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What is your story??

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    When you met each other were you with someone else?
    No. But I broke up with my long-term boyfriend only about a month before we started talking. I was with my ex for over 7 years but the love was long gone. So I got over it instantly. I wasn't looking for anyone else after the breakup, but it was obviously meant to be.
    He on the other hand had been single for over 2 years.

    How did you first meet?
    He followed me on Twitter on a recommendation from a mutual friend, then I followed him back. But at first we had almost no contact for a few months, mainly because I was in the US at the time so the time zones clashed majorly and we were never online at the same time. I remember seeing his profile pic though and thinking he's really hot and how guys like him are out of my league. I wasn't crushing on him though, it was just one of those things you think for a second and move on.
    When I got back home we started talking, at first just in a friendly way. But pretty soon we started flirting.

    How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?

    Well, soon after we started flirting I felt I was crushing on him and had a hunch it was mutual. We spent almost all of the time on Twitter talking to each other, we both made effort to be online at the same time, and by now all we did was flirt. But it was this one guy in our network who gave us a shoutout as two people who fancy the pants off each other, since all of our communication was done publicly for everyone to see. I think we were both a bit in denial and we thought, as long as it's public it's just banter, I'm not really crushing, no no. But that shoutout was something that opened his eyes, and he sent me a private message, then we took it to email, then to skype... It wasn't hard after that to open up about our feelings, which were already quite intense.

    When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
    No... but I never could have imagined getting together with a guy like him. I thought he was absolutely gorgeous and cool and well beyond my reach. I have my qualities but I guess you could call me an acquired taste, I'm an odd looking dork, he's beautiful and geeky chic. He was into cool stuff like DJing and rock climbing and had a great social life, while I stayed home every night and surfed the web or read books. I hated how I didn't have anything to say when he'd ask me how I spent my weekend. Anyway, I could easily imagine girls much more interesting and better looking than me swooning over him.
    Weirdly enough though, I had no doubts at all that he was into me once the whole thing started to unfold.

    Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


      When you met each other were you with someone else?
      No. I was still kind of hung up on another guy. That all changed when I met my SO.

      How did you first meet?
      We met when I went to visit one of my friends in England. She was dating his brother, and the three of them were living together at the time.

      How did you come about telling your SO about your feelings for them?
      I just told him. It was about a month after I had left, and we were skyping. I told him that I really liked as more than a friend and asked him how he felt. We've been together ever since.

      When you first saw a picture of them did it feel like you've seen them before?
      I saw him in person first so this doesn't apply.
      "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

      "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

      Met: August 22, 2010
      Made it official: September 17, 2010
      Got engaged: January 15, 2012
      Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
      Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
      Got married: November 21, 2012
      Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
      Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013

