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Picture issues?

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    Originally posted by Frankenbat View Post
    @Ankinz- I wish there was something so it would be a little more understandable for me. I could be like 'oh this happened and that's why she feels this way' but there honestly hasn't been anything the least bit shady going on. There is seriously no reason for her to feel like this. Which makes it more difficult for me to understand.
    The break sounds like a good idea. Maybe she would adjust her mindset.
    yeah.. you cant understand her because her thinking isnt very normal:/
    there is nothing You can do to fix this
    she needs to change and realize how crazy everything shes doing is


      You would think though that if she thought you were fake, she would want to cut all contact with you seeing as you had been supposedly lying to her for over a year??? But she keeps communication lines open with you. It's almost as if she is afraid to be proved wrong.

      I'm really not sure about your girl, but I once got into an LDR when I was younger with someone who actually was a fake... and as soon as I found out, that was the end of that. All trust was gone and I couldn't believe I had been lied to about almost everything about said person. It was only for 3 months though, but I have learned since about trusting people on the interwebs.

      I suggest you talk to her again about this whole scenario, maybe organise a skype date so she can see you on webcam (I know you said it's been difficult doing so, but if you pre-schedule, it might make things easier). If she throws a fit, tell her to shut up and listen to you for once. Sorry to be harsh but it seems like the only way to get through to her is to be tough


        Just one simple question - how do you know she's not fake? What if she is, and accusing you of being fake so you don't think she is?

        Love you forever and forever
        Love you with all my heart
        Love you whenever we're together
        Love you when we're apart.


          Originally posted by WithAllMyHeart View Post
          Just one simple question - how do you know she's not fake? What if she is, and accusing you of being fake so you don't think she is?
          WithAllMyHeart definitely has a valid point. Those who are playing mind games have a tendency to actually accuse you of doing exactly what they are doing in order to make their actions seem okay. It's basically the minds way of finding approval to get rid of the guilt that they could be feeling. It's really twisted, but it's highly possible that she could be doing this to you with how everything sounds.
          Even if she is a real person, she could easily be considering your entire relationship as fake because it's not in close distance. That's definitely something you may want to think about before you put your future in jeopardy for her.


            @withallmyheart- because she met my friends and they told me all about it, and the friend that introduced us wouldn't do that lol, and I trust her... and wow...
            @Zapookie- i think she is too. That's terrible about actually dating a fake, I'm so sorry that that happened to you ;(


              Well, if she still thinks you're fake after meeting your friends, still saying it's a conspiracy - she seriously needs help. I am saying she has a legitimate mental issue. And I know a lot about mental illness, having a few, and having a huge interest in it, maybe enough to major in the subject. Please look it up. Her mindset will not change without professional help that you CANNOT DO.

              It would be best to break up with her. I hate to say that. I really do. But in MY opinion, it seems the best thing to do for the both of you.

              Love you forever and forever
              Love you with all my heart
              Love you whenever we're together
              Love you when we're apart.


                I've met plenty of people online that have turned out to use fake pictures, never dated one but I have had friends for years whom pretended to be the opposite sex or just used different pictures, it's a deep feeling of betrayal and it hurts a lot.

                It sounds like this girl may have had a similar experience in the past or she is just very insecure and suspicious. The only thing I could really suggest is making a 'proof' picture, but you've already done that. Ask her what it would take to prove you are who you are, make more proof pictures of you holding up a sign with someone written on it that she asked you to put, something totally out there that you wouldn't be likely to just happen across on the Internet... That would probably be enough to convince me.

                Keep trying to do the webcam thing, it kinda sounds like she's avoiding it, though.


                  Thank you all so much <3


                    I agree with everyone else and I know this thread has been given a lot of attention, but I just wanted to add something. She sounds very paranoid, and even if you were to meet her and prove yourself to her, it sounds as though she would choose a new thing to be paranoid and not believe you about (i.e. you are cheating on her, have a secret life, or something else totally far fetched). I feel as though you may always be trying to prove something to her, or always be defending yourself. That's really not a healthy way to live because her paranoia is making you paranoid (like you being scared to post pics on facebook). In a relationship, you should be comfortable with yourself around your partner, and your partner should be accepting of who you are and have faith in you.

