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What's the hardest?

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    Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
    I think for me it was the day of. That train (lol wrote bus but its a train!) ride home, knowing that as it got closer to our stop it would be where we say goodbye, i couldn't help cry i wanted to just get off and say oh no we never made it back so lets just pretend we dont have to. It was so hard then waiting... as the hours ticked down to minutes before he had to leave, it was horrible. Then saying goodbye... not wanting to let go.... seeing him cry... and i hate having family with me because i do not like to cry in front of them so having to try not to break down... its just so horrible and sad and i hated that day saying goodbye is the worst.
    Awww!! I completely understand. I'm glad his family respect that we need our time saying goodbye and don't come along. I hate goodbyes and they never get any easier. The only time they will easier is when my SO is saying goodbye to go to work and leaving OUR house. I want that so bad.

    ---------- Post added at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------

    Originally posted by Sierra View Post
    For me it's that hour before he leaves and then the day after he's left. I can still smell him in my bed, on my couch and feel his lips on mine ... it's like torture. I usually just go to bed early the next day. In my case I get to see my boyfriend frequently, every month - month and a half but it's still horrible to say goodbye. Leaving him at the airport ... horrible.

    I haven't been to visit him yet but I imagine being at the airport will be really hard for me as well. I hate the distance.
    EXACTLY! I hate when you can smell them but they are not there. :'( I can't wait to close the distance for good. sigh.

    ---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

    Originally posted by CaptainKaz View Post
    For me, it's the few hours after he leaves that gets me the most. If I'm visiting him, I'm usually busy with being terrified of flying to be too upset - but when he leaves, not only am I worried about him flying, I also just miss him like crazy as I catch the train back home. The next day will be fine because I'll invariably be back at work, but that evening alone is hell.

    The last time he visited, I dropped him off at the airport. He went through the first little part of security at Heathrow, and then turned to wave goodbye just before he went properly into the terminal where I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. I had moved around the fencing to the side so I could be closer and wave goodbye to him, and he looked back to where I had been, saw I was no longer there, made a little pouty face because he thought I had left, and walked into the terminal without seeing me.

    Oh my God, it nearly broke my heart. I hate crying in public (I don't suppose anyone enjoys it) so I literally shoulder barged past a pregnant woman, rugby tackled a couple of toddlers, and slide tackled an elderly gentleman with a cane just to get to the toilets and weep like a three year old. It was pathetic.
    OH NO!! That had to of been hard! I got the chills reading that. Awwwwww... I hate moments like that, especially if you wont see them the next day. =/ I also don't like crying in public, but it's pretty hard not too when my SO is leaving or if I'm leaving. Only thing we can do it be strong, ya know? =/


      I find the day of/the hour before the hardest. Generally it is me leaving to go back and I just can't stop hugging him and thinking "I'm not sleeping with him tonight "

      I think the first time he left and also the time I left after we had gotten engaged were the worst :S It seems like it is getting a bit easier though? We only have to say goodbye 2 more times before we close the distance for good (end of next year much excite! )


        Originally posted by pytsip View Post
        Well, I'm going to say that my visit was the entire 4 months that I was in Shanghai, even though we were still technically long distance and saw each other only once a month, it was nothing compared to what it had been. So when I left China it was a bunch of different emotions, firstly because aside from seeing my boyfriend, I had meet some amazing people and done so many amazing things while there that I felt like I was leaving my home. On top of the fact, that my boyfriend was now going to be on the other side of the world from me yet again. The hardest part wasn't even saying goodbye because I was prepared for that. The hardest part was once I was on the plane, I kept watching the flight path of the plane, and as I saw us get farther and farther away from China, I realized that I was getting farther and farther away from him. I cried a lot on that plane ride, the people sitting next to me probably thought that someone had died.
        Wow. That is really all I have to say. My SO is in Ontario Canada, and I'm in Ohio.. and can't even imagine him being future away. You are a freaking inspiration and I hope for the best. I give you strength because I couldn't do it, I'd be lost. Anyway, it's a heart break to read about how upset you got because of tracking how far you are getting away from him. Wow <3


          The moment we say good bye is the hardest. I pretty much have to keep myself from begging him to stay.


            The hardest part for me was the day he left, or the day I left. That sucked so much. Generally I was ok in the days leading up to it and was ok the day after (I adjust really well to things like that), but I was usually a mess on that actual day. Glad that part of my life is over


              the hardest for me is definately right before he leaves and the few days after. at night it is the worst, because he isnt in my bed and i cant kiss him goodnight. its the little things that you miss the most.


