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Future Plans..<3 :)

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    Originally posted by pytsip View Post
    Well, right now I live in the crappy Rust Belt, where we have crappy winters, no jobs, and run down buildings. So my own personal plan has always been to move to Phoenix Arizona, I absolutely love it there.
    That's pretty funny because my SO lives in Tucson, AZ and I've always been planning on going there to meet him, if not pick him up and bring him home with me

    Well, my SO is called Chris, and our plan is that he'll move to be with me in the UK. He's made it quite plain that he wants to marry me someday when we're both older, and perhaps even start a family I'm not sure at the moment when that would be all possible though, with all the problems that we're facing at the moment...


      lol uhmmm im sorry, but i guess this is just the way i type... im not gonna change it for anyone, in fact i cant. sorry i mean u dont have to read what i type if u cant understand it ) but sweet story<3


        I'm sure you need to type in proper English for school and that you do in fact know how lol. But, you're right, I don't have to read it.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          You and your SO sound a lot like how me and my SO were when we first began dating. :]
          I was 15 and he was 17, and we actually got secretly engaged for over a year before we went to the courts and get married when I turned 18. :] But, as of right now we're working on closing the distance in the near future, and are planning on trying for a baby. I really cannot wait to see him as a dad. I remember in his boot camp letters getting a house and starting a family is all he would go on about for at least a page, sometimes 2 or 3. So, beyond the house and family, I'm going to be starting school up in my new home (due to OPSEC I can't say where) for my Psychology major while he works on his military career. :]


            Ahh thinking about the future really helps get me through the hard times when I really miss my babe =) He lives in California and I live in Maryland and our plans are to attend college which I'm starting this year here in Maryland and he is starting at a community college over where he lives. Then hopefully meet for the second time this December here in Maryland again =) (so excited!) and then I'm going to go meet his family for the first time in Cali next summer! Once he gets enough credits, he wants to transfer over to my school and finish with me. We want to get married young =) Probably within a year of finishing college but we're not exactly sure where. It depends if we are still living in Maryland or not. Ive been looking into traveling nursing since I want to be a nurse, and if I sign up with an agency, I want to move to Cali where we can live together with free housing and find the perfect place to live. Once we find that place, I'd just stay at the hospital there instead of moving to another one again. We also want to have kids young =) I'd love to have at least one before I'm 25. I just can't wait for our future together =) I know things might not go as planned but as long as I have him and a happy family, that's all I could ask for. He's my best friend and when I'm with him, I'm the happiest I've ever been so actually having him for the rest of my life is going to be amazing =) I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! (sorry I had to get that out lol)


              Right now we're just enjoying living together. He needs to finish law school and I need to get my career going before we think about anything else. Neither of us want children so we don't have to worry about that. We're just making it up as we go.

              "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
              - A. A. Milne


                Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                Seriously you might consider using proper english instead of text speak. This is for two reasons : 1) Text speak is annoying and degrades my brain haha and 2) (most important) we have a lot of people here who's first language isn't English, so if you're using abreviations of a language they already don't understand that's confusing!
                I don't mean anything bad, but I agree on this one. Cheers.

                Anyway, my future plans with my SO include family meeting which will most likely be in Malaysia. Hopefully it will happen within the next 6 months. Things are prolly getting slower than expected, but we're all right with that. In fact it's better to wait a bit longer and do necessary steps, all for good not just for me and my SO, but also for our families. We are not in a rush to get married but it's definitely our ultimate goal. His plans include re-taking IELTS so he could apply for PhD in (preferably) Australia or basically in any uni in any country that can accept his research topic. We have plans but we also go with the flow.


                  Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                  I'm sure you need to type in proper English for school and that you do in fact know how lol. But, you're right, I don't have to read it.
                  Agreed, lol. English is my first language, and I too have a hard time understanding it, so I can't imagine it's easy for someone for whom it's not a first language. It's awesome that there are people from all different cultures and countries here, and it'd be nice if everyone could read what's been written!

                  Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                  Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                  Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                    Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                    I'm sure you need to type in proper English for school and that you do in fact know how lol.
                    I had students try to turn lab reports into me written in "text slang". I'd give them 0s. But some teachers were okay with it. *sigh* Goodbye grammar!


                      Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                      I had students try to turn lab reports into me written in "text slang". I'd give them 0s. But some teachers were okay with it. *sigh* Goodbye grammar!
                      Glad to know that we have something in common! Text slang in assignments is a huge no-no to me, and I'm very sensitive towards misspellings too! :P


                        Our basic plan is for me to finish undergrad at the University in NY where we met. He's planning on finding a job and saving up, getting his own place, getting his life all together, etc. He'll visit me there or at my house in Massachusetts. I'll visit him at his house in Maryland. We want to get married some time after I graduate and then there's grad school which is kind of up in the air. I have to go because I plan on teaching and a year is required. I'll either do that in NY and we'll have a long distance relationship or marriage whatever has happened at that point, or I'll do it in Maryland and just start of married life together then.

                        Pretty simple basic plan.
                        ". . . We obviously have to come to accept it, but that doesn't stop it from gnawing at us day by day.
                        The best we can do is enjoy our time together, anticipate our reunions, and remain passionate and loyal through distance." ~Mike <3



                          We have no real plan to be honest. Our future's so changeable that we really can't make promises of "this is what's going to happen". Were slowly figuring it out, we had a big discussion on it a couple weeks back. So I figure, the 'plan', as unspecified as this is:

                          I graduate high school (of course), when I turn 18 I will be getting a driver's license/motorcycle license (though that may be put off until I'm actually away from my overprotective mother lol), then during summer vacation I will get a job at a resteraunt of some sort hopefully to get some work experience in that business. Once I see how that business runs, I will go on to study Culinary Management at community college for 2 years. Meanwhile, my SO will be doing his Fire Technology courses online I assume, while also doing wild land firefighting and possibly EMT stuff. So within those 2 years, we'll both just be doing our own thing...and by the 3rd or 4th year we somehow need to "mesh" our lives together... Which would most likely be by him and I moving to Arizona to live together, along with getting a job in baking/pastry somewhere in AZ that'll be easy for me to get to, while he continues his wild land fire fighting and possibly motorcycle school if he chooses that. Anyway, its going to be a long road ahead of me, and like I said, the future is changeable. I can't really determine what will happen, the best I can really do is have a dream of what I want and go for it with all I got. And that dream is right there, all of that and being with him, and hopefully our relationship will expand more and more with the years we get to be with each other.

                          So all in all, there's my "dream" or "goal", rather than a real plan. :P


                            Well... I'm not sure. A vague plan is for me to finish my nursing and then become a midwife as well... I want to have to skills so as to be versatile. I can easily work in England, but Matt wants to move over here once he's qualified as a surveyor. At the moment our future involves a lot of study, visits once a year to the other side of the world and maybe living together and starting a family... I hope. I can't imagine doing that with anyone else... Wow. Thinking about the future feels nice... I'm just focusing on study at the moment and visiting Matt in December. I really like the way it feels to think about living together and being in what I feel will be a better relationship...

