knew. I liked him a lot.

                            I was all set to tell him when he got home from work. Maybe not outright, but hint that there could be something more. Then I lost my nerve XD. One of his best friend's who played with us helped a lot. She msg'd me to tell me that she thought he really liked me. It gave me that little bit of confidence I needed. Ok, it wasn't smooth and we had some shy moments... ok, a lot lol. But it came out that he had liked me a lot too.

                            When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
                            I had actually asked him for a picture before I confessed my feelings to him. I wanted to make sure I was attracted to him physically and mentally. And I wanted to know the same for him, so I sent him mine. When I saw him my heart did a few 360s lol. He was drop dead sexy <3 He's exactly my type. Tall and skinny and just enough geekiness And it worked out because I'm his type too. He's got a thing for Asians and he likes the booty, so he lucked out with me cuz I have both :P

                            All this was over the course of about 10 months ^^;; We've now been together 7 months and couldn't be happier! His friend jokes that we're still in our honeymoon phase because we spend so much time together hehe We still love to talk with each other and our love gets stronger each day ^^

                            Met ex in WoW.
                            Broke up. Got over him.
                            Ex met Ray in EVE.
                            Ex sent mixed signals to me. I met Ray.
                            Ex's a douche.
                            Ray invites me to play WoW with him.
                            Ray sends me a sweet gift.
                            I fall for him.
                            I chicken out confessing to him.
                            His best friend tells me he likes me.
                            I gain courage to confess.
                            He likes me too!
                            He's a sexy sweet guy I'm in love with and wouldn't want it any other way <3


                              Alis your ex sounds like mine :/ wonder if there related lol