                The hardest part is him leaving...because up till today its always been him who leaves. I cry the night before, he's always just held me and let me cry into his shoulder. He's no where near as emotional as I am so he never cries about it, but I believe him when he tells me he's sad about it too. Then even harder is having to say goodbye. That's when I just cry nonstop. Yes, I'm emotional.


                  Originally posted by adielovesshelbs View Post
                  the hardest for me is definately right before he leaves and the few days after. at night it is the worst, because he isnt in my bed and i cant kiss him goodnight. its the little things that you miss the most.
                  I completely agree. The little things are what I absolutely miss. :<


                    When I was younger, it was the day before, the day of, AND the day after. I was an emotional wreck. I don't usually the day before now because I want to spend all the time we have doing whatever we want to do. It won't be until we are lying down to go to bed and the rush of the day is over that I'll get a little upset. He usually makes me laugh and tickles me to get me out of it.
                    The day of, I tend to make my trips back home as early as possible (4-5 AM flights). I am usually so darn tired that my body doesn't really have the effort to register all of my sad emotions. I'll get teary-eyed usually after I pass security and I realize that when I look back at him, we are so close but these are the first few steps to being long distance again.
                    I am at my worst when I get home/the day after. I kind of go into a small depression. I hit rock bottom one time when I stayed with him for a month and when I got home, I woke up from a nightmare and reached over to "his" side of the bed to cuddle against him to realize he wasn't there next to me. I shot up in a bed and called out to him before my mind cleared to my surroundings. I immediately started bawling. However, almost like he just knew, my phone started ringing (it was him and it was 3 AM there) and he was soothing me all over again. To this day, we will never know what triggered him awake to call me like he did and how perfect that situation worked out.

                    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                      Originally posted by ashleecarol View Post
                      I hit rock bottom one time when I stayed with him for a month and when I got home, I woke up from a nightmare and reached over to "his" side of the bed to cuddle against him to realize he wasn't there next to me. I shot up in a bed and called out to him before my mind cleared to my surroundings. I immediately started bawling. However, almost like he just knew, my phone started ringing (it was him and it was 3 AM there) and he was soothing me all over again. To this day, we will never know what triggered him awake to call me like he did and how perfect that situation worked out.
                      omgosh! That sounds like the loveliest thing! I mean not that you had a nightmare and he wasn't there, but the fact that he somehow knew to call you...that's amazing


                        The day of is the worst for me because I know it's the last time I will get to feel his touch, his kiss and look into his eyes until the next time we get to see each other. It was easier when I left him because I had to get on an airplane for 8 hours, but when he leaves me it is so hard. Coming home to an empty bed, all his clothes and things are gone, his smells are on's extremely hard.


                          My SO just left on August 18th and honestly I'm having a really hard time. I will randomly stop and start crying and everything reminds me of him.
                          The worst for me is probably sleeping alone in my bed, his smell is on my blankets and pillow as well and I started sleeping on the side of the bed he slept on, I used to only sleep against the wall... I also push a big stuffed animal against me to feel like something is beside me, my cat has been getting snuggled a lot more than usual as well, lol.

                          It's really hard and painful, but I know it will get better.


                            I have to agree with most of the posts. Right before he/I leave each other and the day after is the hardest for me. Especially when were CD for 3 months, when we had to leave each other was the hardest. I was miserable for days and sometimes, I still kind of am. Leaving your SO is never easy :/


                              The one and only time that we've been able to visit (thanks to money restraints, booooo) was when he spent almost 3 weeks with me over my break. We were together almost every waking and non-waking minute. I was handling it well until we were waiting for the bus where I preceded to start crying while pretending to yawn. Sure, he probably knew better but it was embarrassing in public. Sad thing is I still, after a good month and a half, still can't get used to not sharing my bed with him. Parting ways sucks so hard.


                                Originally posted by Vail View Post
                                My SO just left on August 18th and honestly I'm having a really hard time. I will randomly stop and start crying and everything reminds me of him.
                                The worst for me is probably sleeping alone in my bed, his smell is on my blankets and pillow as well and I started sleeping on the side of the bed he slept on, I used to only sleep against the wall... I also push a big stuffed animal against me to feel like something is beside me, my cat has been getting snuggled a lot more than usual as well, lol.

                                It's really hard and painful, but I know it will get better.
                                I do the same thing. I randomly get upset because I miss him so much. He lets me keep a shirt of his so I can hold onto while I sleep. The first time he handed me his shirt to keep he told me, "It will be the closest thing you have of me babe, at least until the next time I see you." It was so cute, but made it even harder as I want his body in that t shirt.

                                Staying strong is probably the only thing we can do. Future is bright, as he always says too.

