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What's the hardest?

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    The hardest part for me was actually being at the airport and realizing he's not coming back home with me. When we we're at the gate saying bye, I could see my dad tear up and I just broke down and grabbed my boyfriend for a hug and then he started crying too and we reminded each other that we would be together again soon and that we love each other so much. We gave each other lots of kisses and hugs and then I had to let him go and that was so hard. I cried the whole way home. Thankfully he left me his hoodie so I put it on when I got home and it still smelled like him so it was very comforting.

    Also, going back to how things were before was pretty hard. While he was here we didnt always have our phones by us because we didnt have to text or call each other and it was just so different being in person so having to go back to the time difference and texting and calling instead of talking face to face and getting to touch him, smell him, feel him, was very hard but it just makes me more excited to finally be together again because I know how amazing it is =)


      Oh God. This is a tough question. For me, the day I left was the HARDEST. I had to drive back 7 hours from her place back home. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to turn around and say forget everything else and just stay. I wanted to be with her so bad. I cried a pretty good bit for the first few hours. I finally made it home, and then I wound up crying some more when I approached my bedroom door knowing that she wasn't going to be on the other side of it like she was for the prior three months. I tried not to think about it too much the day before, so it didn't bother me much. I was having too much fun with her. The day after was still hard because of waking up and her not being there beside me. Hell, who am I kidding? It's still hard and it's been a while now. I still catch myself tearing up over her not being here, or me being there. I already knew I was in love with her, but this does also help me realize just how in love with her I am. I never want to be without her. I better stop there before I get too emotional.


        We've always been CD except for school breaks when we went home which was between 8 and 23 hours apart depending on whether he was with his mom or dad. The hardest part of those times was just saying goodbye. Didn't matter which of us were leaving the saying goodbye was the worst part for me. And I even refused to say goodbye and it still sucked. But at least then there was a definite reunion date. This time around we will officially be LD without a definite date of reunion. So I think this time when he drops me off at the airport will definitely be the hardest--it's the first one too.
        ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
        The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



          Originally posted by FenderbenderXPZ View Post
          Oh God. This is a tough question. For me, the day I left was the HARDEST. I had to drive back 7 hours from her place back home. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to turn around and say forget everything else and just stay. I wanted to be with her so bad. I cried a pretty good bit for the first few hours. I finally made it home, and then I wound up crying some more when I approached my bedroom door knowing that she wasn't going to be on the other side of it like she was for the prior three months. I tried not to think about it too much the day before, so it didn't bother me much. I was having too much fun with her. The day after was still hard because of waking up and her not being there beside me. Hell, who am I kidding? It's still hard and it's been a while now. I still catch myself tearing up over her not being here, or me being there. I already knew I was in love with her, but this does also help me realize just how in love with her I am. I never want to be without her. I better stop there before I get too emotional.
          I feel you. It's hard no matter when really, even now after it being a while. I hope you two the best!


            Oh my goodness, without a doubt the hardest thing for me was leaving my lover at security at the airport, right after she said "I can't pass beyond this point." I could barely look the security guard in the eye without feeling a tear in my eye... I kept looking back at her and wanting to come back and kiss her again! After he checked my carry-on bag, I couldn't even go through the door. I went back to her and kissed her again before going through, and even then I had to steal a final wave from behind the glass. It was so emotional for me, as I walked away I felt myself crying a little bit. I'm not ashamed to admit that I had tears in my eyes well into the flight back home... But when I landed I took out my phone and we were texting again, and we Skyped that night for hours on end! After all, it's only a temporary goodbye. <3


              For me, it was definitely seeing my hunni walk through security at the airport. So I guess we both shared the same 'hardest part', right tntristan12? lol My heart broke wiping his tears away. As soon as he passed through the revolving doors pass security, I could barely contain myself. I gave one quick wave as he peered at me through the glass. I took the bus back home, and was in tears as soon as I found a seat with no one around. Walking into the house, I found a t shirt he forgot. I picked it up and inhaled his scent as I walk to the room. I laid on the bed taking in every smell I possibly could before they disappeared. Crying, consoling myself saying 'He'll be back before you know it.'


                Luckily we are driving distance, but for me its seeing all the emptiness in my apartment. My SO left today and having to see my sink without his toothbrush, and the empty side of the closest, and none of his soap in the shower. I have to reestablish new, everyday routines without him such as remembering to turn out the lights (cause he usually stays up later), remembering to set the alarm, cooking and making my own food (yes I was spoiled .


                  I think the hardest part is actually watching them walk away. At least, that's what it is for me. Knowing he's trying not to cry and knowing how hard it is for him to have to walk away...makes it worse to me.


                    I'm most upset the day before and the day of until I hear from him.

                    The day before I always relaize I will only wake up to him one day, I will only be able to fall asleep in his arms for one more night ... One more dinner ... so on and so fourth. As for the day of, I turn my room into a cold cave and sulk until I hear from him.. It eases my nerves when I know hes back safe.


                      I know it can sound crazy, but in a certain way I like those warm tears at the airport, or at the bus stration. They mean love, and I love to feel this strong feeling for my SO. For me, it's very hard to go back home alone and realizing that we have to wait some months to see each other again.


                        I think for both me and my guy that the hardest part is trying to go to sleep alone the night we leave. He said he lay awake 3 hours crying his eyes out and cuddling his pillow the night he got home. I'd managed to hold back my tears all day too until i was trying to go to sleep, lying all alone in my bed. He only went home this sunday (the 21st), however this time was slightly less hard because we know we'll be seeing each other much sooner than after all the other visits and next time we see each other it'll be to close the distance.


                          I think for me it is the day of. The dreading of the hour when he has to leave and i want him to stay. Knowing i wont see him again for i dont know how long. And then the next day waking up alone is always hard.
                          Finally happy and at peace with her man Timmy


                            My SO left me for the first time yesterday morning, and it didn't really hit me until we were at the airport. Before that, I just didn't realize that he was actually going to leave, it felt so normal already... We both cried Saturday evening, Sunday was fine but Monday at the airport my whole family was in tears, I cried the whole afternoon and when I saw him on skype in the evening it just made me so sad... Getting back into my room when I got home after school and not seeing his matress and his suitcase there was the hardest thing.


                              Mine was usually the night before we parted because I always thought "this is the last time I will get to go to bed with him and wake up beside him for a while" and also we both always left in the morning, so I never wanted to go to sleep because I knew the moment I woke up one of us would be getting ready to leave. The day of leaving was never easy either, but I would say the night before was worse because of the anticipation of leaving. Knowing that it would be the last day together for a while was never a good feeling.


                                this last visit going home wasnt so hard. the first time i cried and cried. I think the hardest is getting home and realizing he wont be there to hold you as you fall asleep.

                                This time wasn't so hard. it might be because i know i'm going to see him again soon, or because deployment has made me hard, or because i didn't have to be the one going home this time. We went to Texas together... we both were flying home. We rode the same airplane up until we got to Georgia. that was my stop. I'm not sure how he was feeling but we didn't have seats next to each other, but when one of us woke up from our comatose we would hold the others hand. trying to get every little touch in...

