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Future Plans..<3 :)

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    Future Plans..<3 :)

    im 14. and my LD bf is 16, soo all me and my bf can do right now is think about our future...<3 i mean yah we might have to wait a long time but we might only have to wait til' next summer D <3 anyways my boyfriends name is Luis (aha right wen i wrote his name he texted ) and i love him & i wanna try and b with him forever.. i know im young but please dont judge, if only u could feel wat im feeling u would know. haha anyways we love talkingg about our future... when we talk about it we both agree (well he always tries to make me happy by choosing what i want!<3) sooo our future MIGHT kinda go like this : ok next summer he might come here if not then once hes done with high school *maybe* but thats in two years.. but for some STUPID reason his mom burnt his money... >:'( he was saving for -a car, plane ticket money, college, and an apartment- :"( he was planning on coming here wen he is 18, and out of high school, get a job and aparment and move here... and wait for
    me to get out of high school and i was gonna go to w/e college he was at here.... but idk if thats gonna
    work now considering his mom burnt his freakin money.... anyways if he does move here at 18, then i will finish high school, go to the same college as him, and at like 18 move in with him!! then after college me and him r gonna find better jobs and try and save up enough money to move to cali.. (which is like 3 days away of non-stop driving :/ ) we both love cali soo we r hopefully gonna move there<3 then once we move there we will get married not to long after and we also want kids... well I want 3 hahaD well yah thats how i picture my wonderful future with my baby <3 might nott work out exactly like that haha but we r gonna try and make it like that... <3 hehe sorry for it being soooo long.. i was bored and my future was on my minddd;$ hehe <3 soo how do u picture YOUR future with ur SO?(: hehe

    that's a cute plan (though money burning sounds ridiculous and crazy o-o he should get a savings account just so his mom can't touch it omg)
    my boy's name is nat :P and our plan's pretty simple. Hopefully (hopefully, hopefully!) he can come here next year, if not then the year after, and if not then, the one after XD We havent met yet and at least one visit would make my life <3 then we're planning for me to study abroad down in brisbane in my junior year of college since he should have his own place and a steady job by that point in time. i'd get to live with him for about a year :3 after i'd go back home and do my last year of college >.> and we havent really talked about what happens then, but i'll probably be moving, either to california because its the halfway point between us and it would make traveling soooooo much easier, or i might do what i can do go down to aus on whatever visa i can until we can figure out a way to close the distance whatever is easiest for us


      OMG nicee yah i havent met luis yet either... & yes money burning is crazy + she kicked him out of the house (the only place that has wifi) and he had to go to his uncles.. soo going through tough times r n): and omg cali?(: thats where we r moving hehe have you talked about baby names b4? hehe i have!!D for boy names i like maricio, or antonio, and a girl would b sareena, or gabriella) hehe i love talkinh about our future gives me butterflies just thinkin of it D


        ohnoes! i hope everything is well for him, or things get better at least he can still contact you from his uncles, right?
        yeah ^ ^ possibly, it might make things cheaper cause it might be able to cut flight prices for us by taking out a whole stop~
        those are cute names i especially like sareena!
        And nah, i havent really talked to him bout baby names :P but i like xavier, and willoughby for boys ^ ^ and cynthia and melanie for girls, though i only want two kids lol, hopefully one of each
        and yeah thinking about it is pretty nice


          Yeesh, burning money?! That is mad haha.
          Well, my future plans with my SO are starting pretty soon I'd already been planning to move to Edinburgh this fall before we met, and it works out conveniently that I'll get to be closer to him with that move. Only a 1 hour plane ride!! So I'm going to be living in Edinburgh from October to May, and then in June (hopefully... lots of issues setting a date for that haha), we're going to move to London together, and live together!! And then stay there until the fall in 2013, when he'll be applying for permanent residency in Canada and claiming me as his common-law spouse, and then we'll move to Vancouver for me to finish my schooling And then happily ever after, marriage and babies. Haha!

          Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

          Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
          Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


            awwwhee hehe i think that these kinda stories r sooo cute and sweet !<3 i llve thinking about being with my SO..(:


              Solid plan!! I loved talking to Nika about our future life together, I can't wait to bring her to Cali and just spoil her of everything she was deprived of. SO EXCITED! we also want 3 kids as well haha! so much in common :P. Considering that she's gonna be finishing College when i'm entering it, I would've probably saved up enough money to go back, and take her with me, so we can find a job together . my awesome cousins have volunteered to take her in while she settles in and gets used to Cali while i save up to find our own little place to live in. I can't wait~! even though our communication isn't what i want it to be, and even though sometimes i get selfish and want her all for myself, i re-read her text messages PROMISING me that i'll be the only one she loves and that we will do everything as a first together. first dance, first relationship, first love, first kiss, first everything! the other guys trying to flirt with her have no chance at all. strong girl she is. . She won't be able to see this, but i just want her to know, I LOVE YOU LOVE KO! !
              My favorite text message conversation:

              Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
              Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
              Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
              Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
              Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
              Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
              Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
              Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
              Tobby: Addict!
              Nika: Addicted! <3


                awwwwwwhhhe she seems SOO sweeet and ur plan sounds sweet & amazinggg ) hehe ! and oh wow ! yall r gonna b in cali? haha maybe ill see ya there ;DD when i move to cali, we r gonna get married probably in cali, but i really want mine & his parents to see it... soo possibly where me or him lives... what age do u wanna gey married? i really wanna get married now...-___- ahahaa but since im quite to youngg (haahahhahahaa) i think i wanna get marriedd at like 22-23!!

                and a little updatee.. onn the money his mom burnt... she talked to him & she cant pay him back all his money but she is gonna buy him a car...! >_< haha sooo i guess thats ok.. but it was still pretttyy mean of waat she did....


                  Well, right now I live in the crappy Rust Belt, where we have crappy winters, no jobs, and run down buildings. So my own personal plan has always been to move to Phoenix Arizona, I absolutely love it there. When I told my boyfriend of how I wanted to move there he was excited and said "when I get back from China, we'll move there together," So, our first plan is me graduating, and then moving to Phoenix, however, I still want to go back to Shanghai and teach English there and learn the language a little more, so those events may be postponed for another year. Also, we definitely want to get married, but we also want to do some traveling and such first, so it won't be for another few years before I get a ring. Once we are married, I want to have 3 kids, and he, well he just wants a boy, which is fine with me as long as we have one before the third baby.

                  One thing I can't wait for is to see him as a dad, I think he would be the best father in the world, and it's something that I just really can't wait to see. (I mean, I can wait for simple reason of the fact that I don't want to have a baby right this minute)



                    Originally posted by Tori101010 View Post
                    awwwwwwhhhe she seems SOO sweeet and ur plan sounds sweet & amazinggg ) hehe ! and oh wow ! yall r gonna b in cali? haha maybe ill see ya there ;DD when i move to cali, we r gonna get married probably in cali, but i really want mine & his parents to see it... soo possibly where me or him lives... what age do u wanna gey married? i really wanna get married now...-___- ahahaa but since im quite to youngg (haahahhahahaa) i think i wanna get marriedd at like 22-23!!

                    and a little updatee.. onn the money his mom burnt... she talked to him & she cant pay him back all his money but she is gonna buy him a car...! >_< haha sooo i guess thats ok.. but it was still pretttyy mean of waat she did....
                    She is the sweetest! The big plan is to move her with me to Cali, i know she won't mind it, but it's gonna be hard for her to leave everything she's known up till whenever she moves with me. she's EXTREMELY close to her family and the neighborhood because its such a tight community there. I also want to get married now. . HAHA, but yeah we're too young and i need a job to support us, so that can wait. So probably when we're around 21-22 I'll propose. we'll get married in the Philippines so her family and all our close friends there can also see us. and a WEIRD thing for his mom to burn his money. . at least she's gonna buy him a car, a car can get you places .
                    My favorite text message conversation:

                    Tobby:love ko! what are you doing?
                    Nika:learning how to cook love ko.
                    Tobby:cooking? please put some in a plastic bag and send some to me so i can taste it! <3
                    Nika: weh? your silly! I'm learning how to cook so when we get married, I'll be cooking all your meals love ko. <3
                    Tobby:your so sweet.<3 marry me now? hahaha
                    Nika: We're still kids love ko, lets wait until we're more mature, but you know my answer will be yes, whenever you ask!
                    Tobby:I love you so much! You're the one for me, I'll wait as long as i need to love ko. love you!
                    Nika:I love you too! call me Nika Sy now.. hehe
                    Tobby: Addict!
                    Nika: Addicted! <3


                      Our tentative plans only go as far as next summer. XD We're thinking about both staying in Portland so we don't have to do the distance thing again. We'd get one of the on-campus apartments together, which just sounds perfect to me.
                      We're both 19 and haven't discussed any farther into the future than that. We both think it'd be silly to plan on getting married since we don't know where we'll be in 3 years. I mean, I love him with all my heart and I know he feels the same. I'd love to marry him someday, but I'm not going to tell myself I will at this point, especially since our relationship is still very young. (In terms of how long we've been together)
                      If we did end up marrying after college, I assume we'd both live in Portland, where we go to school. Neither of us would want to live in Tampa where he's from and Seattle (where I'm from) has a much higher cost of living compared to Portland.


                        @tobby awwwhee <3 well i wish u luck on ur future...<3

                        @jennten well, some people llve to think about marriage and their future ! maybe ur differeent? but yess ur future sounds sweet as well!' and i wish u the best of luckk !!! xD<3


                          Buring money is a weird and crazy thing to do :L
                          Me and my SO have a lot of our future planned out really. He is moving here next april (2012) for two years. After that when his visa is up im moving back to Canada with him. Within the two years he is here we are going to get married and its also early becayse when i move to Canada its easier for me to get a visa Then we have decided to get a town house and work until im about 22/23 and then start thinking about kids We have said we want to visit Dubai a few times (He used to live there when he was younger because his dad used to run some well known hotels out there). Also we want to get dogs too. Theres a lot thats been said >.<


                            aawwwheeee thats sounds like a perfect future hehee! its cute how ur gettin married young well, i wish yall soooooooo much luck on the future !! hehe i hope everythin goes rightt!!


                              Seriously you might consider using proper english instead of text speak. This is for two reasons : 1) Text speak is annoying and degrades my brain haha and 2) (most important) we have a lot of people here who's first language isn't English, so if you're using abreviations of a language they already don't understand that's confusing!

                              Other than that... The future is so exciting isn't it?! I spend heaps of time thinking about it too. Here's our plan: We're moving back to Australia next month (hopefully he gets his visa in time, but if not he'll follow me in a few weeks or so) and we'll find jobs and a place to rent, and I'll start studying to become a civil celebrant. Then in Feb we're getting married. We're planning on having children immediatly after said marriage. The after 3 or 5 years we'll move back to Canada and buy our first home <3
                              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

